Species Card of Copepod
Calanoida ( Order )
    Pseudocyclopoidea ( Superfamily )
        Pseudocyclopidae ( Family )
            Pseudocyclops ( Genus )
Pseudocyclops giussanii  Zagami, Brugnano & Costanzo, 2008   (F)
Zagami & al., 2008 (p.607, figs.F)
Species Pseudocyclops giussanii - Plate 1 of morphological figuresIssued from : G. Zagami, C. Brugnano & G. Costanzo in Zool. Stud., 2008, 47 (5). [p.607, Fig.2].
Female (from Lake Faro): A, habitus (dorsal); B, urosome (ventral); C, A1.

- Cephalon partially separated from 1st pedigerous somite, 4th and 5th pedigers separated.
- Posterolateral corners of prosome rounded.
- Urosome 4-segmented.
- Genital double-somite symmetrically ornamented with minute spinules dorsally, posterodorsal margin with serrate hyaline frill, posteroventral margin not serrate in central area; gonopores and copulatory pores paired, opening within longitudinal slit on either side.
- 2nd urosomite with serrate distal margin.
- 3rd urosomite bearing denticulate hyaline frill.
- Anal somite short, telescoped inside preceding somite.
- Caudal rami symmetrical, with row of setules along inner margin, 6 setae: seta I lacking, seta II cuneiform, seta V longest, seta VII located dorsally at distomedial angle of ramus.
- A1 16-segmented; segment 1 with 12 setae + 3 aesthetascs, segment 16 with 5 setae + 2 aesthetascs.

Species Pseudocyclops giussanii - Plate 2 of morphological figuresIssued from : G. Zagami, C. Brugnano & G. Costanzo in Zool. Stud., 2008, 47 (5). [p.609, Fig.3].
Female: A, A2; B, Md; C, D, Mx1; E, Mx2; F, Mxp.

- A2 biramous; coxa and basis each bearing 1 seta at distomedial angle; exopod indistinctly 7-segmented, segments 1-4 each bearing 1 seta, segments 5 and 6 each with 2 setae, segment 7 with 3 apical setae; endopod 3-segmented, 1st segment with 2 setae on medial margin, 2nd with 8 setae, 3rd with 7 setae apically; 2nd and 3rd segments each ornamented with small spinules on outer surface.
- Md: cutting edge of gnathobase with 7 cuspidate teeth, ventralmost tooth largest, stocky, unicuspidate, separated by wide space from 2 adjacent teeth, of which 1st is larger than 2nd, narrower and sharp, intermediate tooth tricuspidate, 2 adjacent teeth shorter and unicuspidate, dorsalmost tooth curved dorsally. Palp biramous; basis with 2 setae on inner margin; exopod indistinctly 4-segmented (setal formula: 1, 1, 1,3); endopod 2-segmented, proximal with 4 setae at distomedial angle, distal segment with 10 setae on distal margin.
- Mx1 wemm developed. Praecoxal arthrite with 9 marginal strong spines plus 5 slender submarginal setae; coxal epipodite with 6 setae, coxal endite with 3 setae; basis with 1 short seta (representing basal exite), proximal basal endite with 4 setae, distal basal endite indistinct, with 4 setae; exopod with 11 marginal setae; endopod with 16 marginal setae.
- Mx2 indistinctly 4-segmented. Praecoxa with proximal endite carrying 5 long marginal setae and 1 submarginal rudimentary element; distal endite with 3 setae, both coxal endites with 3 setae; basis and 1st endopodal segment fused to form allobasis, bearing 7 setae; endopod reduced, indistinctly segmented, carrying 7 setae.
- Mxp 7-segmented. Syncoxa partly subdivided, with 1, 2, 4 and 3 setae (representing praecoxal and coxal endites); basis incorporating proximal endopodal segment, with 3 + 2 setae; free endopod -segmented, 1st and 2nd segments each with 4 setae, 3rd segment with 3 setae, 4th segment with 3 setae and 1 outer seta, 5th segment with 4 setae.

Species Pseudocyclops giussanii - Plate 3 of morphological figuresIssued from : G. Zagami, C. Brugnano & G. Costanzo in Zool. Stud., 2008, 47 (5). [p.610, Fig.4].
Female: A, P1; B, P2; C, P3; D, P4; E, P5.

- P5 symmetrical; exopod 3-segmented, endopod 2-segmented. Coxa unarmed, ornamented with rows of minute denticles on outer and distal margins; basis bearing submedial seta ornamented with transverse and distal rows of minute denticles, and with pointed distomedial angle; exopod and endopod both ornamented with rows of minute denticles; 1st exopodal segment with outer spine, 2nd segment with outer spine and elongate pointed process adjacent to it; 3rd segment with 1 outer and 2 terminal serrate spines, plus 1 inner pectinate spine. 1st endopodal segment with 2 outer pointed processes; 2nd segment with 1 medial seta at mid-length, 2 distal setae, and 4 pointed distal processes.

Species Pseudocyclops giussanii - Plate 4 of morphological figuresIssued from : G. Zagami, C. Brugnano & G. Costanzo in Zool. Stud., 2008, 47 (5). [p.608].
Female: Armature of swimming legs P1 to P4.
Arabic numerals = setae; Roman numerals = spines.

Compl. Ref.:
Pansera & al., 2014 (p.221, Table 2, abundance); Belmonte, 2018 (p.273, Table I: Italian zones)
NZ: 1

Distribution map of Pseudocyclops giussanii by geographical zones
W Medit. (NE Sicily, Lake Faro)
N: 3
(1018) F: 0,53; {F: 0,53}
Rem.: hyperbenthic.
This species is very similar to Pseudocyclops mirus.
For Zagami & al. (2008, p.611) the new species has a very narrow and elongate female prosome, that is shared only with P. pumilis and P. mirus within the genus. In addition, it is similar to these two species in having 16 segmented antennules and in the presence of an outer basal spine on P3. The mirus- Group shares synapomorphies as follows: 1- absence of exopodal setae along the inner margin of female P5; 2- unarmed proximal endopod segment of female P5, with 2 acute pointed processes; the distal endopod segment with 1 medial and 2 distal setae, and 3 or 4 processes terminally.
Last update : 06/02/2020
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 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2024. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at http://copepodes.obs-banyuls.fr/en [Accessed October 08, 2024]

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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