Calanoida ( Ordre )
    Clausocalanoidea ( Superfamille )
Kyphocalanidae Markhaseva & Schulz, 2009 ( Clausocalanoidea )
Ref.: Markhaseva & Schulz, 2009 (p.22); Markhaseva & al., 2014 (p.63, 67, 79, Table 1, 2, 3, 4, Rem, Def..); Laakmann & al., 2019 (p.330, Table 1, fig. 1, 2, 3, Table A, phylogenetic relationships)
Rem.: 1 G. : Kyphocalanus.
Famille Kyphocalanidae - Planche 1Issued from : E.L. Markhaseva, S. Laakmann & J. Renz in Mar. Biodiv., 2014, 44 [p.70, Fig.5].
Schematic view of right A1 in males of ''Bradfordian'' families. Kyphocalanidae.
Roman numerals: ancestral segments; black arrows: fused ancestral segments.

Famille Kyphocalanidae - Planche 2Issued from : E.L. Markhaseva, S. Laakmann & J. Renz in Mar. Biodiv., 2014, 44 [p.73, Table 1].
A2 armament (number of seta) in different ''Bradfordian'' genera (females). Kyphocalanidae.
c: coxa; b: basis; End1: endopod segment 1; End2: endopod segment 2; Exp: exopod.

Famille Kyphocalanidae - Planche 3Issued from : E.L. Markhaseva, S. Laakmann & J. Renz in Mar. Biodiv., 2014, 44 [p.74, Table 2].
Md armament (number of seta) in different ''Bradfordian'' genera (females). Kyphocalanidae.
b: basis; End1: endopod segment 1; End2: endopod segment 2; Exp: exopod; gn: gnathobase.

Famille Kyphocalanidae - Planche 4Issued from : E.L. Markhaseva, S. Laakmann & J. Renz in Mar. Biodiv., 2014, 44 [p.76, Table 3].
Mx1 armament (number of seta) in different ''Bradfordian'' genera (females). Kyphocalanidae.
pa: praecoxal arthrite (setal formula of praecoxal arthrite: terminal+posterior+anterior setae); ce: coxal endite; bp: proximal basal endite; bd: distal basal endite; End: endopod; Exp: exopod; Epi: epipodite.

Famille Kyphocalanidae - Planche 5Issued from : E.L. Markhaseva, S. Laakmann & J. Renz in Mar. Biodiv., 2014, 44 [p.78, Table 4].
Mx2 armament (number of seta) in different ''Bradfordian'' genara (females). Kyphocalanidae.
at: attenuation; pe: praecoxal endite; ce: coxal endite; bp: proximal basal endite; bd: distal basal endite; el: enditic-like lobe of proximal endopodal segment; End: endopod; w: worm-like seta; br: brush-like seta; sc: sclerotised seta.

Famille Kyphocalanidae - Planche 6Issued from : E.L. Markhaseva, S. Laakmann & J. Renz in Mar. Biodiv., 2014, 44 [p.80, Table 5].
Mxp setation (number of seta) in different ''Bradfordian'' genera (females). Kyphocalanidae.
at: attenuation; pes: praecoxal endites of syncoxa (from proximal to distal); ces: coxal endite of syncoxa; bp: basis proximal; bd: basis distal; End: endopod.
For more detailed morphology of the seta on the praecoxal endites of the maxilliped syncoxa see Markhaseva & Ferrari (2005) and Markhaseva & al. (2008).

Famille Kyphocalanidae - Planche 7Issued from :E.L. Markhaseva, S. Laakmann & J. Renz in Mar. Biodiv., 2014, 44 [p.72, Fig.7 i].
P5 from Kyphocalanus sp.
R: right leg; Exp: exopod; end: endopod.
Markhaseva (pers. obs.)

Famille Kyphocalanidae - Planche 8Issued from : S. Laakmann, E.L. Markhaseva & J. Renz in Mol. Phylog. Evol., 2019, 130. [p.331, Table 1].
compilation of information on relationships among ''Bradfodian'' genera from Markhaseva & Ferrari 2005) and Markhaseva & al. (2014).
Abbreviations: A2, antenna; Md, mandible; Mx1, maxillule; Mx2, maxilla; Mxp, maxilliped ; P5, leg 5. w, worm-like sensory seta; b, brush-like sensory seta; s, sclerotized seta.
(1) Kyphocalanus Markhaseva & Schulz, 2009
Ref.: Markhaseva & Schulz, 2009 (p.23); Markhaseva & al., 2013 (p.6, Table 1, 2, 3, 4, Rem.); Renz & Markhaseva, 2015 (p.96, Table 4, fig.3, biogeography); Laakmann & al., 2019 (p.330, Table 1)
Rem.: Type species: Kyphocalanus atlanticus. 1 sp + 4 indet.
Remarques sur les dimensions et le sex-ratio:
The mean female size is 2.10 mm (n = 4; SD = 0.1980), and only for one male 2.25 mm.
Genre Kyphocalanus - Planche 1issued from : E.L. Markhaseva & K. Schulz in Zootaxa, 2009, 2304. [p.37, Fig.11].
Distribution of species of Kyphocalanus in the Atlantic Ocean.
K. atlanticus and K. sp.1: filled black circle; K. sp.2: triangle; K. sp.3: square.

Genre Kyphocalanus - Planche 2Issued from : E.L. Markhaseva in Arthropoda Selecta, 2014, 23 (3). [p.262, Fig.3].
Kyphocalanus sp. Male: A, maxillule; B, maxilla.
Scale bar: 0.1 mm.

Nota: Specimen from Atlantic Ocean (00°42.7' S, 05°31.2' W), above seabed at a depth of 5140 m.

Genre Kyphocalanus - Planche 3Issued from : E.L. Markhaseva & K. Dchulz in Zootaxa, 2009, 2304. [p.27, Fig.3 B & Fig;4].
Kyphocalanus antarcticus Female (16°18' S, 05°27' E): maxilla (Mx2) and maxilliped (Mxp).

Note maxilla endopod with 8 long and thick worm-like sensory and syncoxa of maxiliped with 1 worm-like, comparably thin and short sensory seta on proximal praecoxal lobe and 2 long and thick worm-like setae on middle lobe extending to distal part of endopod; distal praecoxal lobe without setae; coxal lobe with 1 seta; basis with 3 setae; endopod 6-segmented with 2, 4, 2, 2, 2+1, and 4 setae.
Species collected at abyssal depths (5390 m) above the sea bed.

 Toute utilisation de ce site pour une publication sera mentionnée avec la référence suivante :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. et de Bovée F., 2005-2024. - Biodiversité des Copépodes planctoniques marins (morphologie, répartition géographique et données biologiques). Sorbonne Université, CNRS. Disponible sur [Accédé le 02 décembre 2024]

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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