Species Card of Copepod
Calanoida ( Order )
    Clausocalanoidea ( Superfamily )
        Aetideidae ( Family )
            Senecella ( Genus )
Senecella siberica  Vyshkvartzeva, 1994   (F,M)
Vyshvartzeva, 1994 (p.113, figs.F,M); Markhaseva, 1996 (p.297, figs.F,M); Boxshall & Halsey, 2004 (p.58)
Species Senecella siberica - Plate 1 of morphological figuresissued from : N.V. Vyshkvartzeva in Hydrobiologia, 1994, 292/293. [Fig.1: 1-11, p.114; Fig.2: 14-15, p.116].

Female: 1, habitus (left side); 2 idem (dorsal view); 3, Th5-6 and urosome (right side); 4, Th6 and urosome (left side); 5, genital segment (left side) (other specimen); 6, urosome (ventral view); 7, palp of mandible; 8, cutting edge of mandible; 9, Mx1; 10, Mx2; 11, Mxp.; 12, P4; 14, A2; 15, P1.

Nota: Cephalothorax about 2.9-3.0 times longer than urosome. Rostrum absent.
A1 24-segmented.
Posterior corners of last thoracic segment rounded, reaching the anterior third of genital segment.
Genital segment nearly as long as 3 following segments together, slightly asymmetrical (ventral view).
Endopod of A2 slightly shorter than exopod; exopodal segments 1 and 2 with 2 setae each.
Md: basis of palp with 2 setae; endopodal segments 1 with 2 setae, 2nd segment with 10 setae.
Mx1 gnathobase with 9 terminal spines and 4 posterior setae; 2nd and 3rd internal lobes with 5 and 4 setae respectively; protopodite near endopodal basis with 5 setae; endopod with 16 setae; exopod with 10 setae.
Mx2 with 6 endites, 6th endite with 2 setae.
Mxp protopodite with 1 seta proximally and groups of 2, 3 and 3 setae from proximal to distal part of the segment.
Segmentation of P1-P4 typical of Aetideidae.
exopdal segment 1 of P1 without external spine; 2nd and 3rd segments with external spine each.
Exopodal segment 3 of P3-P4 with 3 external spines each.

Nota female from Markhaseva (1996, p.297): Genital segment slightly asymmetrical. Exopodal segment 3 of P2-P4 with 3 external spines.

Species Senecella siberica - Plate 2 of morphological figuresissued from : N.V. Vyshkvartzeva in Hydrobiologia, 1994, 292/293. [Fig.2: 1-13, p.116]•

Male: 1, habitus (dorsal view); 2 idem (left side); 3, rostrum (ventral); 4, A2; 5, palp of mandible; 6, Mx1; 7, basipodite of Mxp.; 8, P1; 9, P2; 10, P3; 11, left P4; 12, right endopodite of P4; 13, P5 (R: right, L: left)

Nota: Cephalothorax nearly 2.5-2.6 times longer than urosome.
Rostrum present, very small, conical.
A1 24-segmented, symmetrical, reaching the end of cephalothorax.
Oral part with setation reduced in comparison with those in females. Mx1 and Mx2 are severely reduced.
P1-P4 almost similar to the female.
P5 is large and asymmetrical. Right leg with endopod long clapper-like, reaching slightly beyond of right exopodal segment 2; exopodal segment 1 subcylindrical, 2 times as long as wide; a narrow hyaline lamella rises at the inner distal angle of this segment and extends inwards along exopodal segment 2; exopodal segment 2 small, with small spine at its outer distal angle and long terminal hook, not separated from the segment. Left leg about trapezoidal with a narrow base and cup-like wide distal edge and with digitiform process at the outer distal angle, reacing far beyond exopodal segment 1. Exopodal segment 1 is oblong, 1.5 times as long as wide with convex outer edge; exopodal segment 2 larger than the 1st, distal margin hyaline, wavy with small spine in the inner distal angle and digitiform process near its base.

Nota male from Markhaseva (1996, p.297): Endopod of left P5 with digitiform process significantly longer than exopodal segment 1.

NZ: 1

Distribution map of Senecella siberica by geographical zones
E Siberia E (Kara & Laptev Seas: Bays and estuaries).

Type locality: 71°46'N, 128°51'E.
N: 1
(267) F: 3,3-3; M: 2,88-2,8; {F: 3,00-3,30; M: 2,80-2,88}
Rem.: brackish.
After Markhaseva (1996, p.298) the species was found in waters with salinities from 1 to 22 p.1000 and temperature from - 0.48 to + 8° C. The species seems to reproduce in winter.
Last update : 01/02/2015
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 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at http://copepodes.obs-banyuls.fr/en [Accessed January 13, 2025]

© copyright 2005-2025 Sorbonne University, CNRS

CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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