Fiche d'espèce de Copépode |
Calanoida ( Ordre ) |
Clausocalanoidea ( Superfamille ) |
Euchaetidae ( Famille ) |
Euchaeta ( Genre ) |
| |
Euchaeta paraacuta Tanaka, 1973 (F,M) | |
| | | | | | Syn.: | Euchaeta paraacuta : Tanaka, 1973 (p.136, figs.F,M); Paraeuchaeta paraacuta: Bradford & al., 1983 (p.23) | | | Ref.: | | | Park, 1995 (p.24: Rem.); Lapernat, 1999 (p.18, 41, fig.F) |  issued from : O. Tanaka in I O B C Handbook, 1973, IV. Cochin, India [p.136, Fig.5]. As Euchaeta paraacuta. Female (from S Indian Ocean): A, forehead (lateral); B-C, genital segment (lateral and dorsal, respectively); D, P1; E, exopod of P2. Nota: Proportional lengths Prosome/Urosome 63: 37. Prosome 2.8 times as long as wide. Urosomal segments and caudal rami in the proportional lengths 34 : 25 : 23 : 6 : 12 = 100. Genital segment about 1.8 times as long as wide in dorsal view; the lateral margins of the segment furnished, beside a large process on the left side, and a small one on the right side, with a small process on each side near the proximal. A1 23-segmented (segments 8-9 and 24-25 fused). Mouth parts and swimming legs similar to those of E. acuta.
 issued from : O. Tanaka in I O B C Handbook, 1973, IV. [p.137, Fig.6]. As Euchaeta paraacuta. Male: A, forehead (lateral); B, P5; C, distal segment of left P5. Nota: Urosome length: 2.7 mm. In the left P5 the serrated plate on the 2nd segment of the exopod is short and the teeth are coarse.
 issued from : O. Tanaka in I O B C Handbook, 1973, IV. Cochin, India [p.136]. Proportional lenths of A1 segments female and male.
| | | | Ref. compl.: | | Lapernat & Razouls, 2001 (p.123, tab.1) | | | NZ: | 2 | | |
Carte de distribution de Euchaeta paraacuta par zones géographiques
| | | | | | | | | Loc: | | | SW & SE Indian, E Medit. (off Malta) | | | N: | 2 | | | Lg.: | | | (98) F: 4,96; M: mutilated)
| | | Rem.: | 2000 m (off Malte) Voir aussi les remarques en anglais | | | Dernière mise à jour : 08/08/2016 | |
Toute utilisation de ce site pour une publication sera mentionnée avec la référence suivante : Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. et de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversité des Copépodes planctoniques marins (morphologie, répartition géographique et données biologiques). Sorbonne Université, CNRS. Disponible sur http://copepodes.obs-banyuls.fr [Accédé le 16 février 2025] © copyright 2005-2025 Sorbonne Université, CNRS