Fiche d'espèce de Copépode
Calanoida ( Ordre )
    Diaptomoidea ( Superfamille )
        Centropagidae ( Famille )
            Centropages ( Genre )
Centropages sinensis  Chen & Zhang, 1965   (F,M)
Chen & Zhang, 1965 (p.74, 127, figs.F,M); Zheng Zhong & al., 1984 (1989) (p.243); Mulyadi, 1998 (p.65, Redescr. F,M, figs.F,M); Mulyadi, 2004 (p.133, figs.F,M, Rem.);
Espèce Centropages sinensis - Planche 1 de figures morphologiquesissued from : Q.-c. Chen & S.-z. Zhang in Studia Marina Sinica, 1965, 7. [Plate 26].
Female (from Chou-San archipelagoes): 1, habitus (dorsal view); 2, head (lateral view); 3, Th5 and urosome (lateral view); 4, P5 (posterior view).
Nota: Head and 1st thoracic segment fused, 4th and 5th separate.
- Rostrum with a long filament.
- Posterolateral angles of last thoracic segment , pointed and asymmetrical; right cone slightly larger than the left.
- Urosome 3-segmented.
- Genital segment with right side swollen, provided with numerous fine denticles.
- Anal segment, smaller than preceding segment.
- Furcal rami asymmetrical, the left longer than the right.
- A1 24-segmented, extending beyond the end of last thoracic segment; P5 asymmetrical, inner spine of 2nd exopodal segment with denticulate outer and inner margin, longer than the length of 1st and 2nd segments combined but shorter than the distal segment.

Male: 5, habitus (dorsal view); 6, 3rd exopodal segment of P4 (posterior view); 7, P5 (posterior view).
Nota: Postero-lateral angles of last thoracic segment small and symmetrical.
- Uosome 4-segmented; 2nd segment longest.
- Right A1 geniculate, 21 -segmented; upper margin of 18-19th segments, serrate distal segment with spine as long as its length. P1-P4 of left side larger than those of the right side. 2nd outer marginal spine of 3rd exopodal segment of right P4 longer than that of left P4; 3rd outer marginal spine of right 3rd exopodal segment hook-like and curved outwardly, outer marginal denticles of apical spine smaller than those of the left side.
- P5 asymmetrical; exopod of left foot, 2-segmented, 2nd segment longer than the 1st. Exopod of right foot 3-segmented, 2nd segment broadest, ventral margin of its inner spine serrate (with about 7-8 teeth), distal segment with a soine on both sides, apical spine, strong and smooth, its disrtal portion curved outwardly.

Espèce Centropages sinensis - Planche 2 de figures morphologiquesissued from : Mulyadi in The Raffles Bull. Zool., 1998, 46 (1). [Fig.7, p.66].
Female from 07°10'S, 109°10'E): a, habitus (dorsal view); b, Th5 and genital complex; c, distal segment of left P4; d, right P4; e, P5.
Nota: A1 24-segmented, reaching distal ends of last thoracic segment. cephalon and thoracic segment 1 fused [apparently separated on the drawing]. P5 asymmetrical.

Male: f, habitus (dorsal view); g, right A1; h, P5.
Nota: Right A1 gencilate, anterior margin of segment 17 with rows of denticles from proximal 1/3 from distal end; segment 18 wih short row of denticles; distal segment armed with long, spur-like process. P1-P4 of left side longer than those of right side; outer seta of exopod 2 of right P4 longer than of left P4.; outer seta of right exopod 3 hook-like and curved outwards, outer marginal denticles of apical spine smaller than those of the left side.

Espèce Centropages sinensis - Planche 3 de figures morphologiquesIssued from: Q.-c Chen & S.-z. Zhang in Studia Marina Sinica, 1965, 7. [p.127 ].
Comparison of distinguisehed features between C. sinensis, C. brevifurcus.

Ref. compl.:
Shih & Young, 1995 (p.69); Dur & al., 2007 (p.197, Table IV); Ohtsuka & al., 2008 (p.115, Table 6);
NZ: 2

Carte de distribution de Centropages sinensis par zones géographiques
China Seas (Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea, G. of Hangchow, Chou-San Archipelago), Taiwan (SW), Indo-Malaysia (Java: off Surabaya)

Type locality: 30°30' N, 122°15' E.
N: 6 (Indonesia-Malaysia.: 2; W Pacif.: 4)
(290) F: 1,5-1,35; M: 1,3-1,25; (776) F: 1,42-1,4; M: 1,3-1,25; (1122) F: 1,4; M: 1,3; {F: 1,40-1,50; M: 1,25-1,30}
Rem.: Common in the coastal waters of Chekiang and Fukien, especially in the Gulf of Hangchow and Chou-San archipelagoes (during summer and autumn) after Chen & Zhang (1965).
Dernière mise à jour : 01/08/2016

 Toute utilisation de ce site pour une publication sera mentionnée avec la référence suivante :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. et de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversité des Copépodes planctoniques marins (morphologie, répartition géographique et données biologiques). Sorbonne Université, CNRS. Disponible sur [Accédé le 19 février 2025]

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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