List species and varieties by family
Euchaetidae Giesbrecht, 1892 ( Clausocalanoidea )
(1) Euchaeta Philippi, 1843
Rem.: type: Cyclops marinus Prestandrea,1833. The genus redefined by Bradford & al. (1983, p.18) holds only 4 spp.: E. indica , E. marina , E. marinella , E. rimana. Fontaine (1988) discusses the validity of this genus founded on the type species P. norvegica Boeck,1872. Numerous species show characters, intermediate between the two type species: E. marina and P. norvegica. Species groups have been tempted as E. marina et E. antarctica . According to the authors the species would be distributed, subsequently to ancient descriptors, in one genus ( With,1915; Vervoort,1957; Fontaine,1967; Bradford, 1972; 1974; Park,1975; Fontaine, 1988 ), or two genera ( A. Scott,1909; Sars, 1925; Rose, 1933 a; Sewell, 1947; Brodsky,1950; Tanaka,1958; Heptner,1971; Yamanaka, 1976; Bradford & al., 1983; Park, 1995 (p.13).
Park (1995) redefines the genus and establishes 3 groups: 'marina', 'concinna', 'acuta', plus 1 independent (E. spinosa), comprising a total of 16 analysed (*) species.
In total, 16 species have been inventoried but certain need a complementary description.

Diagnosis after Bradford & al. (1983, p.18):
- Distal edge of Mx1 inner lobe 1 (arthrite) with at least 7 spines, posterior surface with up to 4 setae (total number of spines and setae on lobe = 11); inner lobe 2 or 3 absent, remaining lobe with 1 seta; basipod 2 with 3 setae, endopod with 4 setae, exopod with 11 setae, outer lobe with 5 setae.
- Females with 2 of the 6 apical setae of Mx2 covered with long spines in addition to short spinules .
- Male left P5 with thin-skinned lobe at base of long terminal spiniform process of exopod segment 3; digitiform process always spine-like.

Diagnosis after Park (1995, p.13) :
Appendicular caudal setae greatly developed, straight, and much thicker and longer than distal marginal setae of caudal ramus ;
Distal exopodal segment in both right and left P5 of male tapering into a long spine.
Type species: Euchaeta marina (Prestandrea, 1833).

Diagnosis after Boxshall & Halsey (2004, p.120) :
Mx2 female with 2 of the 6 apical setae ornamented with long setules in addition to short spinules.
Male left P5 with thin-walled lobe at base of long terminal spiniform process of 3rd exopodal segment

[1] Euchaeta acuta  Giesbrecht, 1892   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

Euchaeta acuta pacifica    Esterly, 1911   (M)
Ref.: Esterly, 1911 (p.324, figs.M); Brodsky, 1950 (1967) (p.199, figs.M); Tanaka, 1958 (p.330, Rem.); Park, 1995 (p.24, Rem.)
Loc: Californie
Rem.: Cf. Euchaeta media

Euchaeta arabica    Sciacchitano, 1930   (M)
Ref.: Sciacchitano, 1930 (p.17, figs.M); 1930 a (149, Descr.M); Sewell, 1948 (p.540); Gaudy, 1963 a (p.13); Crisafi, 1965 a (p.65, Rem.)
Loc: G. d'Aden
Rem.: Juv. 5 M. Cf.?

Euchaeta australis    Brady, 1883   (F,M)
Ref.: Brady, 1883 (p.65, figs.F,M); Giesbrecht & Schmeil, 1898 (p.34)
Rem.: Cf. Undeuchaeta major ou plumosa

Euchaeta biconvexa    Park, 1978   (F,M)
Syn.: ? Pareuchaeta tumidula : Heptner, 1971 (p.108); Paraeuchaeta biconvexa : Bradford & al., 1983 (p.28, figs.F,M, Rem.)
Ref.: Park, 1978 (p.264, figs.F,M, Rem.: p.267)
Loc: off Chili, Is. Juan Fernandez, Antarct. (Nouvelle-Zélande S)
Rem.: Park (1967, p.267) discute la validité des formes E. pseudotumidula , tumidula et biconvexa . Bradford & al (1983) estiment , à mon sens à tort que la forme redécrite par Heptner (1971) comme E. tumidula pourrait être un synonyme de E. biconvexa . Park 1995 (p.82,83) considère cette forme comme synonyme de Paraeuchaeta tumidula

[2] Euchaeta concinna  Dana, 1849   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

Euchaeta consimilis    Farran, 1936   (F)
Ref.: Farran, 1936 a (p.90, figs.F); Vervoort, 1957 (p.77); Grice, 1961 (1962) (p.201, Rem.); Chen & Zhang, 1965 (p.130: Rem.);
Loc: Australie (Grande Barrière)
Rem.: Cf. Euchaeta concinna

Euchaeta daitomarui    Mori, 1937   (F)
Ref.: Mori, 1937 (1964) (p.48, figs.F); Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23)
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta russeli

Euchaeta diegensis    Esterly, 1911   (F)
Syn.: Paraeuchaeta diegensis : Bradford & al.,1983 (p.20)
Ref.: Esterly, 1911 (p.323, Descr.F, figs.F); Brodsky, 1950 (1967) (p.202, figs.F, Rem.); Park, 1995 (p.24, Rem.)
Loc: San Diego
Rem.: Cf. Euchaeta media

Euchaeta dubia    Esterly, 1906   (M)
Syn.: non Pareuchaeta dubia : Tanaka & Omori, 1967 (p.245); 1968 (p.234, figs.F); Pareuchaeta comosa (M) : Tanaka, 1958 (p.363, figs.M); Paraeuchaeta dubia : Bradford & al., 1983 (p.20, Rem.); non E. dubia : Vervoort, 1963 b (p.136, figs.M)
Ref.: Esterly, 1906 (p.63, Descr.M, figs.M); Park, 1977 (p.36, Rem.)
Loc: San Diego
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta californica

Euchaeta farrani    With, 1915   (F,M)
Syn.: Euchaete farrani With, 1915 (p.172, figs.F); Euchaeta. barbata : Sars, 1902 (1903) (p.41, figs.F,M); Pareuchaeta Farrani : Farran, 1929 (p.240, Rem.); Paraeuchaeta barbata : Wilson, 1932 a (p.67, figs.F,M); Paraeuchaeta farrani : Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23, 28, 39)
Ref.: Vervoort, 1957 (p.83, Rem.); Park, 1978 (p.261, 263, figs.F,M, Rem.); Mauchline, 1992 (p.131, Rem.)
Loc: Antarct., Woods Hole, Islande, Groenland W, Is. Lofoten, Mer de Norvège, off Californie, off Nouvelle-Zélande
Rem.: L'identité de cette espèce avec E. barbata Brady,1883 est établie par Mauchline (1992). Cf. Paraeuchaeta barbata

Euchaeta flava    Giesbrecht, 1888   (F)
Syn.: non E. flava : Mori, 1937 (1964) (p.47); ? Shih & Young, 1995 (p.70); Paraeuchaeta flava : Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23)
Ref.: Giesbrecht, 1892 (p.246, figs.F); Giesbrecht & Schmeil, 1898 (p.40); Chiba, 1953 a (p.616, figs.F); Vervoort, 1957 (p.77)
Loc: Galapagos SW, Yucatan E (in Suarez & Gasca,1989)
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta flava

Euchaeta gladiofera    Gaudy, 1963   (F)
Syn.: Paraeuchaeta gladiofera : Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23)
Ref.: Gaudy, 1963 b (p.9, figs.F); Binet & Dessier, 1971 (p.427, Rem.)
Loc: Dakar
Rem.: Cf. Euchaeta paraconcinna

Euchaeta hebes    Giesbrecht, 1888   (F,M)
Ref.: Euchäta hebes Giesbrecht, 1892 (p.246, 263, 742, figs.F,M)
Rem.: Cf.: Paraeuchaeta hebes

Euchaeta hebes valida    T. Scott, 1894   (M)
Ref.: T. Scott, 1894 b (p.60, figs.M); Sewell, 1929 (p.163: Rem.)
Rem.: Cf. ? Paraeuchaeta gracilis

Euchaeta hessei    Brady, 1883   (F,M)
Ref.: Brady, 1883 (p.63, figs.F,M); I. C. Thompson, 1903 a (p.18); van Breemen, 1908 a (p.55)
Rem.: Cf.: ? part. Euchirella rostrata

Euchaeta hessei similis    T. Scott, 1894   (M)
Ref.: T. Scott, 1894 b (p.58, Descr.M, figs.M); I. C. Thompson, 1903 a (p.18); Vervoort, 1957 (p.84, Rem.)
Loc: G. de Guinée, Irlande SW
Rem.: Cf. ? Gaidius tenuispinus (M) Sars

[3] Euchaeta indica  Wolfenden, 1905   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

Euchaeta japonica    Marukawa, 1921   (F,M)
Syn.: Pareuchaeta japonica : Brodsky, 1950 (1967) (p.210, figs.F,M); Paraeuchaeta japonica : Vaupel-Klein, 1970 (p.17); Paraeuchaeta elongata : Bradford & al., 1983 (p.22-23)
Ref.: Sewell, 1948 (p.561, Rem.); Campbell, 1934 (p.32, Rem.,figs. N, juv., F,M)
Loc: Japon N, Mer du Japon, Mer d'Okhotsk, Mer de Béring, off Canada E
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta elongata

[4] Euchaeta longicornis  Giesbrecht, 1888   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

Euchaeta longissima    Park, 1978   (F,M)
Syn.: Paraeuchaeta longissima : Bradford & al., 1983 (p.43, figs.F,M, Rem.)
Ref.: Park, 1978 (p.283, figs.F,M); 1995 (p.62, 63, Rem.)
Loc: Antarct.
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta kurilensis

[5] Euchaeta magniloba  Park, 1978   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[6] Euchaeta marina  (Prestandrea, 1833)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[7] Euchaeta marinella  Bradford, 1974   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[8] Euchaeta media  Giesbrecht, 1888   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

Euchaeta murrayi    Sewell, 1947   (F)
Ref.: Sewell, 1947 (p.117, figs.F)
Loc: Mer Arabe
Rem.: Cf. Euchaeta plana

Euchaeta oceana    Thompson, 1903   (M)
Ref.: I. C. Thompson, 1903 a (p.19, Descr.M, figs.M); van Breemen, 1908 a (p.221, Rem.)
Loc: Irlande SW
Rem.: Cf. Gaetanus ou Gaidius

Euchaeta ovata    Sato, 1913   
Ref.: Park, 1995 (p.9)
Rem.: Cf. ?Paraeuchaeta russelli (M) & Euchaeta marina (F)

[9] Euchaeta paraacuta  Tanaka, 1973   (F,M)    [Figs]

[10] Euchaeta paraconcinna  Fleminger, 1957   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

Euchaeta philippii    Brady, 1883   (F)
Ref.: Brady, 1883 (p.64, figs.F)
Rem.: Forme juv. Cf.?

[11] Euchaeta plana  Mori, 1937   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[12] Euchaeta pubera  Sars, 1907   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

Euchaeta quadrata    Farran, 1908   (F)
Syn.: Paraeuchaeta quadrata : Bradford & al.,1983 (p.23)
Ref.: Farran, 1908 b (p.43, Descr.F, figs.F); Wolfenden, 1911 (p.297, figs.F); Vervoort, 1963 b (p.168, Rem.)
Loc: Atlant. NE
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta gracilis

[13] Euchaeta rimana  Bradford, 1974   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

Euchaeta robusta    Wolfenden, 1911   (F)
Syn.: Paraeuchaeta robusta : Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23)
Ref.: Wolfenden, 1911 (p.299, Descr.F, figs.F); Vervoort, 1957 (p.83); Grice & Hulsemann, 1967 (p.25, Rem.F)
Loc: off Is. du Cap Vert, off Tristan da Cunha, ? Indien W
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta robusta

Euchaeta scaphula    Fontaine, 1967   (F,M)
Syn.: Paraeuchaeta tonsa : A. Scott, 1909 (p.72, figs.F); Pareuchaeta tonsa : C. B. Wilson, 1950 (p.284); Tanaka, 1958 (p.365, figs.); Sewell, 1947 (p.131, figs.); Paraeuchaeta scaphula : Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23)
Ref.: Fontaine, 1967 (p.209, figs.F,M)
Loc: Indien N (?), Indonésie-Malaisie, Philippines, Japon, Californie
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta tuberculata

Euchaeta similis    Wolfenden, 1911   (F)
Ref.: Wolfenden, 1911 (p.296, figs.F)
Loc: Antarct.
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta similis

Euchaeta solida    Esterly, 1911   (M)
Syn.: Pareuchaeta solida : Brodsky, 1950 (1967) (p.221, figs.M); ? Tanaka & Omori, 1968 (p.255, figs.M); Paraeuchaeta solida : Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23)
Ref.: Esterly, 1911 (p.324, Descr.M, figs.M); Sewell, 1947 (p.117)
Loc: Californie
Rem.: Cf. Euchaeta tenuis

Euchaeta spinifera    Esterly, 1906   (M)
Syn.: Pareuchaeta spinifera : Brodsky, 1950 (1967) (p.221, figs.M, Rem.); Paraeuchaeta spinifera : Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23)
Ref.: Esterly, 1906 a (p.62, Descr.M, figs.M); Sewell, 1947 (p.129, figs.M, Rem.)
Loc: Californie, Indonésie-Malaisie, Mer Arabe
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta tonsa

[14] Euchaeta spinosa  Giesbrecht, 1892   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[15] Euchaeta tenuis  Esterly, 1906   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

Euchaeta wilsoni    Jespersen, 1934   (F)
Syn.: Pareuchaeta wilsoni : Grainger, 1965 (p.557)
Ref.: Jespersen, 1934 (p.69, Descr.F, figs.F); Sewell, 1948 (p.486, 493); Vinogradov, 1958 (1970) (p.195, 261); Shih & al., 1971 (p.204)
Loc: Ellesmere, Mer de Baffin NW
Lg.: (49) F: 9,2
Rem.: sp. douteuse

Euchaeta wolfendeni    A. Scott, 1909   (F,M)
Ref.: A. Scott, 1909 (p.68, figs.F,M); Sewell, 1948 (p.418, Rem.); Vervoort, 1957 (p.78); De Decker & Mombeck, 1964 (p.12); Vinogradov, 1968 (1970) (p.277); Tanaka, 1973 (p.139, fig.F, Rem.); Marques, 1976 (p.990, fig.F, Rem.: Syn. avec E. indica ou E. pubera ); 1982 (p.759)
Rem.: Cf. Euchaeta indica

[16] Euchaeta wrighti  Park, 1968   (F)    [Figs]

Euchaeta spp.    Séret, 1979   
Ref.: Séret, 1979 (p.103-107, figs.F, juv.)
Loc: Antarct. (off Kerguelen)
(2) Paraeuchaeta A. Scott, 1909
Rem.: Park (1995) redefines 6 species groups: 'malayensis' (p.30, 31, 97), 'pavloskii' (p.30, 66, 98), 'norvegica' (p.30, 71, 98), 'glacialis' (p.31, 81, 98), 'hebes' (p.31, 83, 99), 'antarctica' (p.30, 87, 99), plus 3 independent species (p.30). Following the criteria defined by Park (1995) 66 spp. belong to this genus (*), 15 spp. seem to have been referred to (**), the remaining species need a complementary description.
Type species: Paraeuchaeta norvegica (Boeck, 1872). In total 88 spp. are inventoried (plus 3 unidentified).

Diagnosis after Bradford & al. (1983, p.20):
- Females with either : 1 of the 6 apical setae of Mx2 covered with long spines in addition to short spinules, or all 6 apical setae of Mx2 covered with spinules of uniform short length.
- Male left P5 without thin-skinned lobe on exopod segment 3, which may terminate in a long spiniform process, a short point, or be rounded.

Diagnosis after Park (1995, p.13) :
Appendicular caudal sete of female either geniculated or smoothly curved and distinctltly thinner but usually longer than principal marginal setae of caudal ramus.
3rd exopodal segment of male left P5 about as long as but much thinner than 2nd, with a very small, vestigial terminal spine.

Diagnosis after Boxshall & Halsey (2004, p.120) :
Mx2 female either with only 1 apical seta ornamented with long setules and short spinules, or with all 6 setae ornamented with uniformly short spinules.
Male left P5 without thin-walled lobe on 3rd exopodal segment, which may be rounded, pointed or form long spiniform process.

After Bode & al. (2018, p.75), the species of this genus are 'rheotactic' predators; they apply a 'drift and wait' feeding strategy, having extremely strong maxillipeds and feeding appendages, which even allow them to feed on large diapausing calanids (Auel & Hagen, 2002; Laakmann & al., 2009 a, 2009b), thereby taking advantage of a ''trophic shortcut'' from primary production in the surface layer to the deep sea via seasonally vertically migrating copepods (Hagen & al., 1995; Auel, 1999; Laakmann & al., 2009a, 2009b).

[1] Paraeuchaeta abbreviata  (Park, 1978)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[2] Paraeuchaeta abrikosovi  Heptner, 1971   (F)    [Figs]

[3] Paraeuchaeta abyssalis  Brodsky, 1950   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[4] Paraeuchaeta abyssaloides  Heptner, 1987   (M)    [Figs]

[5] Paraeuchaeta aequatorialis  Tanaka, 1958   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[6] Paraeuchaeta affinis  (Cleve, 1904)   (F)

[7] Paraeuchaeta alaminae  (Park, 1975)   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[8] Paraeuchaeta altibulla  Park, 1995   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[9] Paraeuchaeta anfracta  Park, 1995   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[10] Paraeuchaeta antarctica  (Giesbrecht, 1902)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[11] Paraeuchaeta austrina  (Giesbrecht, 1902)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[12] Paraeuchaeta barbata  (Brady, 1883)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[13] Paraeuchaeta biloba  Farran, 1929   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[14] Paraeuchaeta birostrata  Brodsky, 1950   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[15] Paraeuchaeta bisinuata  (Sars, 1907)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[16] Paraeuchaeta bradyi  (With, 1915)   (F,M)    [Figs]

[17] Paraeuchaeta brevirostris  Brodsky, 1950   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[18] Paraeuchaeta bulbirostris  Heptner, 1987   (juv. F)    [Figs]

[19] Paraeuchaeta californica  (Esterly, 1906)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[20] Paraeuchaeta calva  Tanaka, 1958   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[21] Paraeuchaeta comosa  Tanaka, 1958   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[22] Paraeuchaeta confusa  Tanaka, 1958   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[23] Paraeuchaeta copleyae  Park, 1995   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

Paraeuchaeta crassa    Tanaka, 1958   (F,M)
Syn.: Pareuchaeta crassa Tanaka, 1958 (p.357, figs.F,M)
Ref.: Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23)
Loc: Japon (Sagami)
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta rubra

[24] Paraeuchaeta dactylifera  (Park, 1978)   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

Paraeuchaeta dentata    A. Scott, 1909   (M)
Ref.: A. Scott, 1909 (p.76, Descr.M, figs.M); Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23)
Loc: Mer de Banda
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta sarsi

[25] Paraeuchaeta elongata  (Esterly, 1913)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[26] Paraeuchaeta eltaninae  (Park, 1978)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[27] Paraeuchaeta eminens  Tanaka & Omori, 1968   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[28] Paraeuchaeta erebi  Farran, 1929   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[29] Paraeuchaeta euryrhina  Park, 1995   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[30] Paraeuchaeta exigua  (Wolfenden, 1911)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[31] Paraeuchaeta flava  (Giesbrecht, 1888)   (F)    [Figs]

[32] Paraeuchaeta glacialis  (Hansen, 1887)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[33] Paraeuchaeta gracilicauda  A. Scott, 1909   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[34] Paraeuchaeta gracilis  (Sars, 1905)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[35] Paraeuchaeta grandiremis  (Giesbrecht, 1888)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[36] Paraeuchaeta guttata  Heptner, 1971   (F)    [Figs]

[37] Paraeuchaeta hanseni  (With, 1915)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[38] Paraeuchaeta hastata  Heptner, 1987   (F)    [Figs]

[39] Paraeuchaeta hebes  (Giesbrecht, 1888)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[40] Paraeuchaeta implicata  Heptner, 1987   (F)    [Figs]

[41] Paraeuchaeta incisa  (Sars, 1905)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[42] Paraeuchaeta investigatoris  Sewell, 1929   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[43] Paraeuchaeta kurilensis  Heptner, 1971   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

Paraeuchaeta laudabilis    Tanaka & Omori, 1968   (F)
Syn.: Pareuchaeta laudabilis Tanaka & Omori, 1968 (p.239, Descr.F, figs.F);
Ref.: Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23); Park, 1995 (p.52, Rem.)
Loc: Japon (Izu)
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta brevirostris

[44] Paraeuchaeta longisetosa  Heptner, 1971   (F)    [Figs]

[45] Paraeuchaeta malayensis  Sewell, 1929   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[46] Paraeuchaeta megaloba  Park, 1995   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[47] Paraeuchaeta mexicana  Park, 1995   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[48] Paraeuchaeta modesta  Brodsky, 1950   (F)    [Figs]

[49] Paraeuchaeta norvegica  (Boeck, 1872)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[50] Paraeuchaeta oculata  Heptner, 1971   (F)    [Figs]

[51] Paraeuchaeta orientalis  Brodsky, 1950   (F)    [Figs]

[52] Paraeuchaeta papilliger  Park, 1995   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[53] Paraeuchaeta parabbreviata  Park, 1995   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[54] Paraeuchaeta paraprudens  Park, 1995   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[55] Paraeuchaeta parvula  (Park, 1978)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[56] Paraeuchaeta pavlovskii  Brodsky, 1955   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[57] Paraeuchaeta perplexa  Heptner, 1987   (M)    [Figs]

[58] Paraeuchaeta plaxiphora  Park, 1995   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[59] Paraeuchaeta plicata  Heptner, 1971   (F)    [Figs]

Paraeuchaeta plumifera    Brady, 1918   (F)
Ref.: Brady, 1918 (p.21, figs.F); Sewell, 1948 (p.575); Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23)
Loc: Antarct. (Indien E)
Rem.: sp. douteuse

[60] Paraeuchaeta polaris  Brodsky, 1950   (F,M)    [Figs]

Paraeuchaeta polita    Tanaka & Omori, 1968   (F)
Syn.: Pareuchaeta polita Tanaka & Omori, 1968 (p.246, Descr.F, figs.F)
Ref.: Park, 1975 c (p.10, 12, Rem.); Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23)
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta calva

[61] Paraeuchaeta prima  Heptner, 1971   (F)    [Figs]

[62] Paraeuchaeta propinqua  (Esterly, 1906)   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[63] Paraeuchaeta prudens  Tanaka & Omori, 1968   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[64] Paraeuchaeta pseudotonsa  (Fontaine, 1967)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

Paraeuchaeta pseudotumidula    Brodsky, 1950   (F,M)
Syn.: Pareuchaeta pseudotumidula Brodsky, 1950 (1967) (p.217, figs.F,M)
Ref.: Heptner, 1971 (p.108, Rem.); Park, 1978 (p.267, Rem.); Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23); Park, 1995 (p.9, Rem.)
Loc: Mer d'Okhotsk
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta tumidula

[65] Paraeuchaeta rasa  Farran, 1929   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[66] Paraeuchaeta regalis  (Grice & Hulsemann, 1968)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[67] Paraeuchaeta robusta  (Wolfenden, 1911)   (F)    [Figs]

[68] Paraeuchaeta rotundirostris  Heptner, 1987   (F)    [Figs]

[69] Paraeuchaeta rubicunda  (Farran, 1908)   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[70] Paraeuchaeta rubra  Brodsky, 1950   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[71] Paraeuchaeta russelli  (Farran, 1936)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[72] Paraeuchaeta sarsi  (Farran, 1908)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[73] Paraeuchaeta scopaeorhina  Park, 1995   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[74] Paraeuchaeta scotti  (Farran, 1908)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[75] Paraeuchaeta sesquipedalis  Park, 1995   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[76] Paraeuchaeta sibogae  A. Scott, 1909   (F)    [Figs]

[77] Paraeuchaeta similis  (Wolfenden, 1908)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[78] Paraeuchaeta simplex  Tanaka, 1958   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

Paraeuchaeta simulantis    Tanaka & Omori, 1968   (F)
Syn.: Pareuchaeta simulantis Tanaka & Omori, 1968 (p.253, Descr.F, figs.F)
Ref.: Park, 1975 c (p.10, 12, Rem.); Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23)
Loc: Japon (Sagami)
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta calva

Paraeuchaeta striata    Tanaka & Omori, 1968   (F)
Syn.: Pareuchaeta striata Tanaka & Omori, 1968 (p.257, Descr.F, figs.F)
Ref.: Park, 1975 c (p.21, 23, Rem.); Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23)
Loc: Japon (Izu)
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta vorax

[79] Paraeuchaeta subtilirostris  Heptner, 1971   (F)    [Figs]

[80] Paraeuchaeta tonsa  (Giesbrecht, 1895)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[81] Paraeuchaeta tridentata  Heptner, 1987   (M)    [Figs]

[82] Paraeuchaeta triloba  Park, 1995   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[83] Paraeuchaeta tuberculata  A. Scott, 1909   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[84] Paraeuchaeta tumidula  (Sars, 1905)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[85] Paraeuchaeta tycodesma  (Park, 1978)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[86] Paraeuchaeta vervoorti  (Park, 1978)   (F)   (*)    [Figs]

[87] Paraeuchaeta vorax  (Grice & Hulsemann, 1968)   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

[88] Paraeuchaeta weberi  A. Scott, 1909   (F,M)   (*)    [Figs]

Paraeuchaeta withi    Sewell, 1947   (M)
Syn.: Euchaeta withi : Owre & Foyo, 1967 (p.57, figs.M); Park, 1978 (p.246, 249, Rem.); Pareuchaeta withi : Tanaka & Omori, 1968 (p.258, figs.M)
Ref.: Sewell, 1947 (p.131, Descr.M, figs.M); Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23)
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta hanseni

Paraeuchaeta sp.    Tanaka, 1960   (juv. F)
Syn.: Pareuchaeta sp. Tanaka, 1960 (p.39, figs. juv.F)
Loc: Antarct.
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta antarctica

Paraeuchaeta sp.    Zvereva, 1972   (juv. M)
Syn.: Pareuchaeta sp. Zvereva, 1972 (1975) (p.252, figs. juv.M)
Ref.: Séret, 1979 (p.107: Rem.)
Loc: Antarct.
Rem.: Cf. Paraeuchaeta antarctica

Paraeuchaeta spp. Séret    , 1979   (F)
Syn.: Euchaeta spp. Séret, 1979 (p.103, figs.F)
Loc: off Kerguelen
Lg.: (246) F: 7,32; 6,24; 6,1; 5,93; 5,6

[89] Paraeuchaeta sp. A  Bradford, Haakonssen & Jillett, 1983   (F)    [Figs]

[90] Paraeuchaeta sp. B  Bradford, Haakonsen & Jillett, 1983   (F)    [Figs]

[91] Paraeuchaeta sp. C  Bradford, Haakonsen & Jillett, 1983   (F)    [Figs]

 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2024. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at [Accessed July 27, 2024]

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Sorbonne Université


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