Fiche d'espèce de Copépode |
Cyclopoida ( Ordre ) |
Oithonidae ( Famille ) |
Oithona ( Genre ) |
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Oithona pulla (Farran, 1913) (F,M) | |
| | | | | | Syn.: | Paroithona pulla Farran, 1913 a (p.190, Descr.F, figs.F); Rosendorn, 1917 a (p.48, Rem.F); Sars, 1918 (p.209: Rem.); Kiefer, 1929 g (p.11, Rem.F); Nishida & al., 1977 (p.155, Descr.M, figs.F,M, Rem.); Shuvalov,1976 (in Kos, 1976, Vol. II, figs.F, Rem.); 1980 (p.193, figs.F); Greze & al., 1985 (p.8); Ferrari & Böttger, 1986 (p.284); Chihara & Murano, 1997 (p.940, Pl. 193, 200: F,M); Ref. compl.: Sewell, 1948 (p.430); Shmeleva, 1964 a (p.1068); Pavlova, 1966 (p.45); Delalo, 1968 (p.138); Kos, 1976 (Vol.II, figs.F, Rem.); Kovalev & Shmeleva, 1982 (p.85); Greze & al., 1985 (p.8) ; Park & Choi, 1997 (Appendix); Hure & Krsinic, 1998 (p.103); Hsiao S.H. & al., 2011 (p.475, Appendix I) | | | Ref.: | | | Boxshall & Halsey, 2004 (p.611: Rem.); Vives & Shmeleva, 2010 (p.70, figs.F,M, Rem.) |  issued from : G.P. Farran in Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1913. [Plate XXIX, Figs.1-9]. As Paroithona pulla . Female (from Christmas Island, Indian): 1, habitus (dorsal); 2, A1; 3, urosome (dorsal); 4, Md (mandibular palp); 5, A2; 6-9, P1 to P4.
 issued from : G.P. Farran in Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1913. [Plate XXXI, Fig.1]. as Paroithona pulla. Female: 1, forehead (lateral).
 issued from : I. Rosendorn in Wiss. Ergebn. dt. Tiefsee-Exped. \"Valdiviella\", 1917, 23. [p.192, Fig.64, 1-9]. Female: 1, habitus (dorsal); 2, A1; 3, urosome; 4, Md; 5, A2; 6, P1; 7, P2; 8, P3; 9, P4.
 issued from : F. Vives & A.A. Shmeleva in Fauna Iberica, 2010, 33. [p.72, Fig.23]. After Nishida & al., 1977. Female: A, habitus (dorsal); B, forehead (lateral); C, Md; D, Mx1; E, P1; F, P2; G, P3; H, P4. Nota after Vives & Shmeleva (2010, p.72): A1 11-segmented, reaching 3rd thoracic segment. Md basis with a strong spine and 2 small setae, endopodite with 4 setae. Mx1 endopod with 1 tiny seta. Exopod and endopod of P1 with 2 segments (2nd and 3rd fused)Setal formula on outer margin (in first) and inner margin (in second) of exopod segments (from proximal to distal) of P1 to P4: P1: 1, 1+2; 0, 1+4. P2: 1, 1, 2; 1, 1, 5 P3: 1, 1, 1; 0, 1, 5. P4: 0, 0, 1; 0, 1, 5. Male: I, habitus (dorsal). Nota: Rostrum pointed ventrally. Md basis with 1 spine and 1 seta; endopod with 4 setae. Endopod and exopod of P1 with 2 segments.
 Issued from : S. Nishida, O. Tanaka & M. Omori in Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan, 1977, 24 (2). [p.155, Fig.26, a-h]. As Paroithona pulla. Female (from Sagami Bay and adjacent waters): a, habitus (dorsal); b, forehead (lateral); c, Md; d, Mx1; e, P1; f, P2; g, P3; h, P4. Nota: Setae formula of exopod P1 to P4 (outer setae in first, inner setae in second). P1: 1,1+2; 1,1+4. P2: 1,1,2; 0,1,5. P3: 1,1,1; 0,1,5. P4: 0,0,1; 0,1,5. Prosome length/urosome length =1.32-1.65.
 Issued from : S. Nishida, O. Tanaka & M. Omori in Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan, 1977, 24 (2). [p.155, Fig.26, i-m]. As Paroithona pulla. Male (from adjacent waters of Sagami Bay): i, habitus (dorsal); j, forehead (lateral); k, Md; l, P2; m, P4. Nota: Setae formula of exopod P1 to P4 (outer setae in first, inner setae in second). P1: 1,1+2; 0,1+4. P2: 1,1,2; 0,1,5. P3: 1,1,2; 0,1,5. P4: 1,1,2; 0,1,5. Prosome length/urosome length = 1.86.
 Issued from : M.S. Kos in Field guide for plankton. Zool Institute USSR Acad., Vol. II, 1976. After B.S. Schuvalov, 1976, As Paroithona pulla. Female: 1, habitus (dorsal); 2, forehead (lateral).
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Carte de distribution de Oithona pulla par zones géographiques
| | | | | | | | | | | | Loc: | | | Ibero-moroccan Bay, Medit. (Alboran Sea, Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Lebanon Basin), Mer Rouge, Indian ( Christmas Is.), Taiwan (E: Kuroshio Current), S Korea, Japan | | | N: | 8 | | | Lg.: | | | (155) F: 0,46-0,41; M: 0,4; (634) F: 0,43-0,4; (1230) F: 0,41-0,45; (880) F: 0,41; {F: 0,40-0,46; M: 0,40} | | | Rem.: | Characters female after Rosendorn (1917 a, p.48): Proportion of lengths (p.cent) Prosome : 58.54, Urosome : 41.46 . Relative lengths of urosomal segments and caudal rami8 : 9 : 30 : 15 : 14 : 12 : 12. Setal formula of the exopod swimming legs P1 to P4 (Se = outer setae ; Si = inner setae), P1 : 1, 1, 2 Se ; 0, 1, 4 Si ; P2 : 1, 1, 2 Se ; 0, 1, 5 Si ; P3 : 1, 0, 1 Se ; 0, 1, 5 Si ; P4 : 0, 0, 1 Se ; 0, 1, 5 Si. We observe differences in the setal formula compared to Nishida & al. (1977). | | | Dernière mise à jour : 11/07/2022 | |
Toute utilisation de ce site pour une publication sera mentionnée avec la référence suivante : Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. et de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversité des Copépodes planctoniques marins (morphologie, répartition géographique et données biologiques). Sorbonne Université, CNRS. Disponible sur http://copepodes.obs-banyuls.fr [Accédé le 13 février 2025] © copyright 2005-2025 Sorbonne Université, CNRS