Species Card of Copepod
Cyclopoida ( Order )
    Corycaeidae ( Family )
        Corycaeus ( Genus )
            Onychocorycaeus ( Sub-Genus )
Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus  F. Dahl, 1894   (F,M)
Syn.: Corycaeus catus : Mori, 1937 (1964) (p.135, Pl.74: figs.F,M);
C. obtusus : Farran, 1911 a (p.291);
Onychocorycaeus pacificus: Dessier, 1983 (p.89, Tableau 1, 2, Rem., %); Boxshall & Halsey, 2004 (p.494), McKinnon & al., 2008 (p.844: Tab.1); Lan Y.-C. & al., 2009 (p.1, Table 2, % vs hydrogaphic conditions); in CalCOFI regional list (MDO, Nov. 2013; M. Ohman, comm. pers.)
F. Dahl, 1894 (p.73); M. Dahl, 1912 (p.103, figs.F,M); Früchtl, 1924 b (p.95); Farran, 1936 a (p.139, Rem.); Dakin & Colefax, 1940 (p.113, figs.M); Sewell, 1947 (p.285, Rem.F,M); Tanaka, 1957 (p.95, figs.F,M); 1960 (p.85, figs. F); Tanaka, 1964 (p.16, figs.F,M, Rem.); Cervigon, 1964 (p.179, figs.F,M); Chen & al., 1974 (p.63, figs.F,M); Kang & al., 1990 (p.53, figs.F,M); Kim & al., 1993 (p.271); Chihara & Murano, 1997 (p.965, Pl.216, 217: F,M); Bradford-Grieve & al., 1999 (p.888, 975, figs.F,M); Al-Yamani & Prusova, 2003 (p.143, figs.F);
Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 1 of morphological figuresissued from : Tanaka O. in Scient. Rep. Jap. Antarct. Res. Exped., 1964, (E) 22. [Pl. VIII].
Female: a, habitus (dorsal); b, last thoracic segment and urosome (left lateral side); c, A2; d, distal segment of endopod of P2; e, P5.

Male: f, habitus (dorsal); g, last thoracic segment and urosome (left lateral side); h, A2; i, Mxp.

Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 2 of morphological figuresissued from : O. Tanaka in J. Fac. Agricult. Kyushu Univ., 1957, 11 (1). [Pl.9, Figs.13-20].
Female (from Japanese waters): 13, habitus (dorsal); 14, urosome (lateral right side); 15, A2; 16, P4; 17, terminal spine of exopod of P2.
Nota: The abdominal segments and furca in the proportional lengths 56:22:22

Male: 18, habitus (dorsal); 19, urosome (lateral right side); 20, A2.
Nota: The abdominal segments and furca in the proportional lengths 54:21:25. Genital segment oval, 1.5 times as long as wide (26:17), devoided of ventral hook. Anal segment about 2 times as long as wide (11:6), wider at the proximal. Furcal rami 8 times as long as wide (12:1.5).

Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 3 of morphological figuresissued from : Q.-c Chen & S.-z. Zhang & C.-s. Zhu in Studia Marina Sinica, 1974, 9. [Pl.21, Figs.1-7].
Female (from China Seas): 1, habitus (dorsal); 2, A2; 3, terminal spines of exopod 3 of P2; 4, P4.

Male: 5, habitus (dorsal); 6, last portion of prosome and urosome (lateral left side); 7, A2.

Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 4 of morphological figuresissued from : F.Y. Al-Yamani & I. Prusova in Common Copepods Northwestern Arabian Gulf : Identification Guide. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, 2003. [p.142, Fig.55].
Female: A, habitus (dorsal); B, idem (lateral left side); C, urosome (dorsal); D, idem (lateral left side); E, A2; F, P4.
Nota: Proportional lengths of urosomites and caudal rami 48:19:19. A2 with marginal spine of basipod 2 about 3 times shorter yhat of basipod 1.

Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 5 of morphological figuresissued from : M. Dahl in Ergebnisse der Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt-Stiftung. Bd II, G. f1. I. Die Corycaeinen 1912. [Taf.XIV, Figs.1, 2, 3, 4].
Female: 1, habitus (dorsal); 2, idem (lateral right side); 3, idem (dorsal); 4, lateral left side).

Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 6 of morphological figuresissued from : M. Dahl in Ergebnisse der Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt-Stiftung. Bd II, G. f1. I. Die Corycaeinen 1912. [Taf.XIV, Fig.7].
Female: 7, A2.

Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 7 of morphological figuresissued from : M. Dahl in Ergebnisse der Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt-Stiftung. Bd II, G. f1. I. Die Corycaeinen 1912. [Taf.XIV, Figs.8, 9].
Female: 8, endopod of P2; 9, P4.

Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 8 of morphological figuresissued from : M. Dahl in Ergebnisse der Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt-Stiftung. Bd II, G. f1. I. Die Corycaeinen 1912. [Taf.XIV, Figs.5, 6].
Male: 5, habitus (dorsal); 6, idem (lateral right side).

Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 9 of morphological figuresissued from : M. Dahl in Ergebnisse der Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt-Stiftung. Bd II, G. f1. I. Die Corycaeinen 1912. [Taf.XIV, Fig.10].
Male: 10, A2.

Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 10 of morphological figuresissued from : F. Cervigon iin Mem. Soc. Cienc. nat. La Salle, 1964, 24 (68). [p.182, Lam.13]. As Onychocorycaeus pacificus.
Female (from Venezuela): 1, habitus (dorsal); 2, abdomen (lateral); 3, A2; 4, P4.

Nota: Lengths prosome: 0.75-0.78; lengths urosome: 0.40-0.43. Lengths ratio genital , anal segments and caudal rami 55:22:22; 54:24:22 and 58:21:21

Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 11 of morphological figuresissued from : F. Cervigon iin Mem. Soc. Cienc. nat. La Salle, 1964, 24 (68). [p.183, Lam.14]. As Onychocorycaeus pacificus.
Male: 1, habitus (dorsal); 2, abdomen (lateral); 3, A2; 4, P4.

Nota: Lengths prosome: 0.63-0.68; lengths urosome: 0.50-0.56. Lengths ratio genital , anal segments and caudal rami 54:22:24; 52:23:25 and 49:24:27.

Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 12 of morphological figuresissued from : Y.S. Kang, S.-H. Huh & S.S. Lee in J. Ocanol. Soc. Korea, 1990, 25 (2). [Pl. 4, Figs.A-B].
Female (from Korean waters): A, habitus (dorsal); B, P3.

Nota: Cephalothorax 5-segmented. 3rd thoracic segment swollen large, and lateral points extended to 3/4 the genital segment. Lateral points of 4th thoracic segment very short and dull. Genital segment longer than the caudal rami. Caudal rami 4 times longer than width. Apical spine of exopod of P2 with 2 teeth on the inner anterior side. endopod of P4 with one small prominance with 1 long seta.

Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 13 of morphological figuresissued from : Y.S. Kang, S.-H. Huh & S.S. Lee in J. Ocanol. Soc. Korea, 1990, 25 (2). [Pl. 4, Figs.C-D].
Male: C, habitus (dorsal); D, genital segment (lateral, left side).

Nota: 3rd thoracic segment fused with the 4th. Lateral points of 3rd thoracic segment shorter than 1/2 the length of the genital segment. Genital segment with an oval form. Caudal rami 7 times longer than width.

Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 14 of morphological figuresissued from : T. Mori in The Pelagic copepoda from the neighbouring waters of Japan, 1937 (1964). [Pl. 74, Figs.1-3]. As Corycaeus catus
Female: 1, habitus (dorsal); 2, P4; 3, A2.

Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 15 of morphological figuresissued from : T. Mori in The Pelagic copepoda from the neighbouring waters of Japan, 1937 (1964). [Pl. 74, Figs.4-7]. As Corycaeus catus.
Male: 4-5, habitus (lateral and dorsal, respectively); 6, A2.; 7, P4.

Species Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus - Plate 16 of morphological figuresIssued from : O. Tanaka in Spec. Publs. Seto mar. biol. Lab., 10, 1960 [Pl. XXXVII, 1-3].
Female (from Indian Ocean): 1, habitus (dorsal); 2, abdomen (dorsal); 3, same (lateral).

Nota: Cephalothorax and abdomen in the proportional lengths 68 to 32.
Lateral process of the 4th thoracic segment narrowly rounded, not sharply pointed.
Abdominal segments and caudal rami in the proportional lengths 57 : 21 : 22 = 100.
Anal segment tapers gradually toward the distal, and about as long as it is broad at the anterior border.

Characters male: Cephalothorax and abdomen in the proportional lengths 58 to 42.
Wing-like expansion of the 4th thoracic segment short, terminates into a small knob which is rounded at the apex.
Abdominal segments and caudal rami in the proportional lengths 54 : 21 : 25 = 100.
Genital segment 1.7 times as long as broad (51 : 31); ventral hook absent; cylindrical part about half the length of the posterior border of the segment (11 : 5).
Anal segment with parallell lateral margins, and about 2 times as long as it is broad at the anterior border of the segment; the posterior border of the segment where the caudal ramus articulates on each side is armed with 2 groups of spinules.
Caudal rami 8 times as long as broad.

Compl. Ref.:
Wilson, 1942 a (p.182); Sewell, 1948 (p.393); C.B. Wilson, 1950 (p.195); Fagetti, 1962 (p.53); De Decker, 1964 (p.15, 21, 32); De Decker & Mombeck, 1964 (p.12); Björnberg, 1973 (p.366, 385); Guangshan & Honglin, 1984 (p.118, tab.); Renon, 1987 (tab.2); Othman & al., 1990 (p.561, 564, Table 1); Hirakawa & al., 1990 (tab.3); Yoo, 1991 (tab.1); Shih & Young, 1995 (p.76); Kotani & al., 1996 (tab.2); Go & al., 1997 (tab.1); Park & Choi, 1997 (Appendix); Hsieh & Chiu, 1998 (tab.2); Suarez-Morales & Gasca, 1998 a (p.112); Noda & al., 1998 (p.55, Table 3, occurrence); Lavaniegos & Gonzalez-Navarro, 1999 (p.239, Appx.1); Razouls & al., 2000 (p.343, Appendix); Ueda & al., 2000 (tab.1); Hsieh & al., 2004 (p.398, tab.1); Rezai & al., 2004 (p.490, tab.2); Lan & al., 2004 (p.332, tab.1); Lo & al.*, 2004 (p.218, fig.6); Lo & al., 2004 (p.89, tab.1); Hwang & al., 2006 (p.943, tabl. I); Hwang & al., 2007 (p.25); C.-Y. Lee & al., 2009 (p.151, Tab.2); Hernandez-Trujillo & al., 2010 (p.913, Table 2); Fazeli & al., 2010 (p.153, Table 1); Hsiao S.H. & al., 2011 (p.475, Appendix I); Tseng L.-C. & al., 2011 (p.47, Table 2, occurrences vs mesh sizes); Jang M.-C & al., 2012 (p.37, abundance and seasonal distribution); Tachibana & al., 2013 (p.545, Table 1, seasonal change 2006-2008); Tseng & al., 2013 (p.507, seasonal abundance); Hwang & al., 2014 (p.43, Appendix A: seasonal abundance); Palomares-Garcia & al., 2018 (p.178, Table 1: occurrence);
NZ: 14

Distribution map of Corycaeus (Onychocorycaeus) pacificus by geographical zones
sub-Antarct. (SW Indian), South Africa (off Cape of Good Hope, E & W), Venezuela (in Legaré, 1964; Cervigon, 1964), Suez Canal, Red Sea, Gulf of Oman, G. of Aden, Arabian Sea, Arabian Gulf (Kuwait), Laccadive Sea., Maldive Is., off Zanzibar, Indian, Straits of Malacca, Is. Aru, Philippines, Viet-Nam, China Seas (Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea), Taiwan Strait, Taiwan (E, S, SW, W, NW, N, Mienhua Canyon, NE), Okinawa, S & SE Korea, Korea Strait, S Japan Sea, Japan, Kuchinoerabu Is., Tokyo Bay, Aleutian Is., Pacif. (W equatorial), Australia (Great Barrier, New South Wales, North West Cape, G. of Carpentaria), off Hawaii, Pacif. (N tropical), W & S Baja California (Bahia Magdalena, La Paz), G. of California, Clipperton Is., N Chile
N: 65
(11) F: 1,108-1,067; M: 1,03-0,98; (34) F: 1,08-1,04; (66) F: 1,21-1,1; M: 1,12-1,05; (84) F: 1,12; M: 1,04; (104) M: 1,1; (107) F: 1,21-1,12; M: 1,09-0,99; (109) F: 1,17-1,07; M: 1,07; (114) F: 1,22; 1,16; M: 1,11-1,06; (666) F: 1,09; M: 0,97-0,95; (668) F: 1,22-1,16; M: 1,19-1,18; (786) F: 1,15-1,09; M: 1,08; (937) F: 1,07-1,17; {F: 1,04-1,22; M: 0,95-1,19}
Rem.: Sampling depth (sub-Antarct.) : 0-1000 m.

Sewell (1947, p.285, Female) notes: The proportional lengths of the anterior and posterior regions of the body as 66 to 34. The proportional lengths of the various segments of the body (cephalon to caudal rami) as 367 : 123 : 52 : 94 : 25 :1 90: 77 : 72 = 1000. It seems clear that the present examples are intermediate between the Pacific form pacificus, and the Mediterranean form ovalis, and the sole distinction between these forms appears to be the presence of a sharp spinous termination to the leteral process of the 4th thoracic segment in ovalis and its absence in pacificus; I am therefore inclined to regard them as local races of the same species. Cephalon and 1st pediger segment are partially fused, the line of demarcation between them being visible on the dorsal aspect. The posterior processes of the 4th thoracic segment terminate in small blunt prominences. The posterior border of the genital segment and the margin of the articulation with the caudal rami on each side of the 2nd abdominal segment are armed with rows of small spinules on the ventral aspect.
Remarks concerning the Male: The proportional lengths of the anterior and posterior regions of the body as 55 to 45. The proportional lengths of the various segments of the body (cephalon to caudal rami) as 322:86:40:95:21:236:91:100 = 1000. Head and 1st pediger segment partially fused (in stained specimens the line of fusion is detectable). The 4 th thoravcic segment is produced backwards on each side in a wing that terminates in a short pointed spine. Genital segment 5/9 as broad as long, the actual proportions being 37 to 63; the genital aperture is guarded by a seta, on he inner side of which is a small triangular spinule; there is no spinous projection on the ventral aspect of the segment. A1 resembles that of female. In A2 the basal part appears composed of 3 segments, of which the proximal is small and incompletely annular in shape.
According to Kang & al. (1990, p.54): Tanaka (1957) pointed out that the length of caudal rami was 5 times its width in female and 8 times its width in male. In the Korean specimen, the former was 4 times and the latter was 7 times; also, Tanaka (1957) mentioned that female had 1 tooth on the inner anterior side of apical spine on exopod of P2.
For Boxshall & Halsey (2004, p.491) the subgenus (Dahl, 1912) is considered as full generic status pending phylogenetic revision of the whole family at the generic level.
Last update : 16/09/2021
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 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2024. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at http://copepodes.obs-banyuls.fr/en [Accessed July 26, 2024]

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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