Fiche d'espèce de Copépode
Monstrilloida ( Ordre )
    Monstrillidae ( Famille )
        Caromiobenella ( Genre )
Caromiobenella castorea  Jeon, Lee & Soh, 2018   (M)
Jeon & al., 2018 (p.47, Descr. M)
Espèce Caromiobenella castorea - Planche 1 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : D. Jeon, W. Lee & H.Y. Soh in J. Crustacean Biol., 2018, , 38 (1). [p.49, Fig. 1]
Mele (from 34°36'42.4''N, 127°39'10.4''E): A, habitus showing crater-like depressions (arrows, dorsal); B, habitus (arrows indicate crater-like depressions; lateral. le = lateral eye; ve = ventral eye).
Arabic numerals indicate pit-setae.
Scale bar in µm.

Nota male:
- Ratio of lengths of cephalothorax, metasome, urosome 36.2 (34.4-37.7) : 40.4 (38.0-43.6) : 23.4 (19.0-26.0) in lateral view.
- Oral papilla low, ventrally, at 27% (13.3-31.1) of distance from anterior end of forehead.
- Length of A1 in relation to total body length 31.9 % (29.7-35.5); ratio of segments length (from proximal to distal) 18.2 (15.9-20.3) : 18.5 (14.8-21.6) : 16.5 (11.6-19.8) : 22.7 (19.8-28.0) : 24.1 (21.9-29.6).
- Spine 6 on distal A1 segment pinnare; robust, rough spines 6(2,6). plumose with fine setules.
- Branched setae absent, replaced by unbranched simple setae.
- Spinous elements on first three segments of A1 pinnate.
- Outer proximal margin of 3rd segment of A1 with protrusion plus distal groove.
- Outermost 2 setae on 3rd exopodal segments of all legs with serrations along outer margin.
- Geniral shaft robust, 0.06 mm (0.047-0.063), long with 2 short, subtriangular lappets separated by deep notch; inner side of cach lappet denticulate.
- Genital opercular openings covered by pair of pinnate, distally bifid opercular flaps at distal end of genital shaft.
- Each caudal rami with 6 setae; dorsal apical seta VI conspicuously shorter than others.
- 2 lateral and 1 ventral eyes, moderately developed, pigmented; Ventral eyepositioned slightly anterior to lateral eye cup. Lateral eyes round, 0.05 mm in diameter; ventral cup slightly smaller in diameter (0.04 mm) than lateral ones in dorsal view.
- tergite of incorporated 1st pediger pairswith 5 pairs of pit-setae (sensu Grygier & Ohtsuka, 1995): 1 pair (n°1) situated dorsally, 4 pairs laterally (n) 2-5). Pit-seta groups of left and right sides separated by 2 longitudinal rows of at least 4 pores each, these arranged in pairs across midline (fig.1A) with some variation (i.e. 4 pores on right side, only 3 on left side in holotype). These pores generally larger than others, defined by prominent riims. Ventral side of cephalothorax with 3 pairs of scars: 2 prominent pairs posterior to A1 bases, relatively inconspicuous pair more laterally at 1/3 length of cephalothorax.

Espèce Caromiobenella castorea - Planche 2 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : D. Jeon, W. Lee & H.Y. Soh in J. Crustacean Biol., 2018, , 38 (1). [p.50, Fig. 2]
Mele: A, cephalothorax with P1 (asterisks indicate anterior pores), ventral view; B, right A1 (dorsal view)); C, 5th antennular segment, right, outer lateral; D, urosome (arrows indicate ventral pores), ventral view; E, urosome showing genital opercular flaps (arrow) and serrate inner face of lappet (hollow arrow), lateral view.
Scale bars in µm.

- Oral papilla situated between posterior scar pair, with apical pore; basal part of oral papilla with at least 2 pores.
- Region between A1 bases slightly bulging, ornamented with fine wrinkles

Espèce Caromiobenella castorea - Planche 3 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : D. Jeon, W. Lee & H.Y. Soh in J. Crustacean Biol., 2018, , 38 (1). [p.49, Fig. 3]
Mele: A, right A1; B, 3rd exopodal segment of P1 showing 2 serrate outermost setae (anterior view); C, right P2 (anterior view); D, left P3 (anterior view); E, right P4 (anterior view).
Asterisks indicate anterior pores.
Scale bars in µm.

Nota: - A1 clearly 5-segmented, genetally directed straight forward, but bent slightly upward at joint between 3rd, 4th segment. Geniculation prsent between 4th and 5th segments. 5th segment bent almost 180° to inner side.
- Armature of A1 :
- 1st segment armed with pinnare spine 1 on inner distal part, arising slightly dorsally;
- 2nd segment armed with 6 setal elements: 4 robust, densely pinnate spines (2v 1-3, 2d 1); biserially plumose IId seta developed in typical, strap-like form; elongated spine 2d 2, biserially plumose with fine setules, reaching proximal margin of 4th segment.
- 3rd A1 segment armed with 3 setal elements pinnate spine 3 on inner distal side and 2 biserially plumose strap-like setae IIId, IIIv located more proximal; IIId short, only as long as its segment, IIIv slightly longer than IIId proximal half. Outer proximal region of segment with groove.
- 4th segment: proximal half robust, distal part thinner; segment armed with 8 setal elements (4V 1-3, 4d 1-2, 4d a, IV v, 4 aes). 5 short spines 4 v 1-3, 4d 1, 2 robust, pinnate on inner side, all subequal in lengthnbut 4v 3 slightly longer than others; minute spine 4d a naked, notably thinner than others.
- 5th segment armed with 12 setal elements. Typical branced setae absent. Short apical aesthetasc (6aes arising from tips. 3 robust spines (6 1, 6 2, 6 3) on distal part of segment most distal spine 6, laterally on outer side; 6 2 near 6 1 but more dorsally, slightly proximal to it; most proximal spine 6 3 situated dorsally; 6 1 pinnate with short spinules, 6 2 and 6 3 with relatively long thin setules. Medium long, biserially plumose seta Vv situated ventrally. 6 unmodified setae (A-D, a, b) arising from outer distal, part, setal elements A-D relatively longer, thicker than elements a, b. Inner dorsal margin wuth 3 transverse serrate ridges consisting of numerous minute spinules.

Espèce Caromiobenella castorea - Planche 4 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : D. Jeon, W. Lee & H.Y. Soh in J. Crustacean Biol., 2018, , 38 (1). [p.52 Fig. 4]
Mele (paratype): A, 3rd antennular segment showing proximal outer bump and groove (arrow), left, ventral view; B, P3 joined by rectangular intercoxal sclerite showing plain distal margin (arrow), posterior view; C, 2 outermost serrate setae (arrows) of 3rd exopodal segment of left P3 (posterior view); D, 2 outermost serrate setae (arrows) of 3rd exopodal segment of left P4, outer lateral.
Scale bars in µm.

NZ: 1

Carte de distribution de Caromiobenella castorea par zones géographiques
S. Korea (Baegya-ri, near Korea Strait).

Type locality: 34°36'45.4'' N, 127°39'10.4'' E.
N: 1
(1233)* M: 0,91-1,14 (mean = 0,99 mm); {M: 0,91-1,24}

* excluding the caudal rami.
Rem.: içndividuals collected by alight trap alongside a seawall, depth less than 2 m and the water temperature 14.0°C (10/11/2014)
Dernière mise à jour : 07/01/2025

 Toute utilisation de ce site pour une publication sera mentionnée avec la référence suivante :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. et de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversité des Copépodes planctoniques marins (morphologie, répartition géographique et données biologiques). Sorbonne Université, CNRS. Disponible sur [Accédé le 06 février 2025]

© copyright 2005-2025 Sorbonne Université, CNRS

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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