Geographical glossary

(French-English *)

and distinctive stations

Geographical glossary

* from "Atlas of the World", National Geographic Society, Washington DC, Publ. (1983)

Açores = Azores Is.
Afrique du Sud = South Africa
Aléoutiennes Is. = Aleutian Islands
Algérie = Algeria
Antarctique (Antarct.) = Antarctic
Argentine = Argentina
Arctique (Arct.) = Arctic Ocean
Atlantique (Atlant.) = Atlantic Ocean
Australie = Australia
Baffin Is. = Baffin Island
Baie d'Amboine = Ambon Bay (Ceram Island)
Baie de Baffin = Baffin Bay
Baie de Fundy = Fundy Bay
Baie d'Hudson = Hudson Bay
Baléares Is. = Baleares, Balearic Islands
Basse Californie = Baja California
Bermudes = Bermuda Islands
Bosphore = Bosphorus
Brésil = Brazil
Californie = California
Canal de Mozambique = Mozambique Channel
Ceylan = Ceylon = Sri Lanka
Chili = Chile
Dardanelles = Hellespont
Delta du Po = Delta of Po
Détroit (Dtr.) de Barrow = Barrow Strait
Détroit (Detr.) de Davis = Davis Strait
Détroit de Géorgie = Strait of Georgia
Détroit de la Sonde = Selat Sunda
Détroit de Magellan = Strait of Magellan
Détroit (s) de Malacca = Strait (s) of Malacca
Détroit de Messine = Stretto di Messina
Détroit Juan de Fuca = Strait of Juan de Fuca
Djakarta = Jakarta
Ecosse = Scotland
Egypte = Egypt
Equateur = Ecuador
Espagne = Spain
Féroé Is. = Faroe Islands
Falkland Is. = Falkland Islands
Floride = Florida
Formose = Taiwan
Géorgie du Sud = South Georgia
Golfe (G.) d'Alaska = Gulf of Alaska
Golfe du Bengale = bay of Bengal
Golfe de Botnie = Gulf of Bothnia
Golfe de Californie = Gulf of California
Golfe de Carpentarie = Gulf of Carpentaria
Golfe de Gascogne = Bay of Biscay
Golfe de Guinée = Gulf of Guinea
Golfe du Mexique = Gulf of Mexico
Golfe Persique = Persian Gulf = Arabian Gulf = G. Arabe
Golfe du Saint (St.) Laurent = Gulf of ST.Lawrence
Golfe de Siam = Gulf of Thailand
Grande Barrière = Great Barrier Reef
Grande Bretagne = Great Britain
Grèce = Greece
Groenland = Greenland
Guyane = Guyana
Hébrides Is. = outer Hebrides
Iles Hawaii = Hawaiian Islands
Ile de la Reine Charlotte = Queen Charlotte Islands
Ile de Pâques = Easter Island
Iles Laquedives = Lakshadweep
Inde = India
Indonésie = Indonesia
Ile du Roi George = King George Island
Islande = Iceland
Italie = Italy
Japon = Japan
Kamtchatka = Kamtchatka
Kouriles Is. = Kuril Islands
Laquedives = Lakshadweep
Liban = Lebanon
Libye = Libya
Louisiane = Louisiana
Madeire = Madeira
Malaisie = Malaysia
Malte = Malta
Manche = English Channel
Maroc = Morocco
Mauritanie = Mauritania
Méditerranée (Médit.) = Mediterranean Sea
Mer Adriatique = Adriatic Sea
Mer Arabe = Arabian Sea
Mer Baltique = Baltic Sea
Mer Blanche = White Sea
Mer Caspienne = Caspian Sea
Mer Egée = Aegean Sea
Mer Ionienne = Ionian Sea
Mer Jaune = Yellow Sea
Mer Noire = Black Sea
Mer Rouge = Red Sea
Mer Tyrrhénienne = Tyrrhenian Sea
Mer d'Alboran = Alboran Sea
Mer d'Azov = Sea of Azov
Mer de Barents = Barents Sea
Mer de Beaufort = Beaufort Sea
Mer de Béring = Bering Sea
Mers de Chine = South and East China Seas
Mer de Chukchi = Chukchi Sea
Mer de Kara = Kara Sea
Mer de Laptev = Laptev Sea
Mer de Marmara = Sea of Marmara
Mer de Norvège = Norwegian Sea
Mer de Sibérie = East Siberian Sea
Mer de Tasmanie = Tasman Sea
Mer de Weddell = Weddell Sea
Mer d'Irlande = Irish Sea
Mer d'Okhotsk = Sea of Okhotsk
Mer des Antilles = Caribbean Sea
Mer des Caraïbes = Caribbean Sea
Mer des Moluques = Molucca Sea
Mer des Sargasses = Sargasso Sea
Mer du Corail = Coral Sea
Mer du Groenland = Greenland Sea
Mer du Japon = Japan Sea
Mer du Labrador = Labrador Sea
Mer du Nord = North Sea
Mer du Scotia = Scotia Sea
Mexique = Mexico
Namibie = Namibia
Norvège = Norway
Nouvelle Ecosse = Nova Scotia
Nouvelle-Calédonie = New Caledonia
Nouvelle-Guinée = New Guinea
Nouvelle Sibérie Is. = New Siberian Islands
Nouvelle-Zélande = New Zeland
Nouvelle Zemble Is. = Novaya Zemlya
Pacifique (Pacif.) = Pacific Ocean
Passage de Drake = Drake Passage
Patagonie = Patagonia
Péninsule = Antarctic Peninsula
Pérou = Peru
Portugal = Portugal
Roumanie = Romania
St. Hélène = St. Helena Island
Sardaigne = Sardinia, Sardegna
Shetland Is. = Shetland Islands
Shetland du Sud = South Shetland Islands
Sicile = Sicily, Sicilia
Spitzberg Is. = Spitsbergen Island
Suède = Sweden
Terre-Neuve = Island of Newfoundland
Venise = Venezia

Distinctive stations

Kerfix: 50°40´S, 68°25´E
Guamar basin: 27°00´N, 111°23´W
Point Barrow: 71°23´20´´N, 156°28´45´´W
Station A: 62°00´N, 33°00´W
Station C: 52°45´N, 35°30´W
Station Capo Gallo (Tyrrhenian Sea): latitude 38.23481, longitude 13.26413
Station Isola delle Correnti (Mediterranean Sea - Canal of Sicily): latitude 36.603100, longitude 15.041670
Station J: 52°30´N, 20°00´W
Station K: 45°00´N, 16°00´W
Station Knot (NE Hokkaido): 44°N, 155°E
Station L: 57°00´N, 20°00´W
Station M: 66°00´N, 02°00´W
Station P: 50°N, 145°W
Station R (atlantic): 47°N, 17°W
Station R (pacific): 53°N, 145°W
Station S (Sargasso Sea): 32°10´N, 64°30´W
Syowa: 69°S, 39°35´E
"Vertex": 15°40´-18°N, 107°30´-108°W

Marine Planktonic Copepods

 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at [Accessed February 05, 2025]

© copyright 2005-2025 Sorbonne University, CNRS