issued from : C.B. Wilson
in Bull. U.S. natn Musl., 100, 14 (4), 1950. [Pl.35, Figs.528-530].
Female (from off Hong Kong): 528, habitus (lateral left side); 529, idem (dorsal); 530, P5.
Nota: The female can be identified easily by the spine on the genital segment.
- Metasome elliptical, 2 and 1/2 times as long as wide;
- Head and pedigerous segment 1 fused, 4th and 5th pediger segments partially fused
- Forehead armed with a high galeate (helmet-shape) crest , which extends back on to the dorsal surface of the head.
- Posterior corners of last thoracic segment extending back beyond the center of the genital segment, and the posterior margin deeply reentrant on the dorsal surface.
Urosome 4-segmented.
- Genital segment asymmetrical , being produced outward and backward on the right side, the right posterior corner ending in an acute spine, which extends back over the 1st abdominal segment and nearly reaches its posterior margin, and is prominent in both dorsal and lateral views.
- Anal segment very short, and reentrant at the center of its posterior margin.
- Caudal rami wider than long, somewhat divergent; each ramus with 5 terminal setae.
- A1 reach beyond the tips of the caudal rami by 2 segments.
- Exopod of A2 1/2 longer than the endopod; the end segment longer than the 2 nd.
- Mx2 with 5 lateral lobes, with very long setae and 3 short terminal segments.
- Mxp 7-segmented and tapers regularly from base to tip, sparsely setose.
- P1 to P4 with 3-segmented exopods and endopods.
left P5 only present (as in Farran's two species); basal segment with a small finger process at the distal end on the anterior surface, and the long curved terminal spine without trace of spinules or hairs on either margin.