Bibliography before 1988

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z


Vaissière R., 1954. - L'oeil ventral de la femelle de Pontellopsis regalis Dana (Copépode Pontellidae). C. r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci., Paris, 238: 942-944.

Vaissière R., 1954 a. - Description de Acartia (Acanthacartia) ransoni Rose, 1953, Copépode pélagique des lagunes des îles Tuamotu. Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat. Paris, (2) 26: 358-362.

Vaissière R., 1955 a. - L'innervation des cellules rétiniennes de l'oeil du Copépode Pontellide Anomalocera patersoni Templeton. C. r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci., Paris, 240: 345-347.

Vaissière R., 1961. - Morphologie et histologie comparée des yeux des Crustacés Copépodes. Archs Zool. exp. gén., 100: 1-126.

Vaissière R. & Boulay M.-F., 1971. - Ultrastructure et formation de la région lamellaire des yeux médians de Copépodes pontellides (Pontella mediterranea Claus et Anomalocera patersoni Templeton). C. r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci. Paris, (D) 272: 610-613.

Vaissière R. & Séguin G., 1979. - Résultats de pêches verticales de Copépodes en Mer Tyrrhénienne et en mer Ionienne. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Comm. int. Explor. scient. Mer Méditerr., 25-26 (8): 137-138.

Vaissière R. & Séguin G., 1980. - Étude préliminaire de peuplements de Copépodes (juillet 1977) en relation avec l'hydrologie des mers Tyrrhénienne et Ionienne. Oceanologica Acta , 3 (1): 17-29.

Valentin J., 1972. - La ponte et les oeufs chez les copepodes du Golfe de Marseille: cycle annuel et étude expérimentale. Téthys, 4 (2): 349-390.

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Vanderploeg H.A. & G.-A. Paffenhöfer, 1985. - Modes of algal capture by the freshwater copepod Diaptomus silicis and their relation to food-size selection. Limnol. Oceanogr., 30 (4): 871-885.

Vanderploeg H.A. & Scavia D., 1979. - Calculation and use of selectivity coefficients of feeding zooplankton grazing. Ecological Modelling, 7: 135-149.

Vanderploeg H.A. & Scavia, 1979 a. - Two electivity indices for feeding with special reference to zooplankton grazing. J. Fish. Res. Bd Canada, 36: 362-365.

Vanderploeg H.A., Scaria D. & Liebig J.R., 1984. - Feeding rate of Diaptomus silicis and its relation to nselevtivity and effective food concentration in algal mixtures and in Lake Michigan . J. Plankt. Res., 6: 919-941.

Vanhöffen E., 1897. - Bradyanus oder Bradyidius. Zool. Anz., 20 (540): 322-323.

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Vannucci, 1968. - Loss of organisms through the meshes. In D.J. Tranter, ed. Zooplankton sampling, monographs on oceanographic methodology no.2. Paris, UNESCO Press, 77-86 pp..

Vass W.P., Harding G.C.H. & Pearre S., 1981. - A bidirectional trap for quantifying the vertical migration of planktonic organisms. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences , 983: 1-27.

Vaupel Klein J.C. von, 1970. - Notes on a small collection of calanoid copepods from the northeastern Pacific, including the description of a new species of Undinella (Fam. Tharybidae). Zool. Verh. Leiden, 110: 1-43.

Vaupel Klein J.C. von, 1972. - A new character with systematic value in Euchirella (Copepoda, Calanoida). Zool. Meded. Leiden, 47: 497-512.

Vaupel Klein J.C. von, 1980. - A new species of Euchirella (Fam. Aetideidae) from the "Dana"-collections (Copepoda, Calanoida). Zool. Meded. Leiden, 55 (12): 131-157.

Vaupel Klein J.C. von, 1982. - Structure of integumental perforations in the Euchirella messinensis female (Crustacea, Copepoda, Calanoida). Neth. J. Zool., 32 (3): 374-394.

Vaupel Klein J.C. von, 1982 a. - A taxonomic review of the genus Euchirella Giesbrecht, 1888 (Copepoda, Calanoida). I. General part.. Zool. Verh. Leiden, 197: 1-48.

Vaupel Klein J.C. von, 1982 b. - A taxonomic review of the genus Euchirella Giesbrecht, 1888 (Copepoda, Calanoida). II. The type-species, Euchirella messinensis (Claus, 1863). A. The female of f. typica. Zool. Verh. Leiden, 198: 1-131.

Vaupel Klein J.C. von, 1984. - An aberrant P2 in Euchirella messinensis (Copepoda, Calanoida) and the original number of segments in the calanoid swimming leg. Crustaceana, 46 (1): 110-112.

Vaupel Klein J.C. von, 1984 a. - A primer of a phylogenetic approach to the taxonomy of the genus Euchirella (Copepoda, Calanoida). Studies on Copepoda, III. Crustaceana, suppl. 9: 1-194.

Vaupel Klein J.C. von, 1984 b. - Towards a monograph of Euchirella. E.J. Brill ed., Leiden: 510 p.

Vaupel Klein J.C. von & Weber R.E., 1975. - Distribution of Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda: Calanoida) in relation to salinity: field and laboratory observations. Neth. J. Sea Res., 9 (3-4): 297-310.

Vereshchagin G.J., 1940. - Origines et histoire de la faune et la flore du Lac Baïkal. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr., 40: 390-421.

Vernberg W.B. & Moreira G.S., 1974. - Metabolic and temperature responses of the copepod Euterpina acutifrons (Dana) from Brazil. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 49A: 757-761.

Vervoort W., 1946. - The bathypelagic Copepoda Calanoida of the Snellius Expedition I. Families Calanidae, Eucalanidae, Paracalanidae and Pseudocalanidae. In: Biological Results of the Snellius Expedition, XV. Temminckia, 8: 1-181.

Vervoort W., 1949. - Some new and rare Copepoda from East Indian Seas. Zool. Verh. Leiden, 5: 1-53.

Vervoort W., 1950 a. - The genus Onchocalanus G.O. Sars, 1905. Zool. Verh. Leiden, 10: 1-35.

Vervoort W., 1950 b. - On the identity of Onchocalanus nudipes C.B. Wilson, 1942. Proc. K. ned. Akad. Wet., 53 (1): 83-92.

Vervoort W., 1951. - Plankton copepods from the Atlantic sector of the Antarctic. Verh. K. ned. Akad; Wet, Afd. Natuurk., (2) 47 (2): 1-156.

Vervoort W., 1952. - Copepoda. Sub-order: Calanoida. Family: Aetideidae. Key to the genera and references. Fich. Ident. Zooplancton, 41: 1-4.

Vervoort W., 1952 a. - Copepoda. Sub-order: Calanoida. Family: Aetideidae. Genera: Aetideus, Euaetideus, Aetideopsis. Fich. Ident. Zooplancton, 42: 1-4.

Vervoort W., 1952 b. - Copepoda. Sub-order: Calanoida. Family: Aetideidae. Genera: Bradyidius, Bradyetes, Bryaxis. Fich. Ident. Zooplancton, 43: 1-4.

Vervoort W., 1952 c. - Copepoda. Sub-order: Calanoida. Family: Aetideidae. Genera: Chiridius, Pseudaetideus, Chiridiella. Fich. Ident. Zooplancton, 44: 1-4.

Vervoort W., 1952 d. - Copepoda. Sub-order: Calanoida. Family: Aetideidae. Genus: Gaidius. Fich. Ident. Zooplancton, 45: 1-4.

Vervoort W., 1952 e. - Copepoda. Sub-order: Calanoida. Family: Aetideidae. Genus: Gaetanus. Fich. Ident. Zooplancton, 46: 1-5.

Vervoort W., 1952 f. - Copepoda. Sub-order: Calanoida. Family: Aetideidae. Genus: Euchirella. Fich. Ident. Zooplancton, 47: 1-6.

Vervoort W., 1952 g. - Copepoda. Sub-order: Calanoida. Family: Aetideidae. Genus: Pseudochirella. Fich. Ident. Zooplancton, 48: 1-4.

Vervoort W., 1952 h. - Copepoda. Sub-order: Calanoida. Family: Aetideidae. Genera: Chirundina, Undeuchaeta, Pseuduchaeta. Fich. Ident. Zooplancton, 49: 1-4.

Vervoort W., 1957. - Copepoda from Antarctic and sub-antarctic plankton samples. Rep. B.A.N.Z. Antarctic Res. Exped., 1929-1931, (B) 3: 1-160.

Vervoort W., 1962 a. - Report on some Copepoda collected during the Melanesia Expedition of the Osaka Museum of Natural History. Publs Seto mar. biol. lab., 10 (2): 393-470.

Vervoort W., 1963 b. - Pelagic Copepoda. part. I. Copepoda Calanoida of the families Calanidae up to and including Euchaetidae. Atlantide Rep., 7: 77-194.

Vervoort W., 1964 a. - Freeliving Copepoda from Ifaluk Atoll in the Caroline Islands with notes on related species. Bull. U.S. natn Mus., 236: I-IX, 1-431.

Vervoort W., 1964 b. - Notes on two Pacific species of Centropages (Copepoda Calanoida), C. australiensis Fairbridge, 1944, and C. aucklandicus Krämer, 1895. Crustaceana, 7 (4): 293-311.

Vervoort W., 1965. - Pelagic Copepoda. Part II. Copepoda Calanoida of the families Phaennidae up to and including Acartiidae. Atlantide Rep., 8: 9-216.

Vervoort W., 1965 b. - Notes on the Biogeography and Ecology of free-living maine Copepoda. In: Biogeography and Ecology in Antarctica, Dr. W. Junk ed., The Hague: 381-400.

Vervoort W., 1972. - Antarctic copepods from Halley Bay, Coat's Land. Crustaceana, 22 (1): 94-95.

Vervoort W. & Ramirez F., 1966. - nov. spec. (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) from Mar del Plata, with revisionary notes on the family Clausidiidae. Zool. Meded. Leiden, 41 (13): 195-220.

Vézina A.F., 1986. - Body size and mass flow in freshwater plankton: models and tests. J. Plankton Res., 8 (5): 939-956.

Vidal J. , 1968. - Copepodos calanoideos epipelagicos de la expedicion Marchile II.. Gayana, zoologia n°15: 1-98, Anexo 1 & 2.

Vidal J., 1971. - Taxonomy and distribution of the Arctic species of Lucicutia (Copepoda: Calanoida). Bull. Sth. Calif. Acad. Sci., 70 (1): 23-30.

Vidal J. , 1971 a. - Taxonomic guides to arctic zooplankton (IV): Key to the calanoid copepods of the central Arctic Ocean. University of Southern California, Technical Report 5: 1-127..

Vidal J., 1980. - Physioecology of zooplankton. I. Effects of phytoplankton concentration, temperature, and body size on the growth rate of Calanus pacificus and Pseudocalanus sp.. Mar. Biol., 56 (2): 111-134.

Vidal J., 1980 a. - Physioecology of zooplankton. II. Effects of phytoplankton concentration, temperature, and body size on the development and molting rate of Calanus pacificus and Pseudocalanus sp.. Mar. Biol., 56: 135-146.

Vidal J., 1980 b. - Physioecology of zooplankton. III. Effects of phytoplankton concentration, temperature, and body size on the metabolic rate of Calanus pacificus. Mar. Biol., 56 (3): 195-202.

Vidal J., 1980 c. - Physioecology of zooplankton. IV. Effects of phytoplankton concentration, temperature, and body size on the net production efficiency of Calanus pacificus. Marine Biology, 56: 203-211.

Vidal J. & Smith S.L., 1986. - Biomass, growth, and development of populations of herbivorous zooplankton in the southeastern Bering Sea during spring. Deep-Sea Res., 33A: 523-556.

Vidal J. & Whitledge T.E., 1982. - Rates of metabolism of planktonic crustaceans as related to body weight and temperature of habitat. J. Plankton Res., 4 (1): 77-84. (Animals collected in a boreal region: Bering Sea and Mid-Atlantic Bight).

Vilela M.H., 1965. - Copépodes da Ria de Faro-Olhano. Notas Estud. Inst. Biol. marit. Lisboa, 31: 1-38.

Vilela M.H., 1972. - The developmental stages of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia grani Sars bred in the laboratory. Notas Estud. Inst. Biol. marit. Lisboa, 40: 1-20.

Vilela M.H., 1968. - Copépodes da campanha do N.R.P. "Faial", 1958-1959. Notas Estud. Inst. Biol. marit. Lisboa, 35: 1-55.

Villate F. & Orive E., 1981. - Copepodos planctonicos del estuario de Plencia: composicion, distribucion y abundancia. Munibe, San Sebastian, 33 (1-2): 87-100.

Vinogradov M.E., 1960. - On the plankton of deep waters in the Sea of Japan . Zool. Zh., 39 (4): 500-508. (Russian).

Vinogradov M.E., 1962. - Quantitative distribution of deep-sea plankton in the western Pacific and its relation to deep-sea circulation. Deep-Sea Res., 8: 251-258.

Vinogradov M.E., 1962 a. - Quantitative distribution of deep-sea plankton in the northern part of the Indian Ocean. Okeanologiya, 2 (4): 577-592.

Vinogradov M.E., 1962 b. - Feeding of the deep-sea zooplankton. Rapp. P.-v Réun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 153: 114-120.

Vinogradov M.E., 1966. - Characteristic features of the distribution of oceanic meso- and macroplankton. In: 2nd Int. Oceanogr. Congr., 30 May-9 June, Moscow. Abstr. papers, No.449: 382-383.

Vinogradov M.E., 1970. - Vertical distribution of the oceanic zooplankton. Translation by Israel Prog. scient. trans. of Vinogradov, M.E., 1968: 1-339.

Vinogradov M.E., 1972. - Vertical stratification of zooplankton in the Kurile-Kamchatka trench. In: A.Y. Takenouti, ed., Biological oceanography of the northern North Pacific Ocean: 333-340. Tokyo, Japan.


Vinogradov M.E., 1973. - New data on the quantitative distribution of plankton in the deep layers of the Japan Sea. Okeanologiya, 13 (6): 1093-1097. (Russian).

Vinogradov M.E. & Arashkevich E.G., 1969. - Vertical distribution of interzonal copepod filtrators and their role in communities of different depth of the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean . Okeanologiya, 9 (3): 488-499. (Russian, translat. in Oceanology, 9 (3): 399-409).

Vinogradov M.E. & Sazhin A.F., 1978. - Vertical distribution of the major zooplankton groups in the northern part of the Sea of Japan. Okeanologiya, 18 (2): 312-319. (Russian, translat. in Oceanology, 18 (2): 205-209).

Vinogradov M.E. & Shushkina E.A., 1978. - Some development patterns of plankton communities in the upwelling areas of the Pacific Ocean. Mar. Biol., Berl., 48 (4): 357-366.

Vinogradov M.E. & Voronina N.M., 1961 a. - The influence of oxygen deficit upon the plankton distribution in the Arabian Sea. Okeanologiya, 1 (4): 670-678. (Russian; Oceanology, 1961, 1: 523-530).

Vinogradov M.E. & Voronina N.M., 1962. - Some data on the distribution of zooplankton in the northern Indian Ocean. Trudy Inst. Okeanol., 58: 80-113. (Russian).

Vinogradov M.E. & Voronina N.M., 1962 a. - The distribution of different groups of plankton in accordance with their trophic level in the Indian equatorial current area. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 153: 200-204.

Vinogradov M.E., Bordovsky O.K. & Akhmet'eva E.A., 1970. - Biochemistry of the oceanic plankton. Chemical composition of plankton from different depths of the northwestern Pacific. Okeanologiya, 10 (5): 871-877. (Russian).

Vinogradov M.E., Flint M.V. & Shushkina E.A., 1985. - vertical distribution of mesoplankton in the open area of the Black Sea. Mar. Biol., Berl., 89 (1): 95-107.

Vinogradov M.E., Voronina N.M. & Sukhanova I.N., 1961. - The horizontal distribution of tropical plankton and its relation to some features of the water structure of the open sea. Okeanologiya, 1 (2): 283-293. (Russian).

Vinogradov M.E., Kukina I.V., Lebedeva L.P. & Shushkina E.A., 1977. - Changes with depth of the functional characteristics of a plankton community in the Pacific equatorial upwelling. Okeanologiya, 17 (3): 524-531. (Russian).

Vinogradov M.E., Krapivin V.F., Menshutkin V.V., Fleyshman B.S. & Shushkina E.A., 1973. - Mathematical model of the functions of the pelagial ecosystem in tropical regions. Oceanology, 13: 704-717.

Vives F., 1960. - Nota sobre el zooplankton superficial de la Ria de Pontevedra. Boln R. Soc. esp. Hist. nat., Biol., 58: 389-402.

Vives F., 1963. - Sur les Copépodes néritiques (Calanoida) de la Méditerranée occidentale. Rapp. P;-v. Réun. Commn int. Explor. scient. Mer Méditerr., 17 (2): 547-554.

Vives F., 1965. - Rapports entre hydrographie et zooplancton dans une région néritique de la Méditerranée occidentale. Rapp; P.-v. Réun. Commn int. Explor. scient. Mer Mediterr., 18 (2): 383-389.

Vives F., 1966. - Zooplankton neritico de las aguas de Castellon (Mediterraneo occidental). Investigacion pesq., 30: 49-166.

Vives F., 1967. - Los Copépodos planctonicos del Mar Tirreno en septiembre y octubre de 1963. Investigacion pesq., 31 (3): 539-583.

Vives F., 1967 a. - El zooplankton. La vida en las aguas. In: Ecologia Marina: 532-562. Fundacion La Salle.

Vives F., 1970. - Distribucion y migracion de los Copépodos planctonicos (Calanoida) del S.O. de Portugal. Investigacion pesq., 34 (2): 529-564.

Vives F., 1971. - l'affleurement d'eau sur la côte catalane et les indicateurs biologiques (Copépodes). Investigacion pesq., 35 (1): 161-170.

Vives F., 1972. - Los Copépodos del SW. de Portugal en junio y julio de 1967. Investigacion pesq, 36 (2): 201-240.

Vives F., 1973. - Rapport entre l'alimentation et la ponte des Copépodes néritiques. Rapp; P.-v. Réun. Commn int. Explor. scient. Mer Mediterr., 21 (8): 483.

Vives F., 1974. - Le zooplancton et les masses d'eau des environs du Cap Blanc. Téthys, 6 (1-2): 313-318.

Vives F., 1978. - Sobre la distribucion de Calanus helgolandicus Claus (Copepoda, Calanoida) en el Mediterraneo occidental. In: Resultados expediciones cientificas del buque oceanografico "Cornide de Saavedré", 7. Investtigacion pesq., suppl. 7: 83-92.

Vives F., 1978 a. - Distribucion de la poblacion de Copépodos en el Mediterraneo occidental. In: Resultados expediciones cientificas del buque oceanografico, suppl. 7: 263-302.

Vives F., 1979. - Sur la population des Copépodes de la Méditerranée occidentale pendant le mois d'octobre 1976. Rapp. P;-v. Réun. Commn int. Explor. scient. Mer Méditerr., 25-26 (8): 135.

Vives F. , 1980. - Los copépodos de las aguas neriticas de las costas de Vizcaya, durante 1976. Investigacion pesq., 44 (2): 313-330.

Vives F., 1981. - Sur les Copépodes des zones néritiques espagnoles. Rapp; P.-v. Réun. Commn int. Explor. scient. Mer Mediterr., 27 (7): 169-171.

Vives F., 1982. - Sur les copépodes de la région CINECA (parties nord et centrale). In: G. Hempel, ed., The Canary Current: studies of an upwelling system. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 180: 289-296.

Vives F., Rodriguez V. & Rodriguez J., 1981. - Sobre la presencia de Pseudocalanus elongatus Boeck (Copepoda, Calanoida) en el mar de Alboran. Investigacion pesq., 45 (2): 337-343.

Vives F., Santamaria G. & Trepat I., 1975. - El zooplancton de los alrededores del estrecho de Gibraltar en junio - julio 1972. In: Resultados expediciones cientificas del buque oceanografico "Cornide de Saavedra", suppl. 4: 7-100.

Vlymen W.J., 1970. - Energy expenditure of swimming copepods. Limnol. Oceanogr., 15: 348-356.

Vlymen W.J., 1977. - Reply to comment by J. T. Enright. Limnol. Oceanogr., 22 (1):162-165.

Vladimirskaya E.V., 1978. - Age composition of the populations of the mass copepod species in the southern part of the Scotia Sea. Okeanologiya, 18 (2): 307-311. (Translation in Oceanology, 18 (2): 202-204).

Vladimirskaya E.V., 1978 a. - Zooplankton distribution in the vicinity of the island of South Georgia in summer, 1975. Okeanologiya, 18 (3): 519-523. (Russian).

Volkov A.F., 1970 a. - About male find of Euchaeta grandiremis Giesbrecht, 1888. Izv. tikhookean. nauchno-issled. Inst. ryb. Khoz. Okeanogr., 74: 353-354. (Russian).

Volkov A.F., 1970 b. - Description of male Eucalanus inermis Giesbrecht, 1892. Izv. tikhookean. nauchno-issled. Inst. ryb. Khoz. Okeanogr., 74: 355.

Volkov A.F., 1971. - A new species of Eucalanus (Crustacea, Copepoda) from the Peuvian current. Izv. tikhookean. nauchno-issled. Inst. ryb. Khoz. Okeanogr., 79: 141-143.

Volohonsky H., 1980. - Feeding process of zooplankton in terms of information flow. Ecol. Model., 12: 1-10. (Brownian displacement & Einstein's formula for Brownian motion).

Volterra V., 1926. - Variazioni e fluttuazioni del numero d'individui in specie animali conviventi. mem. R. Acad. Naz. Lincei Ser., VI, vol. 2.

Volterra V., 1928. - Variations and fluctuations of the number of individuals in animal species living together. J. Conseil CIEM, 3: 1-51. (see Program Volterra in C.B. Miller, 2005, p.71, Figs. 4.1, 4.2).

Voronina N.M., 1962. - On the distribution of the macroplankton in the northern half of the Indian Ocean. Okeanologiya, 2 (1): 118-125. (Russian).

Voronina N.M., 1962 a. - On the surface plankton of the Indian Ocean. Trudy Inst. Okeanol., 58: 67-79.

Voronina N.M., 1966. - Some results of studying the southern ocean zooplankton. Okeanologiya, 6 (4): 681-689. (Russian).

Voronina N.M., 1966 a. - On the distribution of zooplankton in the Southern Ocean. In: 2nd Int. Oceanogr. Congr., 30 May-9 June, Moscow. Abstr. papers, No.455: 387-388.

Voronina N.M., 1966 b. - On the distribution of zooplankton biomass in the Southern Ocean. Okeanologia, 6 (6): 1041-1054. (Russian. Traduct. in Oceanology, 1966, 6 (6): 836-846).

Voronina N.M., 1966 c. - Distribution of the zooplankton biomass in the Southern Ocean. Okeanologiya, 6 (6): 1041-1054. (Russian. Traduct.: Oceanology, 1966, 6 (6): 836-846).

Voronina N.M., 1968. - The distribution of zooplankton in the southern ocean and its dependence on the circulation of water. Sarsia, 34: 277-284.

Voronina N.M., 1970. - Seasonal cycles of some common Antarctic copepod species. In: M.W. Holdgate, Antarctic Ecology, 1: 162-172.

Voronina N.M., 1970 a. - The vertical distribution of a mass copepod, Rhincalanus gigas, in the southern ocean. Okeanologiya, 10 (5): 858-870. (Russian).

Voronina N.M., 1972. - The spatial structure of interzonal copepod populations in the southern Ocean. Mar. Biol., Berl., 15 (4): 336-343.

Voronina N.M., 1972 a. - Vertical structure of a pelagic community in Antarctica. Okeanologiya, 12 (3): 492-498. (Russian . English version: Oceanology, 1972, 12 (3): 415-420).

Voronina N.M. & Naumov A.G., 1968. - Quantitative distribution and composition of mesoplankton in the Southern Ocean. Okeanologya, 8 (6): 1059-1065. (Russian. Traduct.: Oceanology, 1968, 8 (6): 834-839.).

Voronina N.M. & Sukhanova I.N., 1976. - The composition of food in the mass species of the antarctic herbivorous copepods. Okeanologiya, 16 (6): 1082-1086. (Russian, translat. in Oceanology, 1977, 16 (6): 614-616).

Voronina N.M. & Timonin A.G., 1986. - Zooplankton of the region of seamounts in the western Indian Ocean. Okeanologiya, 26 (6): 989-993. (Russian (transl. in Oceanology, 26 (6): 745-748).

Voronina N.M., Menshutkin V.V. & Tseytlin V.B., 1979. - Mathematical simulation of the space-time distribution and age structure of the Antarctic copepod population.. Okeanologiya, 19 (1): 122-131. (Russian, translat. in Oceanology, 19 (1): 76-81).

Voronina N.M., Menshutkin V.V. & Tseytlin V.B., 1980. - Production of the mass species of the Antarctic copepods Calanoides acutus. Okeanologiya, 20 (1): 137-141. (Russian, translat. in Oceanology, 20 (1): 90-93).

Voronina N.M., Menshutkin V.V. & Tseitlin V.B., 1980 a. - Model investigations of an annual cycle of the population of the mass copepod species Rhincalanus gigas and estimates of its production in the Antarctic. Okeanologiya, 20 (6): 1079-1086. (Russian, translat. in Oceanology, 20 (6): 709-713).

Voronina N.M., Vladimirskaya E.V. & Zhmiyevskaya M.I., 1978. - On the seasonal variations in the age composition and the vertical distribution of the mass plankton species in the southern ocean. Okeanologiya, 18 (3): 512-518. (Russian, translat. in Oceanology, 18 (3): 335-339).

Vucetic T., 1957. - Zooplankton investigations in the sea water lakes "Malo Jezero" and "Veliko Jezero" on the island of Mljet (1952-1953). Acta adriat., 6 (4): 1-51.

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Vucetic T., 1961 a. - Quelques données préliminaires sur la répartition verticale du zooplancton dans la baie Veliko Jezero de l'île de Mljet pendant l'été. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Comm. int. Explor. scient. Mer Méditerr., 16 (2): 149-151.

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Last update : 07/06/2021

 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at [Accessed January 23, 2025]

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