List species and varieties by family
Parapontellidae Giesbrecht, 1894 ( Diaptomoidea )
(1) Neopontella A. Scott, 1909
Rem.: Type: Neopontella typica A. Scott, 1909. Total: 1 sp.

Diagnosis after Bradford-Grieve (1999 b, p. 210) :
- As in the family definition.
- Female A1 18-segmented.
- Female P5 uniramous, 3-segmented, terminal segment armed with 3 strong spines.
- Male urosome 4-segmented.
- Male posterior metasomal borders symmetrical in dorsal view.
- Male P5 uniramous, asymmetrical ; terminal segments on both sides lamelliform, on right it has a claw-like appearance but there is no articulation between thumb-like process and palm.

[1] Neopontella typica  A. Scott, 1909   (F,M)    [Figs]
(2) Parapontella Brady, 1878
Rem.: Type: Pontellina brevicornis Lubbock, 1857. Total: 1sp.

Diagnosis after Bradford-Grieve (1999 b, p. 211) :
- As in the family definition.
Female A1 19-segmented.
- Female P5 biramous, endopod and exopod 1-segmented.
- Male urosome 5-segmented.
- Male posterior metasomal borders asymmetrical in dorsal view.
- Male P5 uniramous on each side, 3-segmented, without a claw.

[1] Parapontella brevicornis  (Lubbock, 1857)   (F,M)    [Figs]

 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2024. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at [Accessed July 26, 2024]

© copyright 2005-2024 Sorbonne University, CNRS

CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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