List species and varieties by family
Lucicutiidae Sars, 1902 ( Arietelloidea )
Isochaeta Giesbrecht, 1889
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia
Isochaeta longisetosus    Thompson, 1903   (F)
Ref.: I. C. Thompson, 1903 a (p.26, figs.F); van Breemen, 1908 a (p.117); Hulsemann, 1989 (p.98, Rem.)
Rem.: Cf. Pseudaugaptilus longiremis
Isochaeta ovalis    Giesbrecht, 1889   (F)
Ref.: Giesbrecht, 1892 (p.367, figs.F); Giesbrecht & Schmeil, 1898 (p.112); Vervoort, 1957 (p.128, Rem.); Hulsemann, 1989 (p.97, 98)
Loc: Pacif.
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia ovalis (Giesbrecht,1889)
(1) Lucicutia Giesbrecht & Schmeil, 1898
Rem.: Hülsemann (1966) investigates the genus Lucicutia, giving specifications on the synonymies and the distribution of numerous species. The author brings to mind that the genus Isochaeta (Giesbrecht, 1889; Rose, 1933; Brodsky, 1950) was put in synonymy by Grice (1963). The family Lucicutiidae considered originally as a subfamily of the Centropagidae (Leuckartiinae de Giesbrecht 1892) has been created by Sars (1902). Andronov (1974) regards this family as relatively primitive, close to the Heterorhabdidae, Metridinidae, Augaptilidae and Arietellidae (Augaptiloidea).
Type: Leuckartia flavicornis Claus,1863. Total: 43 spp. + 1 unnamed.

Diagnosis after Bradford-Grieve (1999 b, p.92). Female :
- Body slender. Prosome oval.
- Head and pedigerous segment 1 separated, pedigerous segments 4 and 5 fused.
- Posterolateral corners rounded.
- Head rounded anteriorly, sometimes with anterolateral horns.
- Rostral filaments slender.
- Urosome elongate, 4-segmented.
- Caudal rami symmetrical, relatively long, with 7 setae.
- A1 symmetrical, 25-segmented.
A2 basis with 1-2 outer edge setae; exopod and endopod separated from basis; endopod 2-segmented, segment 1 with 2 setae at about midlength, segment 2 with 7 inner setae medially and 6 or 7 setae terminally; exopod 8-segmented.
- Md blade with 9 sharp teeth; endopod 2-segmented, segment 1 with 4 setae, segment 2 with 8 setae terminally; exopod segments 1-4 with 1 seta each, segment 5 carrying 2 setae.
- Mx1 inner lobe 1 (= praecoxal arthrite) with 13 spines and setae; inner lobes 2 and 3 with 3 setae each; basipod 2 with 4 setae; endopod 1-segmented, with 4+5 setae; exopod large, with 11 setae; outer lobe 1 with 5-6 setae.
- Mx2 lobes 1-5 with 3-4, 3, 3, 3, 3 setae, one of the setae on lobe 5 stouter than the other two, spinulose; endopod with 7 setae.
- Mxp basipod 1 (= coxa) with 3-5 setae; basipod 2 (= basis) with patches of setules or spinules and 3 setae medially; endopod 6-segmented, segment 1 almost fully incorporated into basipod 2 with 2 setae; segments 2-5 with 2 setae each, segment 6 with 4 setae the outermost 3 of which are reduced.
- Swimming legs 1-4 distinctly 3-segmented, endopod segments of P1 and P5 2-3-segmented, inner distal seta on basis of P1 inserted on a conical projection.
- P5 symmetrical, similar to other swimming legs; the inner edge seta on exopod segment 2 is modified into a long slender spine articulated with its segment.

Male :
- Body similar to female.
- Urosome 5-segmented.
- Left A1 geniculate, 21-segmented.
- Mouthparts and legs 1-4 similar to female.
- P5 with a 3-segmented endopod and exopod on left, basipod 2 usually modified with one or more inner extensions which may bear spines; exopod and endopod usually 2-segmented on right, last exopod segment recurved; basipod 1 on either side may sometimes be modified with extensions.

After Bode & al. (2018, p.75) the species in this genus were considered as primary detritivores and opportunistic carnivores, feeding on a wide variety of detritus, prokaryotic and eukaryotic autotrophs, bacterial aggregates and metazoans (Gowing & Wishner, 1998)

[1] Lucicutia anisofurcata  Heptner, 1971   (F,M)    [Figs]

[2] Lucicutia anomala  Brodsky, 1950   (F,M)    [Figs]

Lucicutia atlantica    Wolfenden, 1904   (F,M)
Ref.: Wolfenden, 1904 (p.121, Descr.F); Pearson, 1906 (p.25); Jespersen, 1934 (p.105); Hülsemann, 1966 (p.704, 727, Rem.)
Loc: Féroé, Irlande W
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia magna

[3] Lucicutia aurita  Cleve, 1904   (F,M)    [Figs]

Lucicutia aurita    Sars, 1905   (M)
Ref.: Sars, 1905 c (p.8, Descr.M); Hülsemann, 1966 (p.704, 707, Rem.)
Loc: Canaries
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia bicornuta

[4] Lucicutia bella  Hülsemann, 1966   (F,M)    [Figs]

[5] Lucicutia bicornuta  Wolfenden, 1905   (F,M)    [Figs]

[6] Lucicutia biuncata  Heptner, 1971   (Juv. F)    [Figs]

[7] Lucicutia bradyana  Cleve, 1904   (F,M)    [Figs]

Lucicutia brevis       
Ref.: nomen nudum in Murray & Hjort,1912; Hülsemann, 1966 (p.703)

Lucicutia challengeri    Sewell, 1932   (F,M)
Syn.: ? Leuckartia flavicornis : Brady, 1883 (p.50)
Ref.: Sewell, 1932 (p.290, figs.F,M); Hülsemann, 1966 (p.704, 717)
Loc: Indien
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia grandis

[8] Lucicutia cinerea  Heptner, 1971   (F)    [Figs]

[9] Lucicutia clausi  (Giesbrecht, 1889)   (F,M)    [Figs]

[10] Lucicutia curta  Farran, 1905   (F,M)    [Figs]

[11] Lucicutia curvifurcata  Heptner, 1971   (F)    [Figs]

Lucicutia ellipsoidalis    Brodsky, 1950   (F,M)
Ref.: Brodsky, 1950 (1967) (p.333, figs.F,M); Hülsemann, 1966 (p.704, 709, Rem.); Heptner, 1971 (p.126, 127, Rem.)
Loc: Pacif. NW (off Japon)
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia curta

[12] Lucicutia flavicornis  (Claus, 1863)   (F,M)    [Figs]

Lucicutia flavicornis var.    Bradford-Grieve, 1999   (F,M)
Ref.: Bradford-Grieve,1999 b (p.98, figs.F,M, Rem.: p.99, figs.176, 191): Markhaseva & Ferrari, 2005 (p.1084)
Loc: sub-Antarct (off Nouvelle-Zélande S), Mer de Tasman, Nouvelle-Zélande, Kermadec Is (W),
N: 1
Lg.: (909) F: 1,2-1,7; M: 1,25-1,6; {F: 1,20-1,70; M: 1,25-1,60}
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia bradyana.

[13] Lucicutia formosa  Hülsemann, 1966   (F,M)    [Figs]

Lucicutia frigida    Wolfenden, 1911   (F,M)
Ref.: Wolfenden, 1911 (p.320, Descr.F, figs.F); Vervoort, 1957 (p.126, figs.F, M, Rem.); Grice, 1963 a (p.498, Rem.); Heptner, 1965 (p.1165, Rem.); Hülsemann, 1966 (p.704, 732, Rem.)
Loc: Antarct., Pacif. N, Mer de Béring, Aléoutiennes
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia ovalis (Giesbrecht,1889)

[14] Lucicutia gaussae  Grice, 1963   (F,M)    [Figs]

[15] Lucicutia gemina  Farran, 1926   (F,M)    [Figs]

Lucicutia gigantissima    Heptner, 1971   (F)
Ref.: Heptner, 1971 (p.129, Descr.F, figs.F)
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia formosa

Lucicutia gracilis    Sars, 1905   (F)
Ref.: Sars, 1905 c (p.8, Rem.F); Hülsemann, 1966 (p.704, 727, Rem.)
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia magna

[16] Lucicutia grandis  (Giesbrecht, 1895)   (F,M)    [Figs]

[17] Lucicutia hulsemannae  Markhaseva & Ferrari, 2005   (F,M)    [Figs]

[18] Lucicutia intermedia  Sars, 1905   (F,M)    [Figs]

[19] Lucicutia longicornis  (Giesbrecht, 1889)   (F,M)    [Figs]

[20] Lucicutia longifurca  Brodsky, 1950   (F,M)    [Figs]

[21] Lucicutia longiserrata  (Giesbrecht, 1889)   (F,M)    [Figs]

[22] Lucicutia longispina  Tanaka, 1963   (F)    [Figs]

[23] Lucicutia lucida  Farran, 1908   (F,M)    [Figs]

[24] Lucicutia macrocera  Sars, 1920   (F,M)    [Figs]

[25] Lucicutia magna  Wolfenden, 1903   (F,M)    [Figs]

[26] Lucicutia major  Wolfenden, 1911   (F)    [Figs]

[27] Lucicutia maxima  Steuer, 1904   (F,M)    [Figs]

[28] Lucicutia oblonga  Brodsky, 1950   (M)    [Figs]

[29] Lucicutia orientalis  Brodsky, 1950   (F,M)    [Figs]

Lucicutia ovaliformis    Brodsky, 1950   (F,M)
Ref.: Brodsky, 1950 (1967) (p.334, figs.F,M); Heptner, 1965 (p.1165, figs.F,M, Rem.); Hülsemann, 1966 (p.704, 732, 733); Heptner, 1965 (p.1165, figs.F,M, Rem.)
Loc: Pacif. NW, Mer de Béring, Mer d'Okhotsk
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia ovalis (Giesbrecht,1889)

[30] Lucicutia ovalis  (Giesbrecht, 1889)   (F,M)    [Figs]

Lucicutia ovalis    Wolfenden, 1906   (F,M)
Syn.: non L. ovalis (Giesbrecht,1889); non L. frigida Wolfenden, 1911 (p.320)
Ref.: Wolfenden, 1906 (p.28, figs.F); Grice, 1963 a (p.498, Rem.); Vervoort, 1965 (p.114); Hülsemann, 1966 (p.715, 733, Rem.); Shih & Young, 1995 (p.70)
Loc: off Ste-Hélčne NW
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia gaussae

Lucicutia pacifica    Brodsky, 1950   (F,M)
Ref.: Brodsky, 1950 (1967) (p.329, figs.F,M); Hülsemann, 1966 (p.733); Heptner, 1971 (p.134, Rem.); Chihara & Murano, 1997 (p.830: tab.5); Boxshall & Halsey, 2004 (p.133: F; 134: M)
Loc: Pacif. NW, Mer d'Okhotsk, Mer de Béring, Chili (in Björnberg, 1973)
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia macrocera. La synonymie est contestée.

[31] Lucicutia pallida  Hülsemann, 1966   (M)    [Figs]

[32] Lucicutia paraclausi  Park, 1970   (F,M)    [Figs]

[33] Lucicutia parva  Grice & Hulsemann, 1965   (F,M)    [Figs]

[34] Lucicutia pellucida  Hülsemann, 1966   (F)    [Figs]

[35] Lucicutia pera  A. Scott, 1909   (F,M)    [Figs]

Lucicutia philyra    A. Scott, 1909   (F)
Ref.: A. Scott, 1909 (p.128, figs.F); Hülsemann, 1966 (p.721)
Loc: Indonésie-Malaisie
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia intermedia

[36] Lucicutia polaris  Brodsky, 1950   (F,M)    [Figs]

[37] Lucicutia profunda  Brodsky, 1950   (F,M)    [Figs]

[38] Lucicutia pseudopolaris  Heptner, 1969   (F,M)    [Figs]

Lucicutia rara    Hülsemann, 1966   (M)
Ref.: Hülsemann, 1966 (p.735, Descr.M, figs.M)
Ref. compl.: Grice & Hulsemann, 1967 (p.18); Björnberg, 1973 (p.344, 387); Razouls & al., 2000 (p.343, tab. 3, Appendix); Boxshall & Halsey, 2004 (p.134: M)
Loc: Antarct. (Pacif. SE), Indien SW, Chili S (Cap Horn SW)
N: 3
Lg.: (21) M: 5,6-4,9
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia bradyana. Synonymie contestée.

[39] Lucicutia sarsi  Hülsemann, 1966       [Figs]

[40] Lucicutia sewelli  Tanaka, 1963   (F,M)    [Figs]

Lucicutia simulans    Sars, 1920   (F,M)
Ref.: Sars, 1920 c (p.11, Rem.F); Hülsemann, 1966 (p.723, 725, Rem.)
Loc: G. de Gascogne
Rem.: Cf. Lucicutia longiserrata

[41] Lucicutia tenuicauda  Sars, 1907   (F,M)    [Figs]

[42] Lucicutia ushakovi  Brodsky, 1955   (M)    [Figs]

[43] Lucicutia wolfendeni  Sewell, 1932   (F,M)    [Figs]

[44] Lucicutia sp.  Bradford-Grieve, 1999   (F,M)    [Figs]

 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at [Accessed January 22, 2025]

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