Fiche d'espèce de Copépode
Calanoida ( Ordre )
    Arietelloidea ( Superfamille )
        Augaptilidae ( Famille )
            Haloptilus ( Genre )
Haloptilus chierchiae  (Giesbrecht, 1889)   (F,M)
Syn.: Hemicalanus chierchiae Giesbrecht,1889; 1892 (p.384, 398, 772, Descr.F, figs.F)
Giesbrecht & Schmeil, 1898 (p.118, Rem. F); Wolfenden, 1911 (p.324); Sars, 1925 (p.244, figs.F); Sewell, 1932 (p.328); 1947 (p.190, figs.F,M); Grice, 1959 (p.195: Rem.); Tanaka & Omori, 1971 (p.249, figs.F); Matthews, 1972 (p.49); Park, 1988 (p.3); Mauchline, 1998 (p.73: M); Bradford-Grieve & al., 1999 (p.882, 941, figs.F,M); Vives & Shmeleva, 2007 (p.252, figs.F, Rem.)
Espèce Haloptilus chierchiae - Planche 1 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : G.O. Sars in Résult. Camp. Scient. Prince Albert I, 69, pls.1-127 (1924). [Pl., figs.1-13].
Female: 1, habitus (dorsal); 2, idem (lateral left side); 3, A1; 4, A2; 5, Md; 6, Md (biting blade, enlarged); 7, Mx1; 8, Mx2; 9, Mxp; 10, P1; 11, P3; 12, P5; 13, urosome.

Espèce Haloptilus chierchiae - Planche 2 de figures morphologiquesissued from : R.B.S. Sewell in The John Murray Expedition, 1933-34, Scientific Reports, VIII (1), 1947. [p.191, Fig.49].
Female (from Arabian Sea): A, Md; C, Mx1; E, Mx2; H, P1.
Nota: The proportional lengths of the cephalothorax and abdomen as 83 to 17. The proportional lengths of the various segments of the body (cephalon to caudal rami) as 471:137:56:56:88:74:23:18::28:49 = 1000. The separation of the head and the 1st pediger segment appears incomplete (a line of demarcation is visible across the dorsal aspect but disappears in the lateral region), 4th and 5 th fused. The forehead is acutely rounded. A1 25-segmented, overreaches the caudal rami by about the last 6 or 7 segments. Genital segment longer than the three following segments together. In P1 the distal outer angle of exopodal segments 1 to 3 at the base of the marginal spines fringed with a comb of minute spinules.

Male: B, Md; D, Mx1; F, Mx2; G, Mxp; I, P5.
Nota: The proportional lengths of the anterior and posterior region as 80 to 20. The proportional lengths of the various segments of the body (cephalon to caudal rami) as 437: 146:74:61:94:45:29:20:16:29:49 = 1000. Right A1 modified to form a grasping organ. A2 resembles that of the female, exopod very short and composed of 8 segments.

Espèce Haloptilus chierchiae - Planche 3 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : W. Giesbrecht in Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. – Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel, 1892. Atlas von 54 Tafeln. [Taf.42, Fig.2]. As Hemicalanus chierchiae.
Female: 2, habitus (dorsal).

Espèce Haloptilus chierchiae - Planche 4 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : W. Giesbrecht in Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. – Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel, 1892. Atlas von 54 Tafeln. [Taf.42, Fig.27]. As Hemicalanus chierchiae.
Female: 27, A2.
B2 = basis; Re = exopod.

Espèce Haloptilus chierchiae - Planche 5 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : W. Giesbrecht in Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. – Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel, 1892. Atlas von 54 Tafeln. [Taf.42, 28]. As Hemicalanus chierchiae.
Female: 28, Md (mandibular blade).

Espèce Haloptilus chierchiae - Planche 6 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : W. Giesbrecht in Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. – Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel, 1892. Atlas von 54 Tafeln. [Taf.27, Fig.17]. As Hemicalanus chierchiae.
Female: 17, Mx1 (portion).

Espèce Haloptilus chierchiae - Planche 7 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : W. Giesbrecht in Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. – Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel, 1892. Atlas von 54 Tafeln. [Taf.27, Fig.25]. As Hemicalanus chierchiae.
Female: 25, exopod of P1 (anterior view). Se = outer setae.

Espèce Haloptilus chierchiae - Planche 8 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : W. Giesbrecht in Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. – Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel, 1892. Atlas von 54 Tafeln. [Taf.27, Fig.16]. As Hemicalanus chierchiae.
Female: 16, P5 (exopod). Re2 = exopodal segment 2; Si = inner seta.

Espèce Haloptilus chierchiae - Planche 9 de figures morphologiquesissued from : O. Tanaka & M. Omori in Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab., 1971, XIX, 4. [p.251, Fig.2].
Female (from Izu Region): 1, forehead (ventral); b, last thoraci segment and urosome (ventral); c, A2; d, Md; e, Mx1; f, P1; g, P5.

Nota: A1 25-segmented, eceeds the caudal rami by distal 7 segments. Caudal rami twice as long as wide.

Espèce Haloptilus chierchiae - Planche 10 de figures morphologiquesissued from : J.M. Bradford-Grieve, E.L. Markhaseva & C.E.F. Rocha & B. Abiahy in South Atlantic Zooplankton, Edit. D. Boltovskoy. 1999. Vol.2. Copepoda. [p.1042, Fig. 7.268].
Female: Mx1.

Nota: Endopodite of Mx1 with 7 setae.

Ref. compl.:
Sewell, 1948 (p.329, 504, 522, 530, 533, 547, 558, 567); C.B. Wilson, 1950 (p.236); Grice & Hulsemann, 1967 (p.19); Roe, 1972 (p.277, tabl.1, tabl.2); 1972 c (p.1034); Vives, 1982 (p.293); Brinton & al., 1986 (p.228, Table 1); Madhupratap & Haridas, 1986 (p.105, tab.1); Lozano Soldevilla & al., 1988 (p.60); Suarez-Morales & Gasca, 1998 a (p.108); Wishner & al., 2008 (p.163, Table 2, fig.8, zonation-oxycline); Hirai & al., 2013 (p.1, Table I, molecular marker)
NZ: 8

Carte de distribution de Haloptilus chierchiae par zones géographiques
off E St. Paul Is., Canary Is., Azores, G. of Oman, Arabian Sea, Laccadive Is., Maldive Is.,W Indian, China Seas (East China Sea), Japan (Izu), Gulf of California, Pacif. (tropical), E Tuamotu Is., Galapagos, off Peru
N: 15
(1) F: 5,1; (11) F: 4,8-4,6; M: 4,05; (46) F: 4,8; (90) F: 5,25; (199) F: 5,28-4,26; M: 3,95-3,65; {F: 4,05-5,28; M: 3,65-3,95}
Rem.: épi-bathypélagique.
Voir aussi les remarques en anglais
Dernière mise à jour : 06/01/2015

 Toute utilisation de ce site pour une publication sera mentionnée avec la référence suivante :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. et de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversité des Copépodes planctoniques marins (morphologie, répartition géographique et données biologiques). Sorbonne Université, CNRS. Disponible sur [Accédé le 20 janvier 2025]

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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