Fiche d'espèce de Copépode
Calanoida ( Ordre )
    Clausocalanoidea ( Superfamille )
        Diaixidae ( Famille )
            Sensiava ( Genre )
Sensiava longiseta  Markheseva & Schulz, 2006   (M, ?F)
Markhaseva & Schulz, 2006 (p.1, Descr.M, figs.M, Rem.: Phylogeny); Markhaseva & Renz, 2011 (p.67, Fig.M); Andronov, 2014 (p.33, fig.M)
Espèce Sensiava longiseta - Planche 1 de figures morphologiquesissued from : E.L. Markhaseva & K. Schulz in Zootaxa, 2006, 1368. [p.4, Fig.1].
Male (from 63°44'S, 33°48'W): A-B, habitus (dorsal and lateral, respectively); C, forehead (right lateral); D, right caudal ramus (dorsal); E, idem (lateral view).
Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Nota : Prosome 2.5-2.9 times longer than urosome. Rostrum with 2 long filaments. Cephalosome and 1st pedigerous somite incompletely separated, 4th and 5th incompletely fused (suture clearly visible laterally). Caudal rami with 4 terminal setae, 1 ventral seta and 1 small dorsal seta.

Espèce Sensiava longiseta - Planche 2 de figures morphologiquesissued from : E.L. Markhaseva & K. Schulz in Zootaxa, 2006, 1368. [p.5, Fig.2].
Male: A, right A1, segments1-14 (ancestral segments I-XVII); B, idem, segments 15-23 (ancestral segments XVIII-XXVIII); C, idem, segments 15-20 (ancestral segments XVIII-XXIV).
Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Nota: Right A1 geniculate, 23-segmented. Segment 2 is a complex of ancestral segments II-IV.

Espèce Sensiava longiseta - Planche 3 de figures morphologiquesissued from : E.L. Markhaseva & K. Schulz in Zootaxa, 2006, 1368. [p.6, Fig.3].
Male: A, left A1, segments 1-7 (ancestral segments I-IX); B, idem, segments 8-17 (ancestral segments X-XX); C, idem, segments, 18-24 ( ancestral segments XXI-XXVIII); D, P1; E, basis of P1; F, endopod endopod of P1 (other position); G, P5; H, right P5 exopod; I-K, left P5 exopod (different positions); L, left P5 exopodite segment 2.
Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Nota: Left A1 24-segmented, differs in setation from right one.

Espèce Sensiava longiseta - Planche 4 de figures morphologiquesissued from : E.L. Markhaseva & K. Schulz in Zootaxa, 2006, 1368. [p.8, Fig.4].
Male: A, exopod of A2; B, A2 (coxa, basis and endopod); C, Md (mandibular palp); D-E, Md (gnathobase; different positions); F, Mx1 (posterior view); G, praecoxal endite of Mx1 (anterior view).
Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Nota : Left A1 24-segmented, exceeding caudal rami by distal segment. A2 : coxa with 1 seta ; basis with 2 setae ; exopod 8-segmented with 0,1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, and 3 setae ( the 2nd proximal segment is a compound segment of 3 fused segments (coma represents an arthropodial membrane, dash represents absence of an arthropodial membrane, see Markhaseva & Ferrari, 2005), about 1.5 times as long as endopod ; 1st endopodal segment with 1 seta, 2nd with 6 and 6+2 setae. Md : gnathobase with 5 large and 3 small spine-like teeth plus dorsal seta. Mx1 : praecoxal endite with 9 terminal spines, 1 anterior and 4 dorsal setae ; coxal endite with 3 setae ; proximal basal and distal basal endites with 4 setae each ; endopod with 9 setae ; exopod with 8 setae ; coxal epipodite with 9 setae. P1 : basis with medial distal seta strongly curved ; endopod 1-segmented with lateral lobe ornamented with denticles and 4 pores. P5 asymmetrical, right leg uniramous, left leg biramous ; coxae fused, of similar size ; right leg exopod 3-segmented ; left endopod 1-segmented

Espèce Sensiava longiseta - Planche 5 de figures morphologiquesissued from : E.L. Markhaseva & K. Schulz in Zootaxa, 2006, 1368. [p.9, Fig.5].
Male: A, Mx2 (sensory setae partly figured); B-C, sensory setae of Mx2 endopod.
Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Nota : Mx2 : proximal praecoxal endite with 5 setae ; distal praecoxal endite with 3 setae ; proximal coxal endite with 3 setae (1 worm-like sensory seta and 1 seta more sclerotized) ; distal coxal endite with 3 setae, 2 setae more sclerotized ; proximal basal endite with 4 setae (2 more sclerotized, 2 worm-like, sensory) ; distal basal endite plus endopod with 8 sensory setae (3 longer, worm-like, 5 shorter, brush-like).

Espèce Sensiava longiseta - Planche 6 de figures morphologiquesissued from : E.L. Markhaseva & K. Schulz in Zootaxa, 2006, 1368. [p.10, Fig.6].
Male: A, Mxp (setae partly figured); B, syncoxa of Mxp; C, basis and endopod of Mxp.
Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Nota : Mxp : syncoxa with 1 sclerotized seta on proximal praecoxal lobe, 2 setae on middle lobe and 3 setae (2 sclerotized, 1 poorly sclerotized) on distal praecoxal lobe ; coxal lobe with 3 setae ; basis with 3 medial and 2 distal setae ; endopod 5-segmented with 4, 4, 3, 3+1 and 4 setae, 2 setae on segment 5 thicker and very long.

Espèce Sensiava longiseta - Planche 7 de figures morphologiquesissued from : E.L. Markhaseva & K. Schulz in Zootaxa, 2006, 1368. [p.11, Fig.7].
Male: A, P2; B, P3; C, P4. All posterior views.
Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Espèce Sensiava longiseta - Planche 8 de figures morphologiquesissued from : E.L. Markhaseva & J. Renz in Zootaxa, 2011, 2889. [p.67, F]. Changed and schematized after Markhaseva & Schulz (2006).
Male: F, P5 (Nota: right basis in grey).

Espèce Sensiava longiseta - Planche 9 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : E.L. Markhaseva in Zootaxa, 2014, 3802 (2). [p.235, Fig.13]. As Sensiava cf. longiseta.
Female (from 14°59'S, 29°56'W): A, spermatheca (lateral view); B, A2, coxa, basis, senopodal segment 1; C, Md, cutting edge; D, Mx1 (arrow marks distalmost terminal seta curved at the apex); E, Mx2; F, Mxp syncoxa; G, Mxp, basis, distal setae not figured ; I, P1.
Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Espèce Sensiava longiseta - Planche 10 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : V.N. Andronov in Russian Acad. Sci. P.P. Shirshov Inst. Oceanol. Atlantic Branch, Kaliningrad, 2014. [p.33, 8a, 8b]. Sensiava longiseta after Markhaseva & Schulz, 2006 : segments XVIII- XXIV of left and right A1 male, respectively.

NZ: 1

Carte de distribution de Sensiava longiseta par zones géographiques
Antarct. (Weddell Sea)
N: 2
(959) M: 4,6-4,8; (1171) F: 4,8; {F: 4,80; M: 4,60-4,80}
Rem.: épibenthique (4745-4975 m);
Cette espèce est provisoirement placée dans la famille des Diaixidae.
Voir aussi les remarques en anglais
Dernière mise à jour : 18/04/2016

 Toute utilisation de ce site pour une publication sera mentionnée avec la référence suivante :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. et de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversité des Copépodes planctoniques marins (morphologie, répartition géographique et données biologiques). Sorbonne Université, CNRS. Disponible sur [Accédé le 19 février 2025]

© copyright 2005-2025 Sorbonne Université, CNRS

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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