Species Card of Copepod
Calanoida ( Order )
    Calanoidea ( Superfamily )
        Megacalanidae ( Family )
            Elenacalanus ( Genus )
Elenacalanus eltaninae  (Björnberg, 1968)   (F,M)
Syn.: Bathycalanus eltaninae Björnberg, 1968 (p.75, figs.F,M); Michel, 1994 (p.187, Rem.); Bradford-Grieve & al., 1999 (p.877, 906, figs.F,M); Park & Ferrari, 2009 (p.143, Table 3, Appendix 1, biogeography from Southern Ocean).
Ref. compl: Björnberg, 1973 (p.303, 384); Razouls & al., 2000 (p.343, tab. 3, Appendix)
Bradford-Grieve & al., 2017 (p.141, figs. F,M, Descr. F, M, Rem.; fig.114)
Species Elenacalanus eltaninae - Plate 1 of morphological figuresissued from : T.S.K. Björnberg in Antarctic Res. Ser., 1968, 11. [p.77, Fig.15, A-B]. As Bathycalanus eltaninae.
Female (off isla Mocha, Chile): 15 A, habitus (dorsal); 15B, idem (lateral right side).

Species Elenacalanus eltaninae - Plate 2 of morphological figuresissued from : T.S.K. Björnberg in Antarctic Res. Ser., 1968, 11. [p.78, Figs.16, 17A-B, 22]. As Bathycalanus eltaninae.
Female: 16, Md (masticatory edge); 17A, Mx2; 17B, detail of ribbon-like seta of Mx2; 22, rostrum (ventral view).

Species Elenacalanus eltaninae - Plate 3 of morphological figuresissued from : T.S.K. Björnberg in Antarctic Res. Ser., 1968, 11. [p.79, Figs.23-32]. As Bathycalanus eltaninae.
Female: 23, lamina labialis, labial lobes, and serrula seen from the pharynx; 24, A1; 25, A2; 26, Md (mandibular palp); 27, Mx1; 28, Mxp; 29, P1; 30, P3; 31, P4; 32, P5.

Species Elenacalanus eltaninae - Plate 4 of morphological figuresissued from : T.S.K. Björnberg in Antarctic Res. Ser., 1968, 11. [p.78, Figs.18A-21].As Bathycalanus eltaninae.
Male: 18A, habitus (lateral right side; 18B, right A1 (segments 18 to 22); 19, forehead (lateral); 20, rostrum (ventral view); 21, idem (lateral).

Species Elenacalanus eltaninae - Plate 5 of morphological figuresissued from : T.S.K. Björnberg in Antarctic Res. Ser., 1968, 11. [p.80, Figs.33-41]. As Bathycalanus eltaninae.
Male: 33, left A1; 34, A2; 35, Md (mandibular palp); 36, Mx1; 37, Mx2; 38, Mxp; 39, P1; 40, P2; 41, P5.

Species Elenacalanus eltaninae - Plate 6 of morphological figuresissued from : J.M. Bradford-Grieve, E.L. Markhaseva & C.E.F. Rocha & B. Abiahy in South Atlantic Zooplankton, Edit. D. Boltovskoy. 1999. Vol.2. Copepoda. [p.977, Fig. 7.2]. As Bathycalanus eltaninae.
Female: Mx1.

Nota Female & Male: Forehead without crest. Posterior corners of prosome rounded.

Species Elenacalanus eltaninae - Plate 7 of morphological figuresIssued from : J.M. Bradford-Grieve, L. Blanco-Bercial & G.A. Boxshall in Zootaxa, 2017, 4229 (1). [p.142, Fig.95].
Female (from 46.617°S, 75.800°W): A, habitus (lateral); note damage to dorsal surface of posterior head); B, forehead (dorsal); C, urosome (dorsal); D, forehead (lateral); E, A2; F, Mxp; G, detail of terminal part of Mxp; H, P1 (posterior view).
Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A-F, H; 0.1 mm on remaining figures.

- Head not crested.
- A1 extends beyond caudal rami by at least 7 segments.
- Posterior corners of pedigerous somite 5 rounded.
- A2 exopod ancestral segment IV with very short seta not extending beyond ancestral segment V.
- Mxp syncoxal endite 4 longest seta not extending as far as distal border of basis; endopodal segments 2-6 with 4 subequal, 1, 1, 1 (no outer border seta but 1 macula cribrosa), 4 setae (2 large and 2 very small, of which 1 on outer border), respectively.setae.
- P1 exopodal segment 3 proximalouter spine does not extebd as far as the base of the terminal outer spine.

Species Elenacalanus eltaninae - Plate 8 of morphological figuresIssued from : J.M. Bradford-Grieve, L. Blanco-Bercial & G.A. Boxshall in Zootaxa, 2017, 4229 (1). [p.143, Fig.96].
Female: A, A1 ancestral segments I-X (hs = hair sensillum; mc = macula cribrisa); B, A1 ancestral segmentsX-XIII; C, A1 ancestral segments XIV-XVI; D, A1 ancestral segments XVII-XX; E, A1 ancestral segments XXI-XXIII; F, A1 ancestral segments XXIV-XXVIII; G, detail of ancestral segment XXVIII.
Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A-F;); 0.1 mm (G).

Nota: Segments I-IV with dorsal surface hair sensilla and adjacent macula cribrosa.

Species Elenacalanus eltaninae - Plate 9 of morphological figuresIssued from : J.M. Bradford-Grieve, L. Blanco-Bercial & G.A. Boxshall in Zootaxa, 2017, 4229 (1). [p.144, Fig.97].
Female: A, md palp; B, Md gnathobase; C, detail of dorsal part of mandibular gnathobase; D, Mx1; E, Mx2.
Scale bars: 1.0 mm (E); 0.1 mm on remaining figures.

- Mx1 praecoxal arthrite with13 setae including 2 setae on posterior surface and 1 longer and 1 smaller seta on anterior surface; basal endite 2 with 2-3 setae; coxal endite without seta, basal endites 1 and 2 with 2 and 3 setae respectively; endopod segments with 1, 1, 4+1 smaller anterior surface setae; basal exite without seta, epipodite with 7 long and 2 very short, reduced setae.
- Mx2 longest setae extend short of rostrum

Species Elenacalanus eltaninae - Plate 10 of morphological figuresIssued from : J.M. Bradford-Grieve, L. Blanco-Bercial & G.A. Boxshall in Zootaxa, 2017, 4229 (1). [p.145, Fig.98].
Female: A, P2 (anterior view); B, P3 anterior view); C, P4 (anterior view); D, P5 (anterior view).
Scale bar: 1.0 mm on all figures.

Species Elenacalanus eltaninae - Plate 11 of morphological figuresIssued from : J.M. Bradford-Grieve, L. Blanco-Bercial & G.A. Boxshall in Zootaxa, 2017, 4229 (1). [p.146, Fig.99].
Male (from USNMM122568): A, right A1 ancestral segments I-XII (hs = hair sensillum; mc = macula cribrosa); B, right A1 ancestral segments XIII-XVII; C, right A1 ancestral segments XVIII-XX; D, right A1 ancestral segments XXI-XXVI; E, left A1 ancestral segments XXV-XXVIII.
Scale bar: 1.0 mm on all figures.

Forehead in dorsal and lateral views rounded, without crest.
- In lateral view, posterior corners of pediger 5 short and rounded
- A1 ancestral segments I and II separate. Right A1 extending 5 segments beyond caudal rami; fused gripping element on segment XIX extending as far as insertion of aesthetasc; segment XX curved on longer radius than in E. princeps; proximal fused gripping element of fused segments XXI-XXIII overlapping 2nd fused gripping element by about 24% of its length and gripping element 2 extending distally short of base of small seta of incorporated segment XXII; segments XXVII-XXVIII broken off.
- A2 ancestral exopod IV without seta.
- Md basis with 4 setae.

Species Elenacalanus eltaninae - Plate 12 of morphological figuresIssued from : J.M. Bradford-Grieve, L. Blanco-Bercial & G.A. Boxshall in Zootaxa, 2017, 4229 (1). [p.147, Fig.100].
Male (holotype USNMM122568): A, Mx1; B, Mxp; C, detail of terminal segment of Mxp; D, P1 (posterior view); E, P5 (anterior view); F, specialised seta of left P5 exopodal segment 2.
Male (from BMNH1993.829-835 47): G, P5 (posterior view); H, specialised seta of left P5 exopodal segment 2.
Scale bars: 1.0 mm (B, E, G); 0.1 mm on remaining figures.

- Mx1 setation slightly reduced compared with female. Praecoxal arthrite with 13 setae, 2 on posterior surface; basal endites 1 and 2 with 2 and 2 setae, respectively; endopod segments with 1, 1, 4 setae, respectively; exopod with 11 setae; basal exite with vestigial seta; epipodite with 7 long setae.
- Mx2 setation slightly reduced compared with female, longest setae weakly developed.
- Mxp syncoxal endites with 1, 2 (1 vestigial), 4, 4 setae (longest seta on endite 4 extending to distal seta of basis, 1 seta vestigial), respectively; endopod segments 3-6 with 1, 1, 1 (no outer border seta), 2 large setae and 2 vestigial setae, respectively.
- P1 exopodal segment 3 proximal outer spine extending short of base of terminal outer spine.
- P5 slightly asymmetrical. Right exopod segment 3 with naked inner border whereas left exopod segment 3 densely setulose. Exopod segment 2 on left with characteristic inner distal specialised seta comprising 2 parts: large, outer, setulose basal lobe, distally rounded and inner, soft, densely setulose lash. Left exopod segment 3 carrying 1 terminal, 1 inner (at about distal 1/4) and 1 outer border spine (at distal 1/3); right exopod segment 3 with at least 1 terminal spine and scars denoting position of 1 inner and 1 outer border spine positioned as on left leg. Endopod as in generic description.

Remarks: The male P5 specialised seta has a large squat rectangular basal part that fits within the range of variability demonstrated by E. princeps and both have a curved elongate inner lash. The only difference between P5 of E. eltaninae and E. princeps is the naked inner border of right exopodal segment 3 in the former and presence of a small proximal tuft of setules in the latter. The male right geniculate A1 of E. eltaninae may be distinguished from that of R. princeps because ancestral segment XX is much less curved (i.e. has a larger radius of curvature) than in R. princeps, and ancestral segment XII is fused to segments IX-XI (in E. princeps segment XII is separate).

Species Elenacalanus eltaninae - Plate 13 of morphological figuresIssued from : J.M. Bradford-Grieve, L. Blanco-Bercial & G.A. Boxshall in Zootaxa, 2017, 4229 (1). [p.91, Table 11].
Morphological characters after identification key of Elenacalanus females and males.
Compare to other species of genus.

Main characters identification after species key :
1 - Head without crest.
2 - Mx1 basal endite 2 with 2 (in male) or 3 setae (in female).
3 - Md basis proximalmost seta placed approximately at midlength of inner border.
4 - Female P1 exopod segment 3 proximal outer spine extends short of base of distal outer spine; male P5 left exopod segment 2 specialised seta with large rounded outer lobe and attenuated setulose inner lash.

Species Elenacalanus eltaninae - Plate 14 of morphological figuresissued from : T.S.K. Björnberg in Antarctic Res. Ser., 1968, 11. [p.75]. As Bathycalanus eltaninae.
Female: Proportional lengths of A1 segments.

Nota: A1 25-segmented, longer than the body by 5 or 6 segments

Species Elenacalanus eltaninae - Plate 15 of morphological figuresissued from : T.K.S. Björnberg in Antarctic Res. Ser., 1968, 11. [p.75, Figs; 1 A, B; 2, 3, 4]. As Bathycalanus eltaninae.
Male: Proportional lengths of the segments of the right and left A1.

Nota: The left A1 male is more or less like the A1 female. The right A1 male has segments 17, 18, 19 and 20 slightly different from the others from the others. Segments 18 and 19 slightly curved, giving the antennule the aspect of a clasping organ

NZ: 5

Distribution map of Elenacalanus eltaninae by geographical zones
S Chile (Isla Mocha, Drake Passage), Antarct. (Scotia Sea), E Pacif. (off Mexico), NE Atlant. (off E Azores, ± 59°N, 20°W)
N: 3
(85) F: 15,5-14; (406) F: 16-14; M: 12,7; {F: 14,00-16,00; M: 12,70}
Rem.: Upper abyssopelagic (1250-3000 m. Sampling depth (Antarct., sub-Antarct.) : 1000-2000 m. In Björnberg (1968) sampling depth: ± 1830 m (Drake Passage) and 2363-3025 m (Scotia Sea).
Last update : 10/08/2018
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 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at http://copepodes.obs-banyuls.fr/en [Accessed February 13, 2025]

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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