Issued from : E.L. Markhaseva
in USSR Acad. Sci., Zool. Inst., Explor. Fauna Seas. Marine Plankton, 1989, 41 (49).< [p.53, Fig.26].
Female: Thoracic segment 5 and genital segment.
Nota from the key:
1 - Genital segment strongly asymmetrical.
2 - Both left and right thoracic posterior corners without spines.
3 - Thoracic posterior corners with rounded lobes.
4 - Thoracic posterior corners slightly asymmetrical.
5 - Genital field removed to the right of genital segment (ventral view).
6 - Third internal lobe of Mx1 with 5 setae.
7 - Genital segment with 2 large protuberance only the right (dorsal view).
8 - Gnathobase of Mx1 posterior surface with 3 setae.