Species Card of Copepod
Monstrilloida ( Order )
    Monstrillidae ( Family )
        Caromiobenella ( Genus )
Caromiobenella polluxea  Jeon, Lee & Soh, 2018   (M)
Jeon & al., 2018 (p.51, Descr. M, figs.M, Rem.)
Species Caromiobenella polluxea - Plate 1 of morphological figuresIssued from : D. Jeon, W. Lee & H.Y. Soh in J. Crustacean Biol., 2018, , 38 (1). [p.54, Fig. 6]
Male (from 34°26'43.3''N, 126°21'57.3''E): A, habitus showing crater-like depressions (arrows) and dorsal mound with 2 pairs of pores (hollow arrow); B, habitus (arrows indicate crater-like depressions), lateral view; C, cephalothorax with P1, ventral view (le = lateral eye; ve = ventral eye)
Arabic numerals in A and B indicate pit-setae.
Scale bars in µm.

- Ratio of lengths of cephalothorax, metasome and urosome 38.6 (37.9-39.2) ; 38.1 (35.7-39.4) : 23.3 (21.7-25.1) in lateral view.
- Pseudoral cone with no apical pore situated in anterior ventral region between antennular bases and oral papilla.
- Dorsal medial half of cephalothorax slightly swollen, forming small mound with 2 pairs of pores.
- Oral papilla low, located ventrally at 36.2 % (33.0- 39.2) of distance from anterior end of cephalothorax.
- 2 lateral and 1 ventral eyes within anterior of forehead, moderately developed, pigmented; lateral eyes oval , 0.07 mm long, 0.06 mm wide, 0.05 mm apart across midline. Ventral eye round, smaller in diameter (0.05 mm) than lateral eyes.
- Body somites from first free pediger to fourth free pediger with several pore pairs in various regions; 1st free pediger with 3 pairs of pit-setae posteriorly (n° 6-8: 2 pairs laterally, other pair dorsally) plus pair of simple pores anterior to dorsal pair of pit-setae.
- Tergite of incorporated 1st pediger with 5 pairs of pit-setae: 1 pair situated dorsally (n°1), 4 pairs laterally (n°2-5)
- Length of A1 in relation to total body length 28.7 % (27.9-29.7).
- Branched setae absent, replaced by unbranched simple setae.
- Each caudal ramus with 5 plumose setae, outermost 2 (I, II) coarsely bipinnate. All caudal setae subequal in length except for noticeably shorter dorsal seta VI.

Species Caromiobenella polluxea - Plate 2 of morphological figuresIssued from : D. Jeon, W. Lee & H.Y. Soh in J. Crustacean Biol., 2018, , 38 (1). [p.55, Fig. 7]
Male: A, left A1 (dorsal view); B, urosome (lateral view); C, urosome showing genital opercular flaps (hollow arrows), medial protrusion (filled arrow), between lappets and asterisks on caudal rami indicate ventral pores, ventral view.
Scale bars in µm

- Genital shaft robust, 0.06 mm (0.064-0.066) long with genital opercular openings at distal end covered by 2 opercular flaps; pair of short, subtriangular distal lappets separated by posterior medial protrusion of shaft, each lappets with inner side corrugated, coarsely denticulate.
- Ratios of A1 segment lengths (from p^roximal to distal) 16.7 (15.8-17.3) : 19.7 (18.4-20.4) : 16.6 (15.8-17.1) : 22.6 (21.2-23.7) : 24.3 (23.5-25.4).
- Spine 6 on 5th segment of A1 naked.
- Spinous elements on first 3 A1 segments biserrate along outer margin. 4d 1-2, 4v3, relatively long, slender; spine 4v 1, 2 rather short, robust.

Species Caromiobenella polluxea - Plate 3 of morphological figuresIssued from : D. Jeon, W. Lee & H.Y. Soh in J. Crustacean Biol., 2018, , 38 (1). [p.56, Fig. 8]
Male: 4-D, P1 to P4 (anteriorv views) showing plunging distal margin of intercoxal sclerites (filled arrows) and inner distal bulging of bases (hollow arrows), asterisks indicate anterior pores.
Scale bar in µm.

- Inner distal corners of protopods of P1 to P4 bulging.
- Distal margin of intercoxalsclerites of all legs triangularly incised.
- Outermost seta on 3rd exopodal segments of legs with dense serration along inner margin.
- P5 absent, but at least 2 specimens out of 4, including holotype, with unilateral nipple-like protuberance on posterior ventral part of 1st urosomal somite (4th free pediger).

Species Caromiobenella polluxea - Plate 4 of morphological figuresIssued from : D. Jeon, W. Lee & H.Y. Soh in J. Crustacean Biol., 2018, , 38 (1). [p.58, Fig. 10]
Male (paratypes): A, P1 showing bulging inner distal corner of basis (arrow), left, posterior; B, P3 joined by intercoxal sclerite (filled arrow) and showing bulging inner distal corner of basis (hollow arrow), posterior; C, genital apparatus showing posterior protrusion (arrow), ventral; D, opercular flaps (arrows) on distal margin of genital shaft, ventral.
Scale bars in µm.

Species Caromiobenella polluxea - Plate 5 of morphological figuresIssued from : D. Jeon, W. Lee & H.Y. Soh in J. Crustacean Biol., 2018, , 38 (1). [p.57, Fig. 9, E-F]
Male: E, 4th antennular segment with setal elements (left side, ventral view); F, 5th antennular segment armed with naked distalmost spine 6 1, right side, dorsal view).
Scale bars in µm.

NZ: 1

Distribution map of Caromiobenella polluxea by geographical zones
S Korea (Gogunmyeon)

Type locality: 34°26"43.3'' N, 126*21'57.3'' E.
N: 1
(1233)* M: 1,14-1,15 (mean = 1,14); {M: 1,14-1,15}
*: excluding the caudal rami .
Rem.: Collected by using a light trap from 20.00to 23.00 h.alongside a seawall (Yongho Seawall).
Last update : 17/09/2020
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 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at http://copepodes.obs-banyuls.fr/en [Accessed February 19, 2025]

© copyright 2005-2025 Sorbonne University, CNRS

CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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