Issued from : G.S. Brady
in Ann. Durban Mus., 1914, Vol. I. [Pl. II, figs. 7-12].
Female & male (from Durban Bay, Natal): 7, habitus (dorsal) of female; 8, A1; 9, Urosome of male; 10, terminal spine of one of the swimming feet; 11, P5 female; 12, P5 male.
Nota frmale.
- Cephalothorax widest in the middle, greatest width equal to 1/3 of the length and minutely spined at the lateral angle.
- Forehead narrowed and subtruncated.
- Urosome equal in length to 1/3 of metasome, first two segments nearly equal in lengths, last segment very small.
- Caudal rami slender, about equal in length to the median abdominal segment .
-,A1 scarcely at all nodulose or dentiferous, reaching to the middle of the urosome; 15-segmented, yje first ywo segments much the longest, median segments very indistincdtly marked, the last 6 or 7 quite distinctly separated.
- Terminal spines of the outer rami (= exopod) of the swimming feet very long and slender, their inner margins minutely pectinated along their entire length.
- P5 very small, basal segment expanded, sub-quadrate, bearing 2 setae, one of which is very long, the other rather shorter, bulbously expanded at its base, and minutely multifid toward the apex, which is produced into a delicate terminal seta.
Nota male:
- Urosome 4-segmented, each segment nearly equal length.
- Caudal segments (= rami) shorter and stouter, the terminal setae stouter and more divergent.
- P5 with basal portion divided as so to form a digitiform outer branch, which ends in a long terminal setae.