Fiche d'espèce de Copépode |
Calanoida ( Ordre ) |
Epacteriscoidea ( Superfamille ) |
Ridgewayiidae ( Famille ) |
Badijella ( Genre ) |
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Badijella jalzici Krsinic, 2005 (F,M) | |
| | | | | | Ref.: | | | Krsinic, 2005 (p.282, figs.F,M) |  issued from : F. Krsinic in Mar. Biol. Res., 2005, 1. [p.283, Fig.1]. Female (from Badija Island, Croatia): A-B, habitus (dorsal and lateral, respectively; C, rostrum (frontal); D, urosome and caudal rami (dorsal). Nota : Prosome : Urosome plus caudal rami ratio = 2.3-2.7 : 1. Proportional lengths of urosomites 47 :16 :24 :13 = 100 ; Genital double-somite slightly longer than wide ; genital area symmetrical, located mid-ventrally, with common genital operculum, internal genital apertures and seminal receptacles paired ; on the genital operculum with pair of external processes. Posterior margins of urosomites fringed with striated hyaline frill. Anal somite with 2 unequal triangular hyaline teeth on distal margin. Caudal rami symmetrical, about 2.5 longer than wide, armed wiith 1 short sub-distal dorsal seta and 5 distal setae (seta III spiniform, setae IV and V pinnate and long, dorsal distal margin of rami with 1 triangular tooth.
 issued from : F. Krsinic in Mar. Biol. Res., 2005, 1. [p.284, Fig.2]. Female: A, urosome with spermatophore attached (lateral); B, genital double-somite (ventral); C-D, A1. Nota: A1 symmetrical, 26-segmented, reaching almost to end of prosome.
 issued from : F. Krsinic in Mar. Biol. Res., 2005, 1. [p.285, Fig.3]. Female: A, A2; B, Md; C, Mx1; D, Mx2; e, Mxp. Nota : A2 with exopod 7-segmented ; endopod 2-segmented, extending beyond terminal exopod segment. Mx1 with praecoxal arthrite bearing 14 elements (9 pectinate spines, 4 setae on posterior side and 1 anterior seta) ; coxal epipodite with 9 setae and coxal endite with 4 setae ; basal endites with 4 and 5 setae ; exopod bearing 11 marginal setae ; endopod 3-segmented bearing 17 elements (probably arranged 5, 5, 7). Mx2 praecoxal with 2 endites, bearing 7 setae and 3 setae each ; basal endite armed with 4 setae ; endopodal segments armed with 6 setae. Mxp : syncoxa as long as basis, bearing 3 endites (1st with 2 setae, 2 nd with 1 seta and row of spinules on medial margin, 3rd with 2 setae ; basis with 3 setae and 2 rows of spinules on medial margin ; endopod 6-segmented, setal formula 2, 4, 4, 3, 2+1 and 2+1 on terminal segment ; setae on 3rd segment with specialized ornamentation of spinules along one margin.
 issued from : F. Krsinic in Mar. Biol. Res., 2005, 1. [p.286, Fig.4]. Female: A-E, P1 to P5.
 issued from : F. Krsinic in Mar. Biol. Res., 2005, 1. [p.287, Fig.5]. Male: A, urosome (dorsal); B, right A1 (geniculate part from ancestral segment X to tip); C, P5 (posterior). Nota: A1 asymmetrical, reaching almost to end of 3rd urosomite; left A1 as in female; right A1 with 23 free segments and two areas of geniculation, proximal geniculation between segments XV and XVI, distal geniculation between segment XX and fused ancestral segments XXI to XXIII; distal part of right A1 bent backwards.
 issued from : F. Krsinic in Mar. Biol. Res., 2005, 1. [p.288, Fig.6]. Male: A, left P5 (posterior)B, right P5 (anterior).
| | | | Ref. compl.: | | Krsinic, 2015 (p.9: Rem.) | | | NZ: | 1 | | |
Carte de distribution de Badijella jalzici par zones géographiques
| | | | | | Loc: | | | Medit. (Adriatic Sea: in caves on the island of Badija and Lenga Pit) | | | N: | 2 | | | Lg.: | | | (966) F: 0,76-0,85; M: 0,72-0,87; {F: 0,76-0,85; M: 0,72-0,87} | | | Rem.: | En milieu karstique dans une cavité influencée par la marée (salinité de 0 en surface et 36 PSU à 6 m; température de 14-16 °C). | | | Dernière mise à jour : 11/05/2016 | |
Toute utilisation de ce site pour une publication sera mentionnée avec la référence suivante : Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. et de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversité des Copépodes planctoniques marins (morphologie, répartition géographique et données biologiques). Sorbonne Université, CNRS. Disponible sur http://copepodes.obs-banyuls.fr [Accédé le 09 février 2025] © copyright 2005-2025 Sorbonne Université, CNRS