Fiche d'espèce de Copépode
Harpacticoida ( Ordre )
    Clytemnestridae ( Famille )
        Clytemnestra ( Genre )
Clytemnestra longipes  Huys & Conroy-Dalton, 2000   (M)
Syn.: Clytemnestra scutellata : in material collected during Great Barrier Reef Expedition 1928-29 (stations 62, 65, 68).
Huys & Conroy-Dalton, 2000 (p.24, Descr.M, figs.M); Huys & Boxshall, 2004 (p.278)
Espèce Clytemnestra longipes - Planche 1 de figures morphologiquesissued from : Huys and Conroy-Dalton in Bull. nat. Mus. Lond., 2000, 66 (1). [p.23, Fig.14].
Male (from Great barrier Reef): A, habitus (dorsal); B, urosome (ventral); C, exopodite 3 of P2; D, P5 (anterior); E, right P6.

Espèce Clytemnestra longipes - Planche 2 de figures morphologiquesissued from : Huys and Conroy-Dalton in Bull. nat. Mus. Lond., 2000, 66 (1). [p.24].
Male: armature formula P2-P4.

Espèce Clytemnestra longipes - Planche 3 de figures morphologiquesissued from : Huys and Conroy-Dalton in Bull. nat. Mus. Lond., 2000, 66 (1). [p.45, Table 1].
Diagnostic characters.
A1 = antennule; GDS = genital double-somite; AS = first abdominal somite. Measurements based on material examined in the publication.

NZ: 1

Carte de distribution de Clytemnestra longipes par zones géographiques
E Australia (Great Barrier Reef).

Type locality: Great Barrier Reef.
N: 1
(931) M: 1,211; {M: 1,21}
Rem.: After Huys & Conroy-Dalton (2000, p.24) the male of this species differs from all known males in: 1- the ventral ornamentation pattern of the urosome, displaying spinules on all postgenital somites; 2- the extreme elongation of the P5 and P6. This species has the same swimming leg setal formula as C. setosa but, in addition to the characters listed , differs from the latter in body size and the presence of the proximal endite on the maxillary (Mx2) syncoxa.

Identification characters after G.A. Boxshall & S.H. Halsey (2004, p.278):
1- Exopod of P1 with 4 distal setal elements; female A1 7-segmented.
2- Exopod of P5 in both sexes armed with 5 setae; 3rd exopodal segment of P2 with total of 6 spines/setae.
3- 3rd exopodal segment of P3 and P4 each with total of 7 spines/setae.
4- Male P5 elongate, with apex of exopodal segment extending to posterior margin of 1st free abdominal somite; Mx2 with proximal seta on syncoxa representing endite.
Dernière mise à jour : 13/09/2015

 Toute utilisation de ce site pour une publication sera mentionnée avec la référence suivante :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. et de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversité des Copépodes planctoniques marins (morphologie, répartition géographique et données biologiques). Sorbonne Université, CNRS. Disponible sur [Accédé le 15 janvier 2025]

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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