Species Card of Copepod
Harpacticoida ( Order )
    Euterpinidae ( Family )
        Euterpina ( Genus )
Euterpina acutifrons  (Dana, 1848)   (F,M)
Syn.: Harpacticus acutifrons Dana, 1848;
Euterpe gracilis Claus, 1863 (p.110, figs.F,M);
Euterpe gracilis armata : T. Scott, 1894 b (p.93, figs.F);
Euterpe acutifrons : Giesbrecht, 1892 (p.555, 776, figs.F,M); Wolfenden, 1905 (1906) (p.1034, figs.F); Esterly, 1905 (p.212, figs.F,M); van Breemen, 1908 a (p.176, figs.F,M); Mori, 1929 (p.200, Figs.F); Farran, 1929 (p.211, 297); Mori, 1937 (1964 (p.117, figs.F,M); Yamazi, 1958 (p.154, Rem.); Shih & Young, 1995 (p.75)
Thompson & Scott, 1903 (p.237, 258); A. Scott, 1909 (p.229, Rem.); Pesta, 1920 (p.629); Sars, 1921 (p.97, figs.F,M); Sewell, 1924 (p.836); Früchtl, 1924 b (p.106); Monard, 1928 (p.300, figs.F); Rose, 1929 (p.54); 1933 a (p.290, figs.F,M); Dakin & Colefax, 1933 (p.208); Sewell, 1933 (p.31); Farran, 1936 a (p.123); Mori, 1937 (1964) (p.117, figs.F,M); Sewell, 1940 (p.141); Dakin & Colefax, 1940 (p.106, figs.F,M); Wilson, 1942 a (p.186); Klie, 1943 a (n°4, p.3, figs.F,M); Sewell, 1947 (p.290); Lang, 1948 a (p.285, 1588, figs.F,M); Marques, 1951 (16); Carvalho, 1952 a (p.163, figs.F,M); Marques, 1955 (20); 1957 (p.44); Krishnaswamy, 1957 (p.14, Rem.); Marques, 1958 a (p.143); Tanaka, 1960 (p.92); M. Bernard, 1963 (p.35, figs. N, juv., Rem.); De Decker, 1964 (p.15, 22); Vilela, 1965 (p.18); Gonzalez & Bowman, 1965 (p.264, figs.F,M); Haq, 1965 (p.175, Development, dimorphism male); Saraswathy, 1966 (1967) (p.86); Dussart, 1967 (p.170, 171, figs.F,M); Vilela, 1968 (p.42); Ramirez, 1969 (p.100); Corral Estrada, 1970 (p.252); Björnberg, 1972 (Rem., N, figs.); Bradford, 1972 (p.50, figs.F); Razouls, 1972 (p.96, Annexe: p.141); Haq, 1972 (p.221, Rem.M); 1973 (p.23, Rem.M); Marques, 1973 (253); Chen & al., 1974 (p.69, figs.F); Goswami, 1976 (p.123, figs. N, Juv., F,M); Boxshall, 1979 (p.229, figs.F,M); Dawson & Knatz, 1980 (p.10, figs.F,M); Björnberg & al., 1981 (p.679, figs.F,M); Marques, 1982 (p.768); Sazhina, 1982 (Rem.N, fig.); 1985 (p.98,figs.N); Zheng Zhong & al., 1984 (1989) (p.271, figs.F,M); Stancyk & Moreira, 1988 (p.125, sexual dimorphism); Huys & Boxshall, 1991 (p.362, 385, 40); Kim & al., 1993 (p.271); Chihara & Murano, 1997 (p.957, Pl.208: F,M); Bradford-Grieve & al., 1999 (p.886, 968, figs.F,M); Al-Yamani & Prusova, 2003 (p.116, figs.F); Conway & al., 2003 (p.217, figs.F,M, Rem.); Boxshall & Halsey, 2004 (p. 299, p.300: figs.F,M); Conway, 2006 (p.24, copepodides 1-6, Rem.); Avancini & al., 2006 (p.131, Pl. 99, figs.F,M, Rem.); Ferrari & Dahms, 2007 (p.31, 32, Rem. N); Vives & Shmeleva, 2010 (p.106, figs.F,M, Rem.); Al-Yamani & al., 2011 (p.124, figs.F); Harvey J.B.J. & al., 2012 (p.60, Table 2, molecular sequences); Blanco-Bercial & al., 2014 (p.5: Rem.: problematical for barcoding)
Species Euterpina acutifrons - Plate 1 of morphological figuresissued from : G.O. Sars in An Account of the Crustacea of Norway. Suppl. Vol. VII. Copepoda Supplement. Published by the Bergen Museum, 1921. [Pl. LXVII].
Female & Male.

Species Euterpina acutifrons - Plate 2 of morphological figuresissued from : F.C. Ramirez in Contr. Inst. Biol. mar., Buenos Aires, 1969, 98. [p.98, Lam. XX, fig.171].
Female (from off Mar del Plata): 171, habitus (dorsal).
Sale bar in mm: 0.2.

Species Euterpina acutifrons - Plate 3 of morphological figuresissued from : Q.-c Chen & S.-z. Zhang & C.-s. Zhu in Studia Marina Sinica, 1974, 9. [Pl.24, Figs.7-8].
Female (from China Seas): 7, habitus (lateral left side); 8, P5.

Species Euterpina acutifrons - Plate 4 of morphological figuresissued from : F.Y. Al-Yamani & I. Prusova in Common Copepods Northwestern Arabian Gulf : Identification Guide. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, 2003. [p.117, Fig.44].
Female: A, habitus (dorsal); B, idem (lateral left side); C, P1; D, Mxp; E, P5.

Species Euterpina acutifrons - Plate 5 of morphological figuresissued from : G.A. Boxshall in Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 1979, 35 (3). [p.230, Fig.14, G-N].
Female: G, habitus (dorsal); H, A1; I, A2; J, P5.

Male: K, A1; L, P1; M, P5; N, P6.
Scales 0.1 mm unless otherwise indicated.
Nota: The fine lateral setule present in the axil of the outer margin spine on P5 has been reported previously in both the male and female by several authors; this setule is not illustrated in either sex by Sars (1921) or in the male by Chappuis (1936) and Giesbrecht (1892), it is probable that the setule has been overlooked by the latter authors; it was even found to be present in both morphs of male studied by Haq (1965).

Species Euterpina acutifrons - Plate 6 of morphological figuresissued from : C.O. Esterly in Univ. Calif. Publs Zool., 1905, 2 (4). [p.213, Fig.53]. As Euterpe acutifrons.
Female (from San Diego Region): b, exopod of P4; d, P5.

Male: a, habitus (lateral); c, P1; e, A1.

Species Euterpina acutifrons - Plate 7 of morphological figuresissued from : J.M. Bradford in Mem. N. Z. Oceonogr. Inst., 1972, 54. [p.52, Fig.15, (1-2].
Female (from Kaikoura, New Zealand): 1, habitus (dorsal; 2, P5.
Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Species Euterpina acutifrons - Plate 8 of morphological figuresissued from : T. Mori in Zool. Mag. Tokyo, 1929, 41 (486-487). [Pl. VII, Figs.17-18]. As Euterpe acutifrons.
Female (from Chosen Strait, Korea-Japan): 17, P5; 18, habitus (lateral).

Species Euterpina acutifrons - Plate 9 of morphological figuresissued from : T. Mori in The Pelagic copepoda from the neighbouring waters of Japan, 1937 (1964). [Pl. 64, Figs.11-13].
Male: 11, habitus (lateral); 12, P4; 13, posterior division of body with P5 (ventral).

Species Euterpina acutifrons - Plate 10 of morphological figuresIssued from : W. Giesbrecht in Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. – Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel, 1892. Atlas von 54 Tafeln. [Taf.44 , Figs.19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28 ].
Female: habitus with egg-sec (dorsal); 20, A2; 21, anal segment and caudal rami (dorsal); 23, P5; 24, A1; 25, Mx1; 28, Mxp.

Species Euterpina acutifrons - Plate 11 of morphological figuresIssued from : W. Giesbrecht in Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. – Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel, 1892. Atlas von 54 Tafeln. [Taf.44 , Figs.17, 29, 30 ].
Female: 17, Mx2; 29, P4; 30, P1.

Species Euterpina acutifrons - Plate 12 of morphological figuresIssued from : W. Giesbrecht in Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. – Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel, 1892. Atlas von 54 Tafeln. [Taf.44 , Figs.16, 18, 22, 26, 27, 31].
Male: 16, urosome (ventral); 18, habitus (lateral); 22, A2; 26, Md; 27, A1; 31, P1.

Species Euterpina acutifrons - Plate 13 of morphological figuresissued from : A. Skovgaard & N. Daugbjerg in Protist, 2008, 159. [p.403, Fig.1 D].
Paradinium sp. (PaEu41) gonosphere attached to the urosome of its host E. acutifrons in NW Mediterranean Sea.

Compl. Ref.:
Gadeau de Kerville, 1894 (p.82); Rose, 1925 (p.152); Gurney, 1927 (p.167); Massuti Alzamora, 1942 (p.108, Rem.); Sewell, 1948 (p.394); Fleury, 1950 (p.47, fig.2); Grice, 1956 (p.56); Deevey, 1960 (p.5, Table II, annual abundance, Rem.: fig.18, 19); H. Schulz, 1961 (p.57); Fagetti, 1962 (p.41); Ganapati & Shanthakumari, 1962 (p.11, 16); Gaudy, 1962 (p.93, 99, Rem.: p.118) ; Giron-Reguer, 1963 (p.58); V.N. Greze, 1963 a (tabl.2); Gaudy, 1963 (p.31, Rem.); Björnberg, 1963 (p.71, Rem.); Unterüberbacher, 1964 (p.33); De Decker, 1964 (p.15, 22, 30); De Decker & Mombeck, 1964 (p.12); Bodo & al., 1965 (p.219, annual cycle); Shmeleva, 1965 b (p.1350, lengths-volume-weight relation); Neunes & Pongolini, 1965 (p.571, breeding, development time); Neto & Paiva, 1966 (p.36, Table III, annual cycle); Mazza, 1966 (p.73); Pavlova, 1966 (p.45); Chakroun, 1966 (p.67, Tableau); Ehrhardt, 1967 (p.742, geographic distribution, Rem.); Moreira & Vernberg, 1968 (p.282, metabolism); Delalo, 1968 (p.139); Harder, 1968 (p156, Table 1, behaviour vs. density discontinuity); Berdugo & Kimor, 1968 (p.448); El-Maghraby & Dowidar, 1970 (p.81); Dowidar & El-Maghraby, 1970 (p.268); Reeve, 1970 (p.894, Rem.: p.909); Nassogne, 1970 (p.333, rearing); Paulmier, 1971 (p.168); Deevey, 1971 (p.224); Valentin, 1972 (p.349, figs.9, 10, 15, 17, egg production); Binet & al., 1972 (p.68); Bainbridge, 1972 (p.61, Appendix Table I: vertical distribution vs. day/night); Nival & al., 1972 (p.63, respiration); Razouls S., 1972 b (p.2, respiration); Subbaraju & Krishnamurphy, 1972 (p.25, 26, Table 1: periods of abundance vs. India localities ); Apostolopoulou, 1972 (p.329, 376); Della Croce & al., 1972 (p.1, fig.2, Rem.); Björnberg, 1973 (p.370); Binet, 1973 (p.77); Desgouille, 1973 (p.1, 131, Rem.: p.138); S. Razouls, 1974 (147, oxygen rate); Vernberg & Moreira, 1974 (p.757, metabolism-temperature); Corral Estrada & Pereiro Muñoz, 1974 (tab.I); Palet, 1975 (p.660); Vives & al., 1975 (p.56, tab.II, III); Zismann & al., 1975 (p.59, prey); Gaudy, 1976 (p.77, fig.1, 8, Table I, II, III, production); Lakkis & Abboud, 1976 (p.81); Grindley, 1977 (p.341, Table 2); Zurlini & al., 1978 (p.59, egg production, development time); Comaschi Scaramuzza, 1978 (p.17); D'Apolito & Stancyk, 1979 (p.251, population dynamic); Dessier, 1979 (p.133, 201, 207); Chen Q-c, 1980 (p.795); Gallo, 1981 (p.847, Rem.: p.849); Castel & Courties, 1982 (p.417, Table II, fig.4, spatial & monthly distribution); Vives, 1982 (p.295); Kovalev & Shmeleva, 1982 (p.85); Moreira & al., 1982 (p.85, temperature-salinity effects); Moreira & al., 1983 (p.111, developmental stages); Dessier, 1983 (p.89, Tableau 1, Rem., %); Pieper & Holliday, 1984 (p.226, Fig.3); De Decker, 1984 (p.317, 351: chart); Scotto di Carlo & al., 1984 (p.1045); Lefèvre-Lehoërff & al., 1984 (p.131, annual variations); d'Elbée, 1984 (p.25, Fig.6); Moreira & McNamara, 1984 (p.298, annual variation, dimorphic male); Moraitou-Apostolopoulou, 1985 (p.303, occurrence/abundance in E Mediterranean Sea); Regner, 1985 (p.11, Rem.: p.40); Jansa, 1985 (p.108, Tabl.I, II, III, IV, V); Brinton & al., 1986 (p.228, Table 1); M. Lefèvre, 1986 (p.33, 40); Sciandra, 1986 (p.1149, population dynamic); Knatz, 1986 (p.81); Brylinski, 1986 (p.457, spatial variations); Valentin & al., 1986 (p.117, Table V); Boucher & al., 1987 (p.133, spatial distribution/physical structure); Comaschi Scaramuzza, 1987 (tab.1); Ceccherelli & al., 1987 (p.571, fig.5); Diouf & Diallo, 1987 (p.260); Lozano Soldevilla & al., 1988 (p.61); Jenkins, 1988 (p.233, Table 1, 2, fig.6); Krsinic & Vilicic, 1989 (p.12, tab.3); Carlotti & Sciandra, 1989 (p.225, , population dynamic, modelisation): Othman & al., 1990 (p.561, 564, Table 1); Mitra & al., 1990 (fig.3); Lindo, 1991 (tab.3); McKinnon, 1991 (p.471); Dai & al., 1991 (tab.1); Yoo, 1991 (tab.1); Jouffre & al., 1991 (p.489, lagoon); Carlotti & P. Nival, 1992 (p.233, growth & mortality); Seguin & al., 1993 (p.23); Kimmerer, 1993 (tab.2); Godhantaraman, 1994 (tab.5, 6, 7); Sautour, 1994 (p.113, grazing); Kouwenberg, 1994 (tab.1); Verheye & al., 1994 (p.155); Lopes, 1994 (tab.1); Lefèvre-Lehoërff & al., 1995 (p.269, annual hydroclimatic variations); Santos & Ramirez, 1995 (p.133, fig.2, 3); Böttger-Schnack, 1995 (p.93); 1996 (p.1088); Eskinazi-Sant'Anna & Tundisi, 1996 (tab.1,2); Hopcroft & Roff, 1996 (p.789, diel egg production); Guisande & al., 1996 (p.37, egg size/number and food concentration); Viñas & Gaudy, 1996 (p.307, Rem.); Webber & al., 1996 (tab.1); Böttger-Schnack, 1997 (p.410); Park & Choi, 1997 (Appendix); Sharaf & Al-Ghais, 1997 (tab.1); Noda & al., 1998 (p.55, Table 3, occurrence); Hure & Krsinic, 1998 (p.82, 103); Gilabert & Moreno, 1998 (tab.1,2); Alvarez-Cadena & al., 1998 (tab.1); Hopcroft & al., 1998 (tab.2); Lopes & al., 1998 (p.195, tab.2); Achuthankutty & al., 1998 (p.1, Table 2, seasonal abundance vs monsoon); McKinnon & Klumpp, 1998 (tab.1); Suarez-Morales & Gasca, 1998 a (p.113); Harvey & al., 1999 (p.1, 49: Appendix 5, in ballast water vessel); Siokou-Frangou, 1999 (p.478); El-Serehy, 1999 (p.172, Table 1, occurrence); Lavaniegos & Gonzalez-Navarro, 1999 (p.239, Appx.1); Ueda & al., 2000 (tab.1); Fernandez-Alamo & al., 2000 (p.1139, Appendix); Suarez-Morales & al., 2000 (p.751, tab.1); Alvarez-Silva & Gomez-Aguirre, 2000 (p.163: tab.2); El-Sherif & Aboul Ezz, 2000 (p.61, Table 3: occurrence); Seridji & Hafferssas, 2000 (tab.1); Sautour & al., 2000 (p.531, Table II, abundance); Moraitou-Apostolopoulou & al., 2000 (tab.I); Plounevez & Champalbert, 2000 (p.175, Table III, IV, V, abundance vs fish); Fransz & Gonzalez, 2001 (p.255, tab.1); Ara, 2001 (p.177); 2001 b (p.121); El-Serehy & al., 2001 (p.116, Table 1, 3, 4: abundance vs transect in Suez Canal); Calbet & al., 2001 (p.319, Fig.7); Zerouali & Melhaoui, 2002 (p.91, Tableau I, figs.5, 11); Bressan Moro, 2002 (tab.2); Dunbar & Webber, 2003 (tab.1); Bode & al., 2003 (p.85, Table 1, abundance); Vukanic, 2003 (p.139, tab.1); McKinnon & al., 2003 (p.105, tab.1); Vieira & al., 2003 (p.S163, Table 2, abundance); Titelman & Kiørboe, 2003 a (p.137, nauplius behaviour); Diaz & al., 2003 (p.213, reproduction vs diet); Shimode & Shirayama, 2004 (tab.2); Hsieh & al., 2004 (p.398, tab.1, p.399, tab.2); Rezai & al., 2004 (p.486, tab.2, 3, abundance, Rem.); Daly Yahia & al., 2004 (p.366, fig.4, tab.1); Lan & al., 2004 (p.332, tab.1); Ara, 2004 (p.179, figs. 3,4,5); Marrari & al., 2004 (p.667, tab.1); Gallienne & al., 2004 (p.5, tab.3); CPR, 2004 (p.64, fig.195); Lakkis & al., 2005 (p.152); Baker & al., 2005 (tabl.); Alvarez-Silva & al., 2005 (p.39); Uriarte & Villate, 2005 (p.863, tab.I); Costa & al., 2005 (p.177, Rem.: feeding); Obuid Allah & al., 2005 (p.123, occurrence % vs metal contamination); Zuo & al., 2006 (p.164: tab.1); Isari & al., 2006 (p.241, tab.II); Marques & al., 2006 (p.297, tab.III); Hwang & al., 2006 (p.943, tabl. I); Rakhesh & al., 2006 (p.93, Table 2, spatial distribution); Sterza & Fernades, 2006 (p.95, Table 1, occurrence); Dias & Araujo, 2006 (p.77, Rem., chart); Mageed, 2006 (p.171, Table 4); Lopez-Ibarra & Palomares-Garcia, 2006 (p.63, Tabl. 1, seasonal abundance vs El-Niño); Zervoudaki & al., 2006 (p.149, Table I); Papastephanou & al., 2006 (p.3078, Table 3); Albaina & Irigoien, 2007 (p.435: Tab.1); Zakaria, 2007 (p.238, Table 2, spatial distribution); Zakaria & al., 2007 (p.52, Rem.: p.58, Table 1, vs Salinity); Valdés & al., 2007 (p.104: tab.1); Khelifi-Touhami & al., 2007 (p.327, Table 1); Busatto, 2007 (p.26, Tab.2); Leandro & al., 2007 (p.215); McKinnon & al., 2008 (p.844: Tab.1, fig.7); Cabal & al., 2008 (289, Table 1); Morales-Ramirez & Suarez-Morales, 2008 (p.524); Ayon & al., 2008 (p.238, Table 4: Peruvian samples); Fernandes, 2008 (p.465, Tabl.2); Rossi, 2008 (p.90: Tableau XII); Rakhesh & al., 2008 (p.154, abundance vs stations); Tseng L.-C. & al., 2008 (p.153, fig.5, Table 2, occurrence vs geographic distribution, indicator species); Ohtsuka & al., 2008 (p.115, Table 4, 5, Rem.: in Mizushima and Kitakyushu Harbors); Muelbert & al., 2008 (p.1662, Table 1); Skovgaard & Daugbjerg, 2008 (p.401, fig.1 D, parasited by Paradinium); Miyashita & al., 2009 (p.815, Tabl.II); Magalhaes & al., 2009 (p.187, Table 1, %); Brylinski, 2009 (p.253: Tab.1, p.257: Rem.); Hafferssas & Seridji, 2010 (p.353, Table 2); Eloire & al., 2010 (p.657, Table II, temporal variability); Lidvanov & al., 2010 (p.356, Table 3); Drira & al., 2010 (p.145, Tanl.2); Cornils & al., 2010 (p.2076, Table 3); Hernandez-Trujillo & al., 2010 (p.913, Table 2); Mazzocchi & Di Capua, 2010 (p.430); Hafferssas & al., 2010 (p.1281, Table III, abundance vs spatial distribution); Medellin-Mora & Navas S., 2010 (p.265, Tab. 2); Fazeli & al., 2010 (p.153, Table 1); W.-B. Chang & al., 2010 (p.735, Table 2, abundance); Isinibilir, 2010 (p.233, abundance %); Nowaczyk & al;, 2011 (p.2159, Table 2); Bollens & al., 2011 (p.1358, Table III, fig.6); El-Sherbiny & al., 2011 (p.837, seasonal abundance), Ventham, 2011 (p.50); Maiphae & Sa-ardrit, 2011 (p.641, Table 2, 3, Rem.); Van Magris & al., 2011 (p.260, abundance, interannual variability); Moscatello & al., 2011 (p.80, Table 4); Chew & Chong, 2011 (p.127, fig.4, 5, Table 2, 3, abundance vs location); Zhang G.-T. & Wong, 2011 (p.277, fig.6, 7, 8, abundance, indicator); Tseng L.-C. & al., 2011 (p.47, Table 2, occurrences vs mesh sizes); Selifonova, 2011 a (p.77, Table 1, alien species in Black Sea); S.C. Marques & al., 2011 (p.59, Table 1); Kâ & Hwang, 2011 (p.155, Table 3: occurrence %); Padovani & al., 2011 (p.205, Table 1, 2, abundance, predation); Mazzocchi & al., 2011 (p.1163, fig.6, long-term time-series 1984-2006); Isari & al., 2011 (p.51, Table 2, abundance vs distribution); Costa R.G. da & al;, 2011 (p.364, Table 1, seasonal occurrence); Pinheiro & al., 2011 (p.425, abundance vs season); Fileman & al., 2011 (p.403, abundance vs bloom condition); Ali & al., 2011 (p.601, fig.13, abundance vs tidal); Beltrao & al., 2011 (p.47, Table 1, density vs time); Chen M. & al., 2011 (p.1075, Fig.8, annual abundance variation); Tseng L.-C. & al., 2011 (p.239, Table 3, abundance %); Mazzocchi & al., 2012 (p.135, annual abundance 1984-2006); Ginderdeuren & al., 2012 (p.3, Table 1); Delpy & al., 2012 (p.1921, Table 2); Shiganova & al., 2012 (p.61, Table 4); Glushko & Lidvanov, 2012 (p.138, Tableau 1); Johan & al., 2012 (2013) (p.1, Table 1); Uysal & Shmeleva, 2012 (p.909, Table I); Salah S. & al., 2012 (p.155, Tableau 1); DiBacco & al., 2012 (p.483, Table S1, ballast water transport); Zizah & al., 2012 (p.79, Tableau I, Rem.: p.86, 89); Miloslavic & al., 2012 (p.165, Table 2, transect distribution); Vidjak & al., 2012 (p.243, Rem.: p.253); Aubry & al., 2012 (p.125, table 3, fig. 8 b, interannual variation); Jean & al., 2012 (p.12, Table 3, protein vs environmental metal stress); Nikolioudakis & al., 2012 (p.173, Table 2: Ivelv's selectivity index); Camus & Zeng, 2012 (p.1159, sex ratio vs diet, survival development); Johan & al., 2012 (p.647, Table 1, 2, fig.2, salinity range); Costa & al., 2012 (p.75, ingestion, filtration rate vs toxic algae); Gonçalves & al., 2012 (p.321, abundance vs climatic variability); Menéndez & al., 2012 (p.389, Table 1: seasonal abundance); Lavaniegos & al., 2012 (p. 11, Table 1, fig.3, seasonal abundance, Appendix); Almeida LR. & al., 2012 (p.13, Table 1, abundance); Rekik & al., 2012 (p.336, Table 1, abundabce); Gubanova & al., 2013 (in press, p.4, Table 2); Belmonte & al., 2013 (p.222, Table 2, abundance vs stations); in CalCOFI regional list (MDO, Nov. 2013; M. Ohman, comm. pers.); Tachibana & al., 2013 (p.545, Table 1, seasonal change 2006-2008); Melo Jùnior & al., 2013 (p.363, Table 2, egg production); Rakhesh & al., 2013 (p.7, Table 1, 4, abundance vs stations); Varadharajan & Soundarapandian, 2013 (p.2: occurrence vs stations); Jagadeesan & al., 2013 (p.27, Table 3, 6, fig.11, seasonal variation); Anjusha & al., 2013 (p.40, Table 3, abundance & feeding behavior); Terbiyik Kurt & Polat, 2013 (p.1163, Table 2, seasonal distribution); Sobrinho-Gonçalves & al., 2013 (p.713, Table 2, seasonal abundance vs environmental conditions); Alvarez-Silva & Torres-Alvarado, 2013 (p.241, Table1: seasonal abundance); Lidvanov & al., 2013 (p.290, Table 2, % composition); Hwang & al., 2014 (p.43, Appendix A: seasonal abundance); Bonecker & a., 2014 (p.445, Table II: frequency, horizontal & vertical distributions) ; Mazzocchi & al., 2014 (p.64, Table 4, abundance); Fierro Gonzalvez, 2014 (p.1, Tab. 3, 5, occurrence, abundance); Aboul Ezz & al., 2014 (p.283, Rem.: p.287); Zakaria, 2014 (p.3, Table 1, abundance vs 1960-2000); Zaafa & al., 2014 (p.67, Table I, occurrence); Dias & al., 2015 (p.483, Table 2, abundance, biomass, production); Nakajima & al., 2015 (p.19, Table 3: abundance); Rojas-Herrera & al., 2016 (p.40, Table 2: temporal abundance); Araujo & al., 2016 (p.1, Table 3, abundance, %); Zakaria & al., 2016 (p.1, Table 1, Rem.) ; Vidjak & al., 2016 (p.629, Rem.);Rosa J.C.L. & al., 2016 (p.71, Rem.); Benedetti & al., 2016 (p.159, Table I, fig.1, functional characters); Ben Ltaief & al., 2017 (p.1, Table III, Summer relative abundance); Marques-Rojas & Zoppi de Roa, 2017 (p.495, Table 1); Jerez-Guerrero & al., 2017 (p.1046, Table 1: temporal occurrence); Atique & al., 2017 (p.1, Table 1, fig.8, Rem.: p.11); El Arraj & al., 2017 (p.272, table 1, 2, spatial distribution); Ohtsuka & Nishida, 2017 (p.565, 578, Table 22.1, Fig.22.3: central station in Japanese waters); Benedetti & al., 2018 (p.1, Fig.2: ecological functional group); Abo-Taleb & Gharib, 2018 (p.139, Table 5, p.146, occurrence %); Chaouadi & Hafferssas, 2018 (p.913, Table II: occurrence); Dias & al., 2018 a (p.189, Rem.: p.196); Richirt & al., 2019 (p.3, Table 1, fig.2, 3, 4, 5, abundance changes vs years 1998-2014, table 2: diversity index); Hure M. & al., 2018 (p.1, Table 2: correlations); Palomares-Garcia & al., 2018 (p.178, Table 1: occurrence); Acha & al., 2020 (p.1, Table 3: occurrence % vs ecoregions, Table 5: indicator ecoregions).
NZ: 17

Distribution map of Euterpina acutifrons by geographical zones
Species Euterpina acutifrons - Distribution map 3issued from : C.T. Achuthankutty, N. Ramaiah & G. Padmavati in Pelagic biogeography ICoPB II. Proc. 2nd Intern. Conf. Final report of SCOR/IOC working group 93, 9-14 July 1995. Workshop Report No. 142, Unesco, 1998. [p.8, Fig.6].
Salinity ranges for E. acutifrons in coastal and estuarine waters of Goa (India).
Shaded area indicates the range of higher abundance.
Species Euterpina acutifrons - Distribution map 4issued from : A.A. Shmeleva in Bull. Inst. Oceanogr., Monaco, 1965, 65 (n°1351). [Table 6: 41]. Euterpina acutifrons (from South Adriatic).
Dimensions, volume and Weight wet. Means for 50-60 specimens. Volume and weight calculated by geometrical method. Assumed that the specific gravity of the Copepod body is equal to 1, then the volume will correspond to the weight.
Species Euterpina acutifrons - Distribution map 5issued from : G. Guisande, J. Sanchez, I. Maneiro & A. Miranda in Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 1996, 143. [p.39, Fig.1].
a: Mean temperature (black triangle) and food concentration (measured by fluorescence) (black square).
b: Values obtained (mean ± 2 SE) off egg size (black triangle) and number of eggs per sac (black square) in Euterpina acutifrons from the Ria de Vigo (NW Spain).
Species Euterpina acutifrons - Distribution map 6Issued from S. Razouls in XXIII rd Congress of Athens, 3-11 November 1972. [p.2]. Oxygen consumed by individual (adult) in the Banyuls Bay and equivalent carbon asked.
(1) Hydrological season in the stability period: Eté = Summer: 18-20 °C; Hiver = Winter: 13-10°C.
Espèces = species; Saison = Season; Lg céph.= cephalothoracic length; an = individual.
Species Euterpina acutifrons - Distribution map 7Issued from : H.W. Neunes & G.-F. Pongolini in Nature, 1965, 6. [p.572, Table 1].
Duration of larval stages of Euterpina acutifrons in single culture at 18°C; individuals collected in the Ligurian Sea (La Spezia Laboratory)

The average time for the completion of larval development (egg to adult) is between 17 and 18 days. This is not very different from records of other copepod species reared under similar conditions. If we assume a period of about 3 days for the time between emergence as an adult and hatching of its first eggs, a generation of Euterpina, under the conditions described, averages 20-21 days.
Natural sea-water served as basis for the culture media. EDTA in a concentration of 37 mg/l (= 10-4 mol.) was added as a complexing agent. As antibiotics, penicillin and streptomycin were used alternately. A suspension of a mixture of the flagellates and diatom was added as food. Bacterial growth was determined.
Cosmopolite (coastal & neritic): Agulhas Bank, South Africa (off Cape of Good Hope, E & W), Saldanha, Namibia, Angola, Baia Farta, Congo, G. of Guinea, Ivorian shelf, Guinea, Casamance, Dakar, Morocco-Mauritania, Cap Ghir, Canary Is., off Madeira, Argentina, Bahia Blanca, Peninsula Valdés, Mar del Plata, Uruguay (continental shelf), Brazil (S, Sao Paulo coast and estuaries, Ubatuba, Canaeia Lagoon, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara Bay, Campos Basin, Cabo Frio, Vitoria Bay, Vitoria-Cabo de Sao Tomé, Guarairas Lagoon, Mucuri estuary, Guarau estuary, off Natal, Curuça estuary, Ajuruteua Beach, Caeté Estuary, Amazon), Caribbean, Caribbean Colombia, Bahia de Mochima (Venezuela), Jamaica (Kingston Harbour), Yucatan, lagunas de Veracruz, Porto-Rico, Cuba, off Bermuda, Florida, Delaware Bay, Portugal (Mondego estuary, Porto), Ria de Vigo, off Coruña, Bay of Biscay (Bilbao & Urdaibai estuaries, Gironde estuary, Arcachon Bay, La Pallice roadstead), Belon estuary, Celtic Sea, English Channel, Roscoff, Granville, Pas de Calais, North Sea, Skagerrak, Elbe (estuaire), Portugal, Ibero-moroccan Bay, W Tangier, Medit. (M'Diq, Alboran Sea, Habibas Is., Castellon, Baleares, Algiers, Banyuls, Thau Lagoon, Berre Lagoon, Marseille, Toulon Harbour, Gulf of Annaba, El Kala shelf, Villefranche-s-Mer, Ligurian Sea, Genoa, La Spezia, Tyrrhenian Sea, G. of Napoli, Strait of Messina, Gulf of Taranto, Taranto Harbour, Adriatic Sea, Vlora Bay, Venezzia, Po delta, Sibenik Harbour, Sfax, G. of Gabès, Tripoli, Ionian Sea, Aegean Sea, Thracian Sea, Iskenderun Bay, Marmara Sea, Black Sea, Lebanon Basin, Bay of Haïfa, W Egyptian coast, Alexandria, Abu Kir Bay, Bardawill Lagoon), Suez Canal (Km. 152, Kabret, Lake Timsah), Port Taufiq, Sharm-El-Sheikh, Taba, Hurghada, Safâga, Red Sea, Bab al Mandab, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea, Arabian Gulf (UAE coast, Kuwait), Madagascar, Rodrigues Is., Mascarene Basin, Seychelles Is., Cochin, Madras (coast), India (Goa, Saurashtra coast, S, Lawson's Bay, Porto Novo, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay, Pointcalimere-Manamelkudi, Godavari region, Kakinada Bay, Chilka Lake, W Bengal (Mandarmani creek), Bay of Bengal, Kurau River, Perai River estuary (Penang), Straits of Malacca, Sangga estuary, G. of Thailand, Indonesia-Malaysia, Sarawak: Bintulu coast, Thailand, Tioman Is., SW Celebes, Viet-Nam, Hong Kong, China Seas (Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea), Xiamen Harbour, N Yangtze Riv. estuary, Taiwan, S Korea, S Japan Sea, Japan, Honshu: Maizuru Bay, Kuchinoerabu Is., Kyushu: Shijiki Bay, Ariake Bay, Tanabe Bay, Tokyo Bay, Australia (G. of Carpentaria, North West Cape, Haughton River, Great Barrier, New South Wales, Melbourne, Ross River mouth), New Zealand (Kaikoura, Hauraki Gulf), Moorea Is. (lagoon), California (San Francisco Estuary, Monterey Bay, Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbors, San Pedro Bay, Tomales Bay), W & S Baja California (Bahia Magdalena, La Paz), Gulf of California, Coyuca lagoon (Guerrero), Zihuatanejo Bay, W Mexico, Acapulco Bay, G. of Tehuantepec, W Costa Rica, Bahia Cupica (Colombia), Galapagos, Peru, S Chile (53° S)
N: 420
(46) F: 0,73-0,53; M: 0,56-0,5; (66) F: 0,76-0,57; M: 0,67-0,47; (104) F: 0,8; M: 0,64; (109) F: 0,76-0,65; (116) F: 0,81; (132) F: 0,67; (138) F: 0,75-0,5; M: 0,56-0,5; (142) M: 0,73; (237) F: 0,85; (327) F: 0,69-0,58; M: 0,68-0,58; (332) F: 0,71-0,69; (336) F: 0,86-0,65; M: 0,65-0,61; (373) F: 0,83-0,5; M: 0,76-0,45; (388) F: 0,76-0,68; (432) F: 0,52; (433) F: 0,71-0,63; (434) F: 0,73-0,41; M: 0,65-0,36; (449) F: 0,75-0,5; M: 0,56-0,5; (530) F: 0,8; M: 0,6; (786) F: 0,82-0,58; M: 0,64-0,62; (858) G. of San Matias: F: 0,42-0,54; M: 0,30-0,38; Marseille: F: 0,38-0,50; M: 0,265-0,325; (920) : F: 0,65; (930) F: 0,7; (937) F: 0,68-0,72; (991) F: 0,50-0,75; M: 1,50-0,56; {F: 0,38-0,86; M: 0,36-0,76}
Rem.: Mainly inshore, coastal, estuarine.
The species is observed only very occasionally in the open sea (like for example up till the Algulhas Basin by 44° S having as its origin the South African coasts).
Non Antarctic and Arctic;
Oddly, I have not been able to find the references concerning the north-eastern coasts of North America.
The species is very abundant all along the Suez canal.
After Yamazi (1958, p.154) the species is common all the year round in Tanabe Bay (Japan).
Ohtsuka & Nishida point to in the Inlet and brackish waters on the main islands of Japan, this species is dominant.
After Benedetti & al. (2018, p.1, Fig.2) this species belonging to the functional group 5 corresponding to small sac-spawning detritivorous.

See in DVP Conway & al., 2003 (version 1)
Last update : 28/10/2022
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 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2024. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at http://copepodes.obs-banyuls.fr/en [Accessed October 26, 2024]

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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