issued from : T. Park
in Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanogr. Univ. California, San Diego, 2000, 31. [p.192, Fig.40].
Female: a, habitus (left side); b, c, urosome (left, dorsal, respectively); d, genital somite (ventral); e, masticatory edge of left Md (posterior); f, masticatory edge of right Md (posterior); g, left Mx1 (posterior); h, left Mx2 (posterior); i, right Mxp (anterior).
Nota: Prosome about 3/4 length of body and about 2.8 times length of urosome.
Cephalosome about 2/5 length of prosome.
Rostrum small bearing 2 filaments.
Urosome about 1/4 length of body.
Laterally, genital somite (Fig.40b) with a hump halfway along dorsal margin. Ventrally, genital operculum (Fig.40-d) typically with a width-length ratio of 100: 69 and about 4/9 as wide as somite itself. Genital field aith about 6 pores on each side.
2nd urosomal segment about 1/2 length of genital somite and about 1.2 times length of 3rd urosomal somite.
Anal segment only slightly longer than 3rd urosomal somite. Combined lengths of anal segment and left caudal ramus about 1.1 times length of genital somite.
Dorsally, right caudal ramus separate from anal segment by a clear line but left ramus fused with anal segment.
Left caudal ramus only slightly longer than right, its dorsal appendicular seta a little longer than that of right ramus.
A1 reaching about posterior end of anal segment. Four lobes of 1st segment with 1+2+2+2 setae and 0+1+ 20+16 aesthetes. 2nd to 19th segments each with 2 setae (1 middle and 1 distal). Normal number of aesthetes on each segment seems: segments 2-4 each with 21, segments 5 and 6 each with 25, segment 7 with 20, segment 8 with 17, segment 9 with 8, segment 10 with 2, segments 11-19 each with 1 or 2.
A2 as in
N. latus, with inner marginal seta of last exopodal segment reduced to a vestige.
P1 to P5 similar to those of
N. brevicornis except for details.