Bibliography before 1988

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z


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Champalbert G., 1973. - Métabolisme respiratoire d'Anomalocera patersoni (Copepoda: Pontellidae). Mar. Biol., Berl.,, 19 (4): 315-319.

Champalbert G., 1973 a. - Contribution à l'étude du phototropisme du plancton récolté dans la couche hyponeustonique. II. Anomalocera patersoni - Influence de l'intensité et de la longueur d'onde de la lumière sur les réactions d'orientation et sur l'activité locomotrice. Mar. Biol., Berl.,, 20 (3): 208-212.

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Chen B.Y., 1986. - A preliminary study on fauna of planktonic copepods in the China seas. Acta Oceanol. Sin., 5 (1): 118-125.

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Chen Q.-c. & Zhang S.-z., 1974. - The pelagic copepods of the South China Sea. I. Studia Mar. Sin., 9: 101-124.

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Chiba T., 1953. - Some observations on the morphological characteristics, especially on the reproductive organs of Copepoda. Calanus darwinii. J. Shimonoseki Coll. Fish, 3 (3): 235-238.

Chiba T., 1953 a. - Studies on the pelagic Copepoda from Japan Sea. I. On the genus Euchaeta Philippi 1843. Bull. Jap. Soc. scient. Fish, 18 (11): 613-617.

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Chiba T., 1953 e. - On the distribution of the planktpon in the east China Sea and Yellow Sea. VII; Description on the male of the pelagic Copepoda, Temora stylifera and Temora discaudata. Bull. Jap. Soc. scient. Fish, 19 (6): 722-725.

Chiba T., 1953 f. - On the distribution of the plankton in the east China Sea and Yellow Sea. VII. Description on the male of the pelagic Copepoda, Acartia hamata, Mori. Bull. Jap. Soc. scient. Fish, 19 (6): 726-728.

Chiba T., 1956. - Studies on the development and the systematics of Copepoda. J. Shimonoseki Coll. Fish, 6 (1): 1-90.

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Chislenko L.L., 1964. - Le rapport des sexes chez les copépodes marins libres. Zool. Zh., 43: 1400-1402. (Russian. Sex ratio).

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Chojnacki, 1983 a. - Standardgewichte der Copepoden in der Pommerschen Bucht. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol., 68 (3): 435-441.

Chojnacki J., 1984. - Quantitative occurence of Copepoda in southern Baltic inshore waters. Crustaceana, suppl. 7: 126-136.

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Crisafi P., 1960. - Nuovo contributo allo studio dei Copepodi dello Stretto di Messina. Centropages typicus (Kroyer), Centropages kröyeri (Giesbrecht), Centropages chierchiae (Giesbrecht). Atti Soc. pelorit. Sci. fis. mat. nat., 5 (4): 471-493.

Crisafi P., 1960 b. - Note biologiche e stadi copepodiformi di Centropages violaceus Cls. (Copepoda, Calanoida). Atti Soc. pelorit. Sci. fis. mat. nat., 5 (4): 503-512.

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Crisafi P., 1963. - I Copepodi dello Stretto di Messina. La famiglia Candaciidae nel quinquennio 1958-1962 (Esame atorico, morfometria, sviluppo, frequenza delle otto specie incontrate con notizie sul periodo riproduttivo. Atti Soc. pelorit. Sci. fis. mat. nat., 9: 81-143.

Crisafi P., 1963 a. - Les Copépodes pélagiques du détroit de Messine Pleuromamma abdominalis (Lubbock) et Pleuromamma gracilis (Claus) (Copepoda, Calanoida). Morphologie, développement et fréquence. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Comm. int. Explor. scient. Mer Méditerr., 17 (2): 555-564.

Crisafi P., 1965. - Les Copépodes du détroit de Messine. Oeufs, stades naupliens et segmentation du corps du Copépode pélagique Pontella mediterranea Claus. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Comm. int. Explor. scient. Mer Méditerr., 18 (2): 411-416.

Crisafi P., 1965 a. - I Copepodi dello Stretto di Messina. Euchaeta hebes Giesbrecht e notize su E. acuta Giesbrecht e E. spinosa Giesbrecht. Atti Soc. pelorit. Sci. fis. mat. nat., 11: 58-68.

Crisafi P., 1965 b. - I Copepodi dello Stretto di Messina. Variabilità e sviluppo di Euchaeta marina (Prestandrea). Boll. Zool., 32 (2): 263-281.

Crisafi P., 1966. - Caratteri morfologici, sviluppo e presenza nel Mediterreneo di Copepodi appartenenti al genere Sapphirina/em> J.V. Thompson, 1829. Atti Soc. pelorit. Sci. fis. mat. nat., 12 (2-3): 651-663.

Crisafi P., 1966 a. - Osservazioni su rappresentanti mediterrenei del genere Sapphirina J.V. Thompson, 1829. Boll. Zool., 33 (1): 179-180.

Crisafi P., 1974. - Some responses of planktonic organisms to environmental pollution. Revue int. Océanogr. Méd., 34: 145-154.

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Cummings J.A., 1984. - Habitat dimensions of calanoid copepods in the western Gulf of Mexico. J. Mar. Res., 42 (1): 16-188.


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Cushing D.H., 1953. - Studies on plankton populations. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 19: 3-22.

Cushing D.H., 1955. - Some experiments on the vertical migration of zooplankton. J. Anim. Ecol., 24: 137-166.

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Cushing D.H., 1962. - Patchiness. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 153: 152-164.

Cushing D.H., 1963. - Studies on a Calanus patch. V. The production cruises in 1954: summary and conclusions. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K., 43: 387-389.

Cushing D.H., 1968. - Grazing by herbivorous copepods in the sea. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 32 (1): 70-82. (Basic equations).

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Cushing D.H. & Dickson R.R., 1976. - The biological response in the sea to climate change. Adv. Mar. Biol., 14: 1-122.

Cushing D.H. & Tungate D.S., 1963. - Studies on a Calanus patch. I. The identification of a Calanus patch. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K., 43: 327-338.

Cushing D.H. & Vucetic T., 1963. - Studies on a Calanus patch. III. The quantity of food eaten by Calanus finmarchicus. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K., 43: 349-371.

Cummings J.A., 1984. - Habitat dimensions of calanoid copepods in the western Gulf of Mexico. J. mar. Res., 42 (1): 163-188.

Last update : 07/06/2021

 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at [Accessed January 23, 2025]

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CNRS   Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer - Laboratoire Arago
Sorbonne Université


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