Species Card of Copepod
Calanoida ( Order )
    Clausocalanoidea ( Superfamily )
        Aetideidae ( Family )
            Paivella ( Genus )
Paivella inaciae  Vervoort, 1965   (F,M)
Syn.: Aetideus atlanticus Calef & Grice, 1965 (p.634, figs.F, Rem.)
Vervoort, 1965 (p.201, figs.F,M, Rem.); Binet & Dessier, 1971 (p.427, Rem.); Bradford & Jillett, 1980 (p.63); Björnberg & al., 1981 (p.630, figs.F,M); Markhaseva, 1996 (p.233, figs.F,M); Bradford-Grieve & al., 1999 (p.879, 919, 922, figs.F,M)
Species Paivella inaciae - Plate 1 of morphological figuresIssued from : W. Vervoort in Atlantide Report, 1965, 8. [p.201, Fig.36]
Female (from off Nigeria): a, habitus (lateral right side); b, idem (dorsal).
Nota: Head and 1st thoracic somite fused, 4th and 5th fused. Proportional lengths of prosome and urosome as 17:5. Above the rostral base the pair of hairs of the frontal organ is clerly visible. Proportional lengths of abdominal somites and furca as 36:20:15:12:17 = 100. Caudal rami twice as long as wide; each ramus with 4 strong apical setae and a ventral appendicular seta, strongly curved. A1 23-segmented.

Species Paivella inaciae - Plate 2 of morphological figuresIssued from : W. Vervoort in Atlantide Report, 1965, 8. [p.203, Fig.37]
Female: a, anterior part cephalothorax (lateral); b, posterior part cephalothorax and abdomen (lateral right side); c, idem (dorsal); d, forehead (ventral).

Species Paivella inaciae - Plate 3 of morphological figuresIssued from : W. Vervoort in Atlantide Report, 1965, 8. [p.204, Fig.38]
Female: a, A1; b, A2; c, Md (mandibular palp); d, Mx2; e, Mxp.
Nota: Endopodite of A 2 2-segmented; small coxa with 1 internal seta; basis with 2 fine setae near the insertion of the endopodite; 2nd endopodal segment with 8 setae on the internal lobe and 6 plus 1 appendicular setae on the extarnal lobe. Basis and coxa of the mandibular palp with 2 strong, external, spiniform setae; endopodite 2-segmented with 2 setae on the 1st segment and 9 plus 1 appendicular on the 2nd segment; exopodite 5-segmented. Mx2 with 2 praecoxal and 2 coxal endites; the proximal three of these endites with 2 long setae and 1 short seta each; there is only asingle basipodal endite, bearing a considerably thickened, spinulose spine and 2 fine setae; apparently 3 endopodal segments, with a total of 6 setae. All endites, with the exception of that arising from the basis, are set with some rows of fine spinules. Coxa and basis of Mxp of about the same length; endopodite 5-segmented (setal formula: 4, 4, 3, 3 + 1 external, 4, respectively).

Species Paivella inaciae - Plate 4 of morphological figuresIssued from : W. Vervoort in Atlantide Report, 1965, 8. [p.206, Fig.39]
Female: a, P1; b, P2; c, P3; d, P4; e, Md (cutting edge); f, Mx1.
Nota: Praecoxal arthrite with 9 strong spiniform teeth and 4 fine setiform spines; epipodite of the coxa with 9 setae; coxal endite with 3 setae; basal endite with 4 setae; exite badly developed without seta; basipodite with 4 setae, one of which appears to be appendicular; endopodite indistinctly 3-segmented (setal formula: 2, 3, 5, respectively); exopodite small with 11 setae.

Species Paivella inaciae - Plate 5 of morphological figuresIssued from : W. Vervoort in Atlantide Report, 1965, 8. [p.207, Fig.40]
Male: a, habitus (dorsal); b, idem (lateral right side); c, posterior part cephalothorax with P5 and urosome (lateral right side).
Nota: Rostrum almost as in female, the points are slightly shorter. Urosome with 5 somites; The urosomal segments and furca in the proportional lengths 15:21:21:23:5: 15 = 100. Genital somite with genital slit on the left side.

Species Paivella inaciae - Plate 6 of morphological figuresIssued from : W. Vervoort in Atlantide Report, 1965, 8. [p.209, Fig.41]
Male: a-b, A1; c, Mx1; d, Mxp; e, P1; f, P2; g, P4; h, P5 (l = left leg; r = right leg); i, apex of left P5.
Nota: mandibular palp almost as in female, but setae densely plumose. Mx1 reduced; praecoxal arthrite as a more or less triangular structure, without setae or spines; coxal endite absent; coxal exite (epipodite) with 5 long, plumose setae; basal endite with 2 nude setae; exite absent; basipodite with 3 fine setae; endopodite reduced and indistinctly 3-segmented, with 3 normal and 5 or 6 fine setae; exopodite normally developed with 10 long plumose setae. Mx2 strongly reduced. The fifth legs both uniramose. P1 to P4 as in female but for the following differences; 1- P1: the 1st and 2nd exopodal segments completely fused; 2- P2: The endopodite has an incomplete segmentation in its proximal part; 3- P4: There are no spinules on the posterior aspect of the coxa, there is no seta at the internal margin of the coxa and the internal chitinized ridge is small (p.210).

Species Paivella inaciae - Plate 7 of morphological figuresissued from : G.W. Calef & G.D. Grice inBull. mar. Sci., 1965, 15 (3). [p.635, Figs.1-15].
Female (from NW Equatorial Atlantic): 1-2, habitus (dorsal and lateral, respectively); 3, 5th thoracic segment and urosome (dorsal); 4, forehead (ventral); 5, A1; 6, A2; 7, Md (mandibular palp); 8, Md (gnathobase); 9, Mx1; 10, Mx2; 11, Mxp; 12-14, P1 to P3; 15, basipodal segment of P4.
Nota: A1 23-segmented, reaching the 2nd abdominal segment (8th and 9th, 24th and 25 segments fused). Rostrum bifid not visible in dorsal view.

Species Paivella inaciae - Plate 8 of morphological figuresissued from : W. Vervoort in Atlantide Report, 1965, 8. [p.205].
Female: Setal (Arabic ) and spinal (Roman) formula of swimming legs P1 to P4.
Differences in the male, see text above.

Species Paivella inaciae - Plate 9 of morphological figuresPaivella inaciae female:
1 - Genital segment without lateral projections (dorsal view).

Compl. Ref.:
Park, 1970 (p.476); Bainbridge, 1972 (p.61, Appendix Table I: vertical distribution vs day/night, Table II: %); Binet & al., 1972 (p.69); Binet, 1979 (p.400); Dessier, 1979 (p.205); Medellin-Mora & Navas S., 2010 (p.265, Tab. 2)
NZ: 3

Distribution map of Paivella inaciae by geographical zones
SW Atlant., Congo, Nigeria, G. of Guinea, Ivorian shelf, Caribbean Sea, Caribbean Colombia, off Amazon.

Type locality: 5°56'N, 4°26'E.
N: 12
(16) F: 1,46-1,42; M: 1,15; (257) F: 1,45; (258) F: 1,44; 1,4; {F: 1,40-1,46; M: 1,15}
Rem.: epipelagic.
Frequent in Brasilian neritic province (Björnberg & al., 1981).
Last update : 30/06/2016
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 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2024. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at http://copepodes.obs-banyuls.fr/en [Accessed July 27, 2024]

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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