Fiche d'espèce de Copépode |
Calanoida ( Ordre ) |
Lucicutiidae ( Famille ) |
Lucicutia ( Genre ) |
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Lucicutia aurita Cleve, 1904 (F,M) | |
| | | | | | Syn.: | Lucicutia maxima : A. Scott, 1909 (p.127, figs.M); Sewell, 1932 (p.295, F, non M); ? Gunther & Hardy, 1935 (p.179); Tanaka, 1963 (p.49, figs.M, Rem.); Tanaka & Omori, 1967 (p.251); no Lucicutia aurita (M) Sars, 1905 c (p.8) | | | Ref.: | | | Cleve, 1904 a (p.192, 202, Descr.F); Hülsemann, 1966 (p.705, figs.F,M); Chihara & Murano, 1997 (p.830: tab.5); Bradford-Grieve & al., 1999 (p.883, 945, figs.F,M); Boxshall & Halsey, 2004 (p.132: F; p.134: M) |  issued from : O. Tanaka in Publs Seto Mar. Biol. Lab., 1963, XI (1). [p.50, Fig.172]. As. Lucicutia maxima. Male: a, habitus (dorsal); b, P1; c, P5; d, rostrum (dorsal view).Nota: The urosome segments and furca are in the proportional lengths as 11:16:14:11:14:34 = 100. Juvenile Female (V): e, P5.
 Issued from : K. Hülsemann in Bull. Mar. Sc., 1966, 16 (4). [p.706, Figs.1-6]. Female from W Indian): 1, head (lateral); 2, urosome (lateral right side); 3, genital segment lateral right side; another specimen); 4, P1; 5, P5. Male: 6, urosome (dorsal).
 Issued from : K. Hülsemann in Bull. Mar. Sc., 1966, 16 (4). [p.718, Figs.69-70]. Female: 69, head (dorsal); 70, urosome (dorsal).
 Issued from : K. Hülsemann in Bull. Mar. Sc., 1966, 16 (4). [p.724, Fig.100]. Male: 100, P5.
Lucicutia aurita female: 1 - Characters following not combined : Prosome about 3 times longer than urosome. Cephalosome with slightly projecting and rounded anterior corners and well developed lateral spinous projections; anal somite about as long as wide; caudal rami 11.7 times longer than wide and bowed outwards at base, leaving elliptical space between rami proximally. 2 - P1 with 3-segmented endopod. 3 - Cephalosome with 1 pair lateral spinous projections. 4 - Genital double-somite symmetrical (dorsal view). 5 - Anal somite much shorter than caudal ramus. 6 - P5 with 3-segmented endopod. 7 - Characters not combined betweendistal 3 to 4 segments of A1 reaching beyond tip of caudal ramus and Body length less than 3 mm. 8 - Cephalosome with 1 pair of strong lateral spinous projections 9 - Caudal rami 6 to 8 times longer than wide, shorter than urosome.
Lucicutia aurita male: 1 - P1 with 3-segmented endopod. 2 -Cephalosome with 1 pair of strong lateral spinous projections. 3 - Caudal rami distinctly shorter than urosomal somites; anal somite shorter than wide. 4 - Inner margin of basis of left and right P5 protruding, bearing teeth.
| | | | Ref. compl.: | | Sewell, 1948 (p.519, 540); Grice & Hulsemann, 1967 (p.17); 1968 (tab.2);? Lee & al., 1971 (p.1152); Björnberg, 1973 (p.343, 387); Harding, 1974 (p.141, tab.2, gut contents); Hsiao & al., 2004 (p.326, tab.1) | | | NZ: | 6 + 3 douteuses | | |
Carte de distribution de Lucicutia aurita par zones géographiques
| | | | | | | | | | | | Loc: | | | ? Antarct., South Africa (E), Sargasso Sea (off Cape Cod), W Indian, Indonesia-Malaysia, China Seas (South China Sea), E Taiwan, Japan (Sagami Bay), off Juan Fernandez Is., Chile ( N & S ) | | | N: | 11 | | | Lg.: | | | (5) M: 8,4; (12) F: 8; (21) F: 8,7-7,3; M: 8,4-7,1; (26) M: 7,44; (70) F: 8,9; (866) F: 7,8-9,3; {F: 7,30-9,30; M: 7,10-8,40} | | | Rem.: | Bathypélagique. La présence de cette espèce dans la Mer des Sargasses est étonnante. Voir aussi les remarques en anglais | | | Dernière mise à jour : 07/12/2020 | |
Toute utilisation de ce site pour une publication sera mentionnée avec la référence suivante : Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. et de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversité des Copépodes planctoniques marins (morphologie, répartition géographique et données biologiques). Sorbonne Université, CNRS. Disponible sur http://copepodes.obs-banyuls.fr [Accédé le 19 février 2025] © copyright 2005-2025 Sorbonne Université, CNRS