Species Card of Copepod
Calanoida ( Order )
    Diaptomoidea ( Superfamily )
        Acartiidae ( Family )
            Acartia ( Genus )
Acartia eremeevi  Pavlova & Shmeleva, 2010   (F,M)
Pavlova & Shmeleva, 2010 (p.e-5, figs.F,M)
Species Acartia eremeevi - Plate 1 of morphological figuresissued from : E.V. Pavlova & A.A. Shmeleva in Vestnik zoologii, 2010, 44 (2). [p. e-6, Fig.4].
Female (from Martyn Bay, Black Sea): 1-2, habitus (dorsal and lateral, respectively); 3-4, urosome (dorsal and lateral, respectively); 5, A1; 6, A2; 7, Md; 8, Mx1; 9, Mx2; 10, Mxp.
Nota: A1 19-segmented, extends posteriorly to genital segment.
Rostrum small, without filaments.
Dorsolateral side of 5th pedigerous segment without row of spinules.
Urosome 3-segmented, about 4 times as long as prosome, without spines and setae on distal end. Ratio of urosomal segments and caudal rami 45.5 : 21.8 : 18.2 : 14.5 = 100.
Caudal rami symmetrical, 1.4 times as long as wide, lateral end without hair.

Species Acartia eremeevi - Plate 2 of morphological figuresissued from : E.V. Pavlova & A.A. Shmeleva in Vestnik zoologii, 2010, 44 (2). [p. e-7, Fig.5, 1-5].
Female: 1-4, P1 to P4, respectively; 5, P5.

Species Acartia eremeevi - Plate 3 of morphological figuresissued from : E.V. Pavlova & A.A. Shmeleva in Vestnik zoologii, 2010, 44 (2). [p. e-4, Table 1].
Female: Setae formula of the armature of swimming legs P1 to P4.
Nota: this formula is also valid for A. mollicula.
Number of setae from outer to inner segment.

Species Acartia eremeevi - Plate 4 of morphological figuresissued from : E.V. Pavlova & A.A. Shmeleva in Vestnik zoologii, 2010, 44 (2). [p. e-5, Table 2].
Female: Dimensions and morphological characteristics.

Species Acartia eremeevi - Plate 5 of morphological figuresissued from : E.V. Pavlova & A.A. Shmeleva in Vestnik zoologii, 2010, 44 (2). [p. e-7, Fig.5 ( 6 )].
Male: 6, habitus (dorsal).

Species Acartia eremeevi - Plate 6 of morphological figuresissued from : E.V. Pavlova & A.A. Shmeleva in Vestnik zoologii, 2010, 44 (2). [p. e-7, Fig.6].
Male: 1, urosme (dorsal); 2, habitus (lateral); 3, right A1; 4, P5.
Nota: Prosome to urosome ratio 74.2 : 25.8.
Posterior corners of 5th pedigerous naked.
Urosome 5-segmented, first three segments without lateral and dorsal spines and hair; 4th segment smaller in size. Urosomal segments in proportion 11 : 29 : 23 : 8 : 12 : 17 = 100.
Caudal rami about twice as long as wide, with 5 setae each. Right P5 basis armed with outer seta and distolateral corner, and 3-segmented exopod; 1st exopodal segment elongated at distal part; 2nd with 2 little spines on proximal and distal edges of inner lobe and with 1 outer spine; 3rd segment very long, claw curved inwards, with 2 integumental pores, 1 internal and 2 external spines, without a large terminal spine. Left P5 basis armed with outer seta and 1 conic spine at inner border, and 2-segmented exopod; distal exopod with small spine and little setule along distal inner border, a finger-shaped appendage covered with small spines, inner margin with small basal setulae.

Compl. Ref.:
Gubanova & al., 2013 (in press, Rem.: p.7, Table 3)
NZ: 2

Distribution map of Acartia eremeevi by geographical zones
Black Sea (Martyn Bay: Sevastopol, Marmara Sea, Levantine Sea, Red Sea.
N: 2
(1045) F: 0,73-0,76; M: 0,70-0,75; {F: 0,3-0,76; M: 0,70-0,75}
Rem.: coastal.
For Gubanova & al. (2013, p.6) the validity of this species is questionable.
Last update : 19/04/2014
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 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2024. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at http://copepodes.obs-banyuls.fr/en [Accessed July 26, 2024]

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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