Species Card of Copepod
Calanoida ( Order )
    Diaptomoidea ( Superfamily )
        Pontellidae ( Family )
            Labidocera ( Genus )
Labidocera japonica  Mori, 1935   (F,M)
Mori, 1937 (1964) (p.94, figs.F,M); Sewell, 1948 (p.408); Brodsky, 1950 (1967) (p.411, figs.F,M); Tanaka, 1964 c (p.258, figs.F,M); Greenwood, 1978 c (p.538: Rem.); Fleminger & al., 1982 (p.261, Rem., figs.F,M); Ohtsuka & Onbé, 1991 (p.213, figs.F); Chihara & Murano, 1997 (p.867, Pl.149,151: F,M); Ohtsuka & al., 2015 (p.123, Table 2); Sanu & al., 2016 (p.99, Table 1, 2, 3, molecular database)
Species Labidocera japonica - Plate 1 of morphological figuresissued from : Mori T. in The Pelagic Copepoda from the neighbouring waters of Japan. S. Shirai ed., Tokyo, 1964. [Pl.43, Figs.9-12].
Male: 9, P5; 10, dorsal view.

Female (from 38°17'0''N, 141°42'0''E): 11, dorsal view; 12, P5.

Nota female:
- Head with lateral hooks.
- Rostrum symmetrical.
- Last thoracic segment symmetrical; posterior angles produced into pointed projections.
- Urosme 3-segmented.
- Genital segment swelled at the right side.
- Anal segment very short and fused with caudal rami.
- Caudal rami symmetrical.
- P5 nearly symmetrical; exopodite curved and furnished with 3 outer marginal soines ; apex terminates into a simple spine; apex of the endopodite furnished with many spinules.

Nota male:
- Lateral angles of the last thoracic segment pointed and asymmetricak; righy angle longer than the left.
- Urosome 5-segmented.
- 1st urosomal segment with 1 spine on the right ventral side.
- Grasping A1 resembles that of L. minuta but the spine on the 22nd segment more slender than that of the latter.
- P5 asymmetrical; terùinal segment of the left leg with 3 spines and 2 setae; the thumb and terminal claw of the forceps trlatively slender; 1st segment of exopodite of the right leg with a broad tooth-like process on the external margin.

Species Labidocera japonica - Plate 2 of morphological figuresissued from : S. Ohtsuka & T. Onbé in Mar. Biol., 1991, 111. [p.217, Fig.2, A-B].
Female (from Bungo Channel: Inland Sea of Japan), A, right A1 (S = seta with setules, aesthetascs are covered with dots); B, basal two segments of left A1 (setae and aesthetascs omitted).
Scale bar = 0.2 mm.

Species Labidocera japonica - Plate 3 of morphological figuresissued from : S. Ohtsuka & T. Onbé in Mar. Biol., 1991, 111. [p.217, Fig.2, A].
Female (from Bungo Channel: Inland Sea of Japan): A, Md (cutting edge).
Scale bar = 0.01 mm.

Species Labidocera japonica - Plate 4 of morphological figuresIssued from : K.A. Brodskii in Calanoida of the Far Eastern Seas and Polar Basin of the USSR. Opred. Fauna SSSR, 1950, 35 (Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 1967) [p.412, Fig.292].
Female (from Sea of Japan): habitus (dorsal); forehead (lateral); S5, P5; S5 variant, P5(variant form); posterior corners of the last thoracic segment and urosome (dorsal; another specimen).

Male (from Sea of Japan): habitus (dorsal); S5, P5 (Ri = right leg).

Eye pigment dark blue, the blue pigment of the 3 rd larger ventral eye is visible through the transparent head region.

Species Labidocera japonica - Plate 5 of morphological figuresissued from : T. Mori in The pelagic Copepoda from the neighbouring waters of Japan, 1937 (2nd edit., 1964). [Pl.43, Figs.9-12].
Female: 11, habitus (dorsal); 12, P5.

Male: 9, P5; 10, habitus (dorsal).

Species Labidocera japonica - Plate 6 of morphological figuresissued from : T. Mori in The pelagic Copepoda from the neighbouring waters of Japan, 1937 (2nd edit., 1964). [Pl.44, Figs.1-2].
Male: 1, right A1; 2, habitus (lateral).

Species Labidocera japonica - Plate 7 of morphological figures issued from : A. Fleminger, B.H.R. Othman & J.G. Greenwood in J. Plankton Res., 1982, 4 (2). [Fig.4, I-J).
Female: I-J, posterior part of prosome and urosome (lateral and dorsal views).

Species Labidocera japonica - Plate 8 of morphological figures issued from : A. Fleminger, B.H.R. Othman & J.G. Greenwood in J. Plankton Res., 1982, 4 (2). [Fig.5, D).
Female: D, P5 (posterior view).

Species Labidocera japonica - Plate 9 of morphological figures issued from : A. Fleminger, B.H.R. Othman & J.G. Greenwood in J. Plankton Res., 1982, 4 (2). [Fig.6, G-H).
Male: G-H, posterior part of prosome and urosomal segments 1 to 3 (dorsal and lateral, rspectively).

Species Labidocera japonica - Plate 10 of morphological figures issued from : A. Fleminger, B.H.R. Othman & J.G. Greenwood in J. Plankton Res., 1982, 4 (2). [Fig.7, D).
Male: D, P5 (posterior view)

Species Labidocera japonica - Plate 11 of morphological figures issued from : A. Fleminger, B.H.R. Othman & J.G. Greenwood in J. Plankton Res., 1982, 4 (2). [Fig.8, D).
Male: D, right A1 (dorsal view).

Compl. Ref.:
Yamazi, 1958 (p.152, Rem.); Anraku & Azeta, 1965 (p.13, Table 2, fish predator); Fleminger, 1986 (p.84, figs. 7, 8, Rem.: geographic vs Wallace's Line); Mizushima, 1990 (fig.2, 3, tab.2); Hirakawa & al., 1990 (tab.3); Hattori, 1991 (tab.1, Appendix); Kotani & al., 1996 (tab.2); Park & Choi, 1997 (Appendix); Ueda & al., 2000 (tab.1); Lan & al., 2004 (p.332, tab.1); Ohtsuka & al., 2008 (p.115, Table 5); Maiphae & Sa-ardrit, 2011 (p.641, Table 2, 3, Rem.); Ohtsuka & Nishida, 2017 (p.565, 578, Table 22.1)
NZ: 4

Distribution map of Labidocera japonica by geographical zones
Amur & Poseta Bay, S Kuril Is., Japan Sea, Japan, Honshu: Suruga Bay, Cape of Kinhazan, Nagazaki, Tanabe Bay, off Sanriku, S Korea, China Seas (East China Sea), N Taiwan, G. of Thailand
N: 19
(22) F: 1,93-1,74; M: 1,94-1,47; (91) F: about 1,93; M: about 1,86; (120) F: 2,06-1,81; M: 1,91-1,67; (269) F: 1,99-1,82; M: 1,84-1,61; {F: 1,74-2,06; M: 1,47-1,94}
Rem.: inshore.
For Mulyadi (2002, p.65) this species belongs to pectinata- Group.
Ohtsuka & Nishida (2017, p.578) point to the Japanese coasts adjacent to the Kuroshio Current are distinguished by warm-water species CL. japonica.
Last update : 11/05/2019
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 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2024. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at http://copepodes.obs-banyuls.fr/en [Accessed July 26, 2024]

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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