Fiche d'espèce de Copépode
Calanoida ( Ordre )
    Clausocalanoidea ( Superfamille )
        Scolecitrichidae ( Famille )
            Neoscolecithrix ( Genre )
Neoscolecithrix farrani  Smirnov, 1935   (F,M)
Syn.: Oothrix bidentata Wirketis, 1926; Bogorov,1932;
Oothrix borealis Wiborg, 1949 (p.2, figs.F,M);
Cenognatha farrani : Bradford-Grieve, 2004 (p.285)
Smirnov, 1935 a (p.259, Descr.F, figs.F); Sewell, 1948 (p.496); Fosshagen, 1972 a (p.5, figs.F,M, Rem.); Prygunkova, 1972 (p.251, Descr. M); Shih & Stallard, 1982 (p.59, figs.F, Rem.); Bradford & al., 1983 (p.123); Hulsemann, 1985 (p.60, 61, Rem.); Boxshall & Halsey, 2004 (p.191, figs.F,M)
Espèce Neoscolecithrix farrani - Planche 1 de figures morphologiquesissued from : K. Hulsemann in Polar Biol., 1985, 5. [p.61, Table 2].
Selected characters in females. B = basipod; Ri = endopod; Re = exopod.

Espèce Neoscolecithrix farrani - Planche 2 de figures morphologiquesissued from : C.-t. Shih & N. Stallard in Arctic, 1982, 35 (1). [p.58, Fig.3].
Female (from navy Board Inlet, N Baffin Island): a-b, habitus (dorsal and lateral, respectively); c, A2; d, Md; e, Mx1; f, Mx2; g, Mxp; h-l, P1 to P5.
Upper scale for a-b; lower scale for appendages.

Espèce Neoscolecithrix farrani - Planche 3 de figures morphologiquesissued from : A. Fosshagen in Astarte, 1972, 5 (1-2). [p.2, Fig.1].
Female (from 69°45'N, 19°46.5'E): A-B, habitus (dorsal and lateral, respectively); C, rostrum (frontal view); D, A1; E, A2; F, Md; G, cutting edge of gnathobase).

Nota: head and 1st pedigerous segment fused. A1 24-segmented, extends to slightly beyond the longer spine of the last prosomal segment. The bifurcate rostrum bears 1 long filament at each of its tip. The 2nd to 4th pedigerous segments have finely serrated posterior margins round the dorsal half. Caudal rami each bear 6 setae, 2 of which are very small.

Espèce Neoscolecithrix farrani - Planche 4 de figures morphologiquesissued from : A. Fosshagen in Astarte, 1972, 5 (1-2). [p.3, Fig.2].
Female: A, Mx1; B, Mx2; C, Mxp; D, P1; E, P2; F, P3; G, P4; H, P5.

Nota: Mx2 has 2 types of band-shaped sensory filamentous appendages with no terminal widening; there are 4-5 short setae with a brush-like terminal part and 3-4 long tube-like appendages with no specialized apex. A brush-like seta similar to those present on Mx2 is found about halfway along the inner margin of the coxa of Mxp. The small 3-segmented P5 bears numerous spinules, particularly along its outer margin; though Smirnov found some specimens from the White Sea with only 3 terminal spines, all the present specimens possessed 4 strong spines.

Espèce Neoscolecithrix farrani - Planche 5 de figures morphologiquesissued from : A. Fosshagen in Astarte, 1972, 5 (1-2). [p.4, Fig.3].
Male: A, habitus (lateral); B, P5.
Nota: Right A1 23-segmented, left A1 24-segmented. The mouthparts show no reduction, nor do the first four legs differ from those of the female. P5 agree fairly with the description given by Wiborg of Oothrix borealis; the styliform right leg is 4-segmented and little shorter tha the left one; the last two segments each bear a small outer spine on the proximal halves of the segments; the left leg carries several spinules along most of its outer margin.

Female juvenil: C, P5 (stage IV); D, P5 (stage V).

Male juvenil: E, P5 (stage IV); F, P5 (stage V).

Espèce Neoscolecithrix farrani - Planche 6 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : R.V. Prygunkova in Trudy Zool. Inst., Leningrad, 1972, 52. [p.252, Figs.1-8].
Male (from White Sea): 1, habitus (lateral); 2, rostrum; 3, A1; 4, Mx2; 5, 5th thoracic segment (lateral); 6, P4; 7, distal segments of left P5; 8, P5.

Espèce Neoscolecithrix farrani - Planche 7 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : V.N. Andronov in Russian Acad. Sci. P.P. Shirshov Inst. Oceanol. Atlantic Branch, Kaliningrad, 2014. [p.85, Fig.22: 16]. Neoscolecithrix farrani after Prygunkova, 1972.
Male P5.

Ref. compl.:
Buchanan & Sekerak, 1982 (p.41, vertical distribution); Sirenko & al, 1996 (p.345); Weslawski & Legezynska, 1998 (p.1238); Holmes, 2001 (p.54); Lischka & al., 2001 (p.186); Kosobokova & al., 2003 (p.697, tab.2); Blachowiak-Samolyk & al., 2006 (p.101, tab.1); Hop & al., 2006 (p.182, Table 4); Blachowiak-Samolyk & al., 2008 (p.2210, Table 3, biomass); Dvoretsky & Dvoretsky, 2010 (p.991, Table 2)
NZ: 2

Carte de distribution de Neoscolecithrix farrani par zones géographiques
off W Ireland, Kongsfjorden, Spitzbergen, White Sea, Norway (coast & fjords), Baffin Bay (Bylot Is.), W Baffin Bay, Barents Sea, Laptev Sea, Chupa Inlet
N: 13
(586) F: 2,37-2,13; (587) F: 2,17-1,98; M: 2,07-1,94; (588) M: 2,2; (589) F: 2,2; 2,12; (590) F: 2,15-1,75; M: 2,15-1,75; {F: 1,75-2,37; M: 1,75-2,20}
Rem.: hyperbenthique.
Pour Vyshkvartzeva (2000, p.217) cette espèce appartiendrait aux Scolecitrichidae. Pour Bradford-Grieve au genre Cenognatha.
Voir aussi les remarques en anglais
Dernière mise à jour : 13/05/2016

 Toute utilisation de ce site pour une publication sera mentionnée avec la référence suivante :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. et de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversité des Copépodes planctoniques marins (morphologie, répartition géographique et données biologiques). Sorbonne Université, CNRS. Disponible sur [Accédé le 20 janvier 2025]

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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