Fiche d'espèce de Copépode
Calanoida ( Ordre )
    Arietelloidea ( Superfamille )
        Heterorhabdidae ( Famille )
            Heterorhabdus ( Genre )
Heterorhabdus clausi  (Giesbrecht, 1889)   (F,M)
Syn.: Heterochäta clausii Giesbrecht, 1889; 1892 (p.372, 382, 773, figs.F,M);
Heterorhabdus (Heterorhabdus) clausii : Vervoort, 1965 (p.121, Rem.)
Giesbrecht & Schmeil, 1898 (p.115, Rem. F,M); Thompson & Scott, 1903 (p.235, 249); Esterly, 1905 (p.185, fig.M; A. Scott, 1909 (p.130, Rem.); Wolfenden, 1911 (p.303); Sewell, 1932 (p.299, figs.F); Rose, 1933 a (p.204, figs.F,M); Lysholm & al., 1945 (p.36); Brodsky, 1950 (1967) (p.353, figs.F,M); C.B. Wilson, 1950 (p.239, fig.F); Vervoort, 1957 (p.134); Gardner & Szabo, 1982 (p.364, figs.F,M); Bradford-Grieve & al., 1999 (p.883, 944, figs.F,M, as clausii); Bradford-Grieve,1999 b (p.79, figs.F,M, Rem., figs.174, 191); Park, 2000 (p.121, figs.F,M, Rem.); Vives & Shmeleva, 2007 (p.310, figs.F,M, Rem.)
Espèce Heterorhabdus clausi - Planche 1 de figures morphologiquesissued from : T. Park in Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanogr. Univ. California, San Diego, 2000, 31. [p.240, Fig.88].
Female: a, habitus (left side); b, c, urosome (left, dorsal, respectively); d, e, genital somite (left, right, respectively). gfl = genital flange.

Nota: Length ratios of 4 urosomal somites and left caudal ramus 37.3 : 17.1 : 14.5 : 8.8 : 22.3 = 100.
Dorsal appendicular seta of left caudal ramus approximately 1.5 times length of that of right ramus. Each caudal ramus with 2 pores on anterior surface.

Espèce Heterorhabdus clausi - Planche 2 de figures morphologiquesissued from : T. Park in Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanogr. Univ. California, San Diego, 2000, 31. [p.241, Fig.89].
Female: a, genital somite with operculum open (left side); b, genital somite (ventral); c, genital somite with operculum open (right).
Genital field with about 9 pores on right side and normally 2 pores on left side.

Male: d, P5 (anterior); e, basipod of left P5 (anterior).

Espèce Heterorhabdus clausi - Planche 3 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : R.B.S. Sewell in Mem. Indian Mus., 1932, X (continued). [p.301, Fig.98, c-d].
Female (from off SE Sri Lanka): c, exopod of P2; d, exopod of P3.

Espèce Heterorhabdus clausi - Planche 4 de figures morphologiquesissued from : C.O. Esterly in Univ. Calif. Publs. Zool., 1905, 2 (4). [p.185, Fig.39].
Male (from San Diego Region): P5.

Nota: 2nd basal of the right P5 with a long lamellar process, the 2nd segment of the exopod with a shorter projection on the inner border, 3rd relatively longer ( especially on the left P5).

Espèce Heterorhabdus clausi - Planche 5 de figures morphologiquesissued from : C.B. Wilson in Bull. U.S. natn Mus., 100, 14 (4). [Pl.11, Fig.120].
Female (from off Honshu, Japan and Philippines): 120, P5.

Espèce Heterorhabdus clausi - Planche 6 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : W. Giesbrecht in Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. – Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel, 1892. Atlas von 54 Tafeln. [Taf. 20, Fig.28 ]. As Heterochäta clausii.
Female: 28, P5 (endopod and exopod).

Espèce Heterorhabdus clausi - Planche 7 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : W. Giesbrecht in Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. – Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel, 1892. Atlas von 54 Tafeln. [Taf. 20, Fig.2]. As Heterochäta clausii.
Male: 2, A1 (distal segments).

Espèce Heterorhabdus clausi - Planche 8 de figures morphologiquesIssued from : W. Giesbrecht in Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. – Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel, 1892. Atlas von 54 Tafeln. [Taf. 20, Figs.37, 38]. As Heterochäta clausii.
Male: 37, left P5 (anterior view); 38, right P5 (anterior view).
B2 = basipod 2 (= basis); Ri = endopod; Re = exopod.

Espèce Heterorhabdus clausi - Planche 9 de figures morphologiquesHeterorhabdus clausii female:
1 - See key to species groups of Heterorhabdus: ''abyssalis'' Group (p.90, 114).
2 - Genital somite without a conical projection mediodorsally (Fig.88- a, b).
3 - Laterally, genital somite without a tubercular outgrowth posteriorly on dorsal margin (Fig.88-b).
4 - Laterally, genital operculum far short of reaching posterior end of somite (Fig.88-d).
5 - Laterally, right and left genital flanges asymmetrical (Fig.88-d, e).
6 - Laterally, left genital flange low, smoothly arched.
7 - Laterally, genital somite relatively short, typically with a length-depth ratio of 100:89 (Fig.88-d).

Espèce Heterorhabdus clausi - Planche 10 de figures morphologiquesHeterorhabdus clausii male:
1 - See key to species groups of Heterorhabdus: ''abyssalis'' Group (p.90, 114).
2 - Basis of left P5 with a well-developed inner lobe (Fig.89-c).
3 - Basal inner lobe of left P5 wide (Fig.89-c).

Ref. compl.:
Sewell, 1948 (p.503, 521, 547, 558); De Decker & Mombeck, 1964 (p.12); Grice & Hulsemann, 1965 (p.224); 1967 (p.18); Fleminger, 1967 a (tabl.1); Deevey, 1971 (p.224); Deevey & Brooks, 1977 (p.256, tab.2, Station "S"); Vives, 1982 (p.293); Guangshan & Honglin, 1984 (p.118, tab.); Lozano Soldevilla & al., 1988 (p.59); Suarez-Morales & Gasca, 1998 a (p.109); Razouls & al., 2000 (p.343, Appendix); Holmes, 2001 (p.16); Beaugrand & al., 2002 (p.179, figs.5, 6); Lo & al., 2004 (p.89, tab.1); Galbraith, 2009 (pers. comm.); Andersen N.G. & al., 2011 (p.71, Fig.3: abundance); in CalCOFI regional list (MDO, Nov. 2013; M. Ohman, pers. comm.); Belmonte, 2018 (p.273, Table I: Italian zones)
NZ: 18

Carte de distribution de Heterorhabdus clausi par zones géographiques
sub-Antarct. (S Tasmania), E South Africa, off E Tristan da Cunha, G. of Guinea, Canary Islands, Brazil, Sargasso Sea, off Bermuda (Station "S"), off SW Ireland, off E Scotland, Greenland, Faroe Is., W Medit. (Ligurian Sea in Mazzocchi & Di Capua, 2010), Minicoy Is., Indian, Indonesia-Malaysia, Philippines, China Seas (East China Sea), Taiwan (N: Mienhua Canyon), Japan (off Honshu), W Pacif. (equatorial), Pacif. tropical central & E (N-S), off British Columbia, California, San Diego, off Galapagos (E & W)

Type locality: 99°-108°W, 0°-3°S.

For Park (2000, p.122), besides its type locality in the equatorial Pacific and in the eastern and central equatorial waters of the Pacific between 17°50' S and 10°05' N, and between 164° 14' W and 110°18' W, the species has been recorded from off San Diego (Esterly, 1905), the Malay Archipelago (A. Scott, 1909), the Indian Ocean (Sewell, 1932), the Gulf of Guinea (Vervoort, 1965), and the South Atlantic (Wolfenden, 1911). However, none of these records outside the type locality is accompanied by reliable species descriptions, and their validity therefore cannot be confirmed.
N: 27
(16) F: 2,65-2,6; M: 2,41-2,2; (22) F: 2,4; M: 2,5-2,2; (46) F: 2,4; M: 2,4-2,2; (142) M: 2,5-2; (824) F: 2,64-2,32; M: 2,4-2,24; {F: 2,32-2,65; M: 2,00-2,50}
Rem.: Abyssalis" Group.
Sampling depth (sub-Antarct.) : 0-750 m.
Voir aussi les remarques en anglais
Dernière mise à jour : 07/12/2020

 Toute utilisation de ce site pour une publication sera mentionnée avec la référence suivante :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. et de Bovée F., 2005-2024. - Biodiversité des Copépodes planctoniques marins (morphologie, répartition géographique et données biologiques). Sorbonne Université, CNRS. Disponible sur [Accédé le 27 juillet 2024]

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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