Bibliography before 1988

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z


Saint-Jean L. & Pagano M., 1983. - Rythme journalier de ponte chez Acartia clausi en lagune Ebrié (Côte d'Ivoire). Rev. Hydrobiol. trop., 16 (2): 145-150.

Saint-Jean L. & Pagano M., 1984. - Influence de la salinité, de la température et de la quantité de particules en suspension sur la croissance et la production d'oeufs d'Acartia clausi en lagune Ebrié (Côte d'Ivoire). Rev. Hydrobiol. trop., 17 (3): 235-244.

Salah M., 1971. - A preliminary check list of the plankton along the Egyptian Mediterranean coast. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Comm. int. Explor. scient. Mer Méditerr., 20 (3): 317-322.

Salah M. & Tamas G., 1970. - General preliminary contribution to the plankton of Egypt. Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Fish. Cairo, 1: 305-337.

Sale P.F., McWilliam P.S. & Anderson D.T., 1976. - Composition of the near-reef zooplankton at Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef. Mar. Biol., 34: 59-66. (Zooplankton sampled using a light-trap).

Salonen K. & Sarvala J., 1985. - Combination of freezing and aldehyde fixation, a superior preservation method for biomass determination of aquatic invertebrates. Arch. Hydrobiol., 103 (2): 217-230.

Samain J.F. & Boucher J., 1974. - Dosage automatique et simultané de l'amylase et des protéines du zooplancton. Annls. Inst. oceanogr., Paris (N.S.), 50: 199-205.

Samain J.F., Daniel J.Y. & Le Coz J.R., 1977. - Trypsine, amylase et protéines du zooplancton. Dosage automatique et manuel. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 29: 279-289.

Samain J.F., Moal J., Coum A., Le Coz J.R. & Daniel J.Y., 1980. - Effects of the "Amoco Cadiz" oil spill on zooplankton. A new possibility of ecophysiological survey. Helgoländer Meersunters., 33: 225-235.

Sameoto D.D., 1977. - Zooplankton biomass, density and their association with phytoplankton on the southwest area of the Nova Scotia Shelf. Fisheries & marine Service. Technical Report No. 742, 25 p..

Sameoto D.D., 1984. - Vertical distribution of zooplankton biomass and species in northeastern Baffin Bay related to temperature and salinity. Polar Biol., 2 (4): 213-224.

Sameoto D.D., 1984 a. - Environmental factors influencing diurnal distribution of zooplankton and ichthyoplankton. J. Plankton Res., 6 (5): 767-792.

Sameoto D.D., 1986. - Influence of the biological and physical environment on the vertical distribution of mesozooplankton and micronekton in the eastern tropical Pacific. Mar. Biol., Berl., 93 (2): 263-279.

Sameoto D.D. & Lewis M.K., 1980. - Zooplankton and micronekton associated with acoustic scattering layers on the Nova Scotia shelf and slope during June 1978. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 936: 32 p..

Sameoto D. & Herman A. & Longhurst A. , 1986. - Relation between the thermocline meso and microzooplankton, chlorophyll a and primary production distribution in Lancaster Sound. Polar Biol., 6: 53-61.

Sameoto D.D., Jaroszynski L.O. & Fraser W.B., 1980. - BIONESS, a new design in multiple net zooplankton samplers. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 37: 722-724.

Samyshev E.Z., 1970. - Nutrition of Nannocalanus minor (Claus) and Eucalanus subtenuis (Giesbrecht) in the Gulf of Guinea. Gidrobiol. Zh, 6 (4): 32-45.

Sander F. , 1978. - A comparative study of inshore and offshore copepod populations at Barbados, West Indies. Crustaceana, 35 (3): 225-240.

Sander F. & Moore E., 1979. - The colonization of Barbados coastal waters by the copepod Oithona oculata. Crustaceana, 36 (3): 215-224.

San Feliu J.M. & Munoz F., 1965. - Hidrografia y plancton del puerto de Castellon, de junio de 1961 a enero de 1963. Invest. pesq., 28: 3-48.

Sarala Devi K., 1977. - Two nex records of Haloptilus (Copepoda: Calanoida) from the Indian Ocean. In: Proceedings Symposium on Warm Water Zooplankton, Goa: 41-47.

Saraswathy M. , 1961. - Observations on the genus Ratania (Copepoda) with a description of the type species. Bull. centr. Res. Inst. Univ. Kerala, (C) 8: 141-146.

Saraswathy M., 1966 (1967). - Pelagic copepods from the inshore waters off Trivandrum coast. In: Proceedings Symposium on Crustacea. - Symp. Ser. mar biol. Ass. India, (2) 1: 74-106.

Saraswathy M., 1973. - Distribution of Gaussia (Copepoda, Metridiidae) in the upper 200 m in the Indian Ocean. In: B. Zeitschel, ed., The Biology of the Indian Ocean, 4. 10: 335-338.

Saraswathy M., 1973 a. - The genus Gaussia (Copepoda - Calanoida) with a description of G. sewelli sp. nov. from the Indian Ocean. Handbook int. Zooplankton Collection, Indian Ocean biol. Centre, 5: 190-195.

Saraswathy M., 1982. - Siphonostomes (Copepoda-Cyclopoida) from the Indian Ocean. J. Plankton Res., 4 (3): 633-641.

Saraswathy M. , 1986. - Pleuromamma (Copepoda - Calanoida) in the Indian Ocean. Mahasagar, 19 (3): 185-201.

Saraswathy M. & Bradford J.M., 1980. - Integumental structures on the antennule of the copepod Gaussia. N.Z. Jl mar. freshw. Res., 14 (1): 79-82.

Saraswathy M. & Krishsna Iyer H., 1986. - Ecology of Pleuromamma indica Wolfenden (Copepoda-Calanoida) in the Indian Ocean . Indian J. Mar. Sci., 15: 219-222.

Sargent J.R. & Lee R.F., 1975. - Biosynthesis of lipids in zooplankton from Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada. Mar. Biol., 31: 15-23.

Sargent J.-R, Gatten R.-R. & Henderson R.-J., 1981. - Lipid biochemistry of zooplankton from hight latitudes. Oceanis, 7 (6): 623-632.

Sargent J.R., Gatten R.R. & McIntosh, 1974. - Biosynthesis of wax esters in cell-free preparations of Euchaeta morvegica. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 47B: 217-227.

Sargent J.R., Gatten R.R., Corner E.D.S. & Kilvington C.C., 1977. - On the nutrition and metabolism of zooplankton. XI. Lipids in Calanus helgolandicus grazing Biddulphia sinensis. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K., 57: 525-533.

Sarkar S.K., Singh B.N. & Choudhury A. , 1986. - Seasonal distribution of copepods in the Hooghly estuary northern Bay of Bengal. Indian J. mar. Sci., 15 (3): 177-180.

Sarkar S.K., Singh B.N. & Choudhury A. , 1986 a. - Composition and variations in the abundance of zooplankton in the Hooghly estuary West-Bengal India.. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Animal Sciences , 95 (2):125-134.

Sars G.O., 1898. - The Cladocera, Copepoda and Ostracoda of the Jana Expedition. Ezheg. zool. Mus., 3: 324-359.

Sars G.O., 1900. - Crustacea. Scient. Results Norw. N. polar Exped., 1893-1896, 1 (5): 1-141.

Sars G.O., 1903. - An Account of the Crustacea of Norway, with short descriptions and figures of all the species. Vol. IV. Copepoda Calanoida. Publis. by the Bergen Museum: 1-171. (instalment selling: 1901: 1-28, Pls 1-16; 1902: 29-144, Pls 17-96; 1903: I-XIII, 145-171, Pls 97-102, suppl. Pls 1-6).

Sars G.O., 1904 b. - Description of Paracartia grani, G.O. Sars, a peculiar calanoid occurring in some oysterbeds of western Norway. Bergens Mus. Aarb., 194 (4): 1-16.

Sars G.O., 1905. - Pacifische Plankton-Crustaceen (Ergebnisse einer Reise nach dem Pacific. Schauinsland 1896-1897); Brackwasser-Crustaceen von den Chatham-Inseln. Zool. Jb., Syst., 21: 4371-414.

Sars G.O., 1905 b. - Liste préliminaire des Calanoïdes recueillis pendant les campagnes de S.A.S. le Prince Albert de Monaco, avec diagnose des genres et des espèces nouvelles (1re partie). Bull. Mus. océanogr. Monaco, 26: 1-22.

Sars G.O., 1905 c. - Liste préliminaire des Calanoïdes recueillis pendant les campagnes de S.A.S. le Prince Albert de Monaco, avec diagnose des genres et des espèces nouvelles (2e partie). Bull. Mus. océanogr. Monaco, 40: 1-24.

Sars G.O., 1907 a. - Notes supplémentaires sur les Calanoïdes de la Princesse-Alice. (Corrections et additions). Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco, 101: 1-27.

Sars G.O., 1909. - Note préliminaire sur trois formes remarquables de Copépodes, provenant des campagnes de S.A.S. le Prince Albert de Monaco. Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco, 147: 1-8.

Sars G.O., 1909 b. - Crustacea. In: Rep. 2nd Norw. Arctic Exped. Fram, 18: 1-47.

Sars G.O., 1911. - An Account of the Crustacea of Northway with short descriptions and figures of all species. Copepoda Harpacticoida. Vol. V. Publis. by the Bergen Museum: I-XIV, 1-449; P. I-XII, Pls. I - CCXXX, Supplm. Pl 1-10; Suppl. 11-48. . ( Instalment selling: 1903: 1-28, pls 1-16; 1904: 29-80, pls17-48; 1905: 81-132, pls 49-80; 1906: 133-196, pls 81-128; 1907: 197-240, Pls 129-160; 1908).

Sars G.O., 1911 a. - Platycopia perplexa n. gen. and sp., a remarkable new type of deep-water Calanoida from the Norwegian coast. Arch. Math. Naturv., 31 (7): 1-16.

Sars G.O., 1912 a. - List of Crustacea from selected stations. In: J. Murray & J. Hjort, The Depth of the Ocean: 654-655 .

Sars G.O., 1913 a. - Thaumatopsyllus paradoxus G.O. Sars, a remarkable copepod from the Norwegian coast, apparently referable to the Monstrilloid group. Arch. Math. Naturv., (B) 33 (6): 1-10.

Sars G.O., 1916. - Liste systématique des Cyclopoïdés, Harpacticoïdés et Monstrilloïdés recueillis pendant les campagnes de S.A.S. le Prince Albert de Monaco, avec descriptions et figures des espèces nouvelles. Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco, 323: 1-15.

Sars G.O., 1917 a. - Urocopia singularis G.O. Sars, a peculiar semiparasitic copepod from great depth of the North Atlantic Ocean. Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1916-1917 (4): 1-10.

Sars G.O., 1918. - An Account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of all the species. Copepoda Cyclopoida. Vol. VI. Publis. by the Bergen Museum: 1-225, Pls I - CXVIII. (Instalment selling: 1913: 1-56, Pls 1-32; 1914: 57-104, Pls 33-48; 1915: 105-140 Pls 49-80; 1917: 141-172 Pls 81-96; 1918: 173-225, Pls 97-118).

Sars G.O., 1920 c. - Calanoidés recueillis pendant les campagnes de S.A.S. le Prince Albert de Monaco. (Nouveau supplément). Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco, 377: 1-20.

Sars G.O., 1921. - An Account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of all the species. Copepoda Supplement. Vol. VII. Publis. by the Bergen Museum: 1-115, Pls I - LXXVI. (Instalment selling: 1919: 1-24, Pls 1-15; 1920: 25-92, Pls 16-63; 1921: preface, 93-115, Pls 64-76).

Sars G.O., 1921 a. - An Account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descroptions and figures of all the species. Copepoda. Monstrilloida & Notodelphyoida. Vol. VIII. Publis. by the Bergen Museum:1-32, Pls I - XVI.

Sars G.O., 1924-1925. - Copépodes particulièrement bathypélagique provenant des campagnes scientifiques du Prince Albert Ier de Monaco. Résult. Camp. scient. Prince Albert I, 69: pls. 1-127 (1924), 1-408 (1925).

Sars G.O., 1938. - Note préliminaire sur trois formes r'marquables de Copépodes, provenant des campagnes de S. A. S. le prince Albert de Monaco. Résultats des Campagnes Scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par Albert Ier de Monaco, 97: 36-40.

Sars G.0., 1938 a. - Liste systématique des Cyclopoidés, Harpacticoidés et Monstrillidés recueillis pendant les campagnes de S. A. S. le Prince Albert de Monaco avec descriptions et figures des espèces nouvelles. Résultats des Campagnes Scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par Albert Ier de Monaco, 97: 40-71.

Sarvala J., 1979. - Benthic resting periods of pelagic cyclopoids in a oligotrophic lake. Holactic Ecol., 2 (2): 88-100.

Sarvala J., 1979 a. - A parthenogenetic life cycle in a population of Canyhocamptus staphylinus (Copepoda, Harpacticoida). Hydrobiologia, 62 (2): 113-129. (Parthenogenese among Copepoda).

Sarvala J., 1979 b. - Effect of temperature on the duration of egg, nauplius and copepodite development of some freshwater benthic Copepoda. Freshwat. Biol., 9 (6): 515-534.

Sasaki H., 1984. - Distribution of nano- and microplankton in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. In: Proceedings of the 6th Symposium of polar biology, T. Hoshiai & M. Fukuchi (ed.), National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, pp.38-50.


Saunders J.F. & Lewis W.M., 1987. - A perspective on the use of cohort analysis to obtain demographic data for copepods. Limnol. Oceanogr., 32 (2): 511-513 . (Interrest of Rigler-Cooley method).

Savage R.E., 1931. - The relation between the feeding of the herring off the east coast of England and the plankton of the surrounding waters. Fish. Invest. , Lond., Ser. II, 12 (3): 1-88. (Calanus as food vs. herring shoals).

Saville A., 1958. - Mesh selection in plankton nets. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 23 (2): 192-201.

Sazhin A.F. & Vinogradov M.E., 1979. - Vertical distribution of the mass zooplankton species in the Sea of Japan. Okeanologiya, 19 (6): 1094-1102. (Russian; translat. in: Oceanology, 19 (6): 725-731).

Sazhina L.I., 1960. - Développement des Copépodes de la Mer Noire I. Stades "nauplius" d'Acartia clausi Giesb., Centropages kröyeri Giesb., Oithona minuta Kriez.. Trudy Sevast. biol. Sta., 13: 49-67. (Russian).

Sazhina L.I., 1968. - On hibernation of eggs of marine calanoida. Zoological Zhurnal, 47: 1554-1557. (in Russian, English abstract).

Sazhina L.I., 1974. - Reproduction rate of pelagic Copepoda of the Black and Mediterranean Seas. In: V.N. Greze, ed., Biological productivity of southern seas: 175-182. Kiev. (Russian).

Sazhina L.I., 1975. - Ecological variation in the rate of growth and development of pelagic copepods. Biol. Morya, Kiev, 33: 78-87. (Russian).

Sazhina L.I., 1982. - Nauplii of mass species of Atlantic Copepoda. Zool. Zh., 51 (8): 1154-1164.

Sazhina L.I., 1985. - Naupliusy massovykh vidov pelagickeskikh kopepod Mirovogo okeana. Opredelitel'. Kiev, Nauk. Dumka: 1-238. (Ukrainian).

Sazhina L.I. , 1985 a. - Fecundity and growth rate of copepods in different dynamic zones of equatorial countercurrent of the Indian Ocean. Polskii Archiwum Hydrobiologii, 32 (3-4): 491-505.

Sazhina L.I. & Kovalev A.V., 1971. - A contribution to the synonymy of Copepoda (Crustacea) in the Black Sea. Zool. Zh., 50 (7): 1099-1101.


Schmaus P.H., 1917. - Die Rhincalanus-Arten, ihre Systematik, Entwicklung und Verbreitung. (Vierte Mitteilung über die Copepoden der Valdivia-Expedition). Zool. Anz., 48 (11): 305-319, (12): 356-368.

Schmaus P.H. & Lehnhofer K., 1927. - Copepoda 4: Rhincalanus Dana 1852 der Deutschen Tiefsee Expedition. Systematik und Verbreitung des Gattung. Wiss. Ergebn. dt. Tiefsee-Exped. "Valdivia", 23: 355-400.

Schnack S.B., 1978 a. - Feeding habits of Calanoides carinatus (Krøyer) in the NW-African upwelling region. In: Symposium on the Canary current, upwelling and living resources. Fish Rep. FAO, 75: 1-13.

Schnack S.B., 1979. - Feeding of Calanus helgolandicus on phytoplankton mixtures. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., 1 (1): 41-47.

Schnack S.B., 1982. - The structure of the mouth parts of copepods in Kiel Bay. Meeresforsch., 29 (2): 89-101.

Schnack S., 1982 a. - Feeding habits of Calanoides carinatus (Krøyer) in the upwellings area off Northwest Africa. In: G. Hempel, ed., The Canary Current: Studies of an upwelling system. A symposium held in Las Palmas, 11-14 April 1978. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 180: 303-306.

Schnack S.B., 1983 . - Feeding of two Antarctic copepod species (Calanus propinquus and Metridia gerlachei) on a mixture of centric diatoms. Polar Biol., 2 (2): 63-68.

Schnack S.B. & Elbrähter M., 1981. - On the food of calanoid copepods from Northwest African upwelling region. In: F.A. Richards, ed., Coastal and estuarine sciences 1, Coastal upwelling: 433-439.

Schnack S.B., Marschall S. & Mizdalski E., 1985. - On the distribution of copepods and larvae of Euphausia superba in Antarctic waters during February 1982. Meeresforsch., 30 (4): 251-263.

Scholander P.F., 1949. - Volumetric respiratometer. Rev. sci. Instrum., 20: 885-887.

Scholander P.F. , 1950. - Volumetric plastic respirometer. Rev. sci. Instrum., 21: 378-380.

Scholander P.F., van Dam L., Lloyd Claff C; & Kanwisher J.W., 1955. - ''Microgazometric determination of dissolved oxygen and nitrogen. Biol. Bull., Woods Hole, 109: 328-334.

Schulz H., 1961. - Qualitative und quantitative Planktonuntersucchungen im Elbe-Aestuar.. Arch. Hydrobiol., suppl. 26 (1): 5-105.

Schulz K., 1981. - Tharybis minor sp. n. (Copepoda: Calanoida: Tharybidae) aus dem nordwestafrikanischen Auf triebsgebiet mit Anmerkungen zur Gattung Tharybis Sars. Mitt hamburger zool. Mus. Inst., 78: 169-177.

Schulz K., 1982. - The vertical distribution of calanoid copepods north of Cape Blanc. In: G. Hempel, ed., The Canary current: studies of an upwelling system. A symposium held in las Palmas, 11-14 April 1978. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. perm. Int. Explor. Mer, 180: 297-302.

Schulz K. , 1986. - Temoropia setosa sp. n. (Copepoda: Calanoida: Temoridae) aus dem Kanarenstromgebeit (Nordost-Atlantik) mit Anmerkungen zur Gattung Temoropia T. Scott . Mitt. hamb. zool. Mus. Inst., 83: 139-143.

Schulz K. , 1987. - Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Scaphocalanus (Copepoda: Calanoida: Scolecitrichidae) aus dem subtropischen Nordostatlantik. . Mitt. hamb. zool. Mus. Inst., 84: 105-113.

Sciacchitano I., 1930. - Ricerche biologiche su materiali raccolti dal Prof. L. Santo nella campagna idrografica nel mar Rosso con la R.N. Amiraglio Magnaghi 1923-1924. Memorie R. Com. talassogr. ital., 177: 1-33.

Sciacchitano I., 1930 a. - Copepodi raccolti dalla R. Nave << Ammiraglio Magnaghi >> (Nota preliminare). . Boll. Zool., Napoli, 1: 149-151.

Sciandra A. , 1986. - Study and modelling of the development of Euterpina acutifrons (Copepoda: harpacticoida). J. Plankton Res., 8 (6): 1149-1162.

SCOR UNESCO, 1968. - Smaller mesoplankton. Report of working party n° 2. In: Zooplankton sampling. UNESCO Monographs on oceanographic methodology, 2: 153-159.

Scott A., 1896. - On Scolecithrix hibernica, a new species of copepod, with some remarks on the distribution of the Crustacea. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6): 18: 362-367.

Scott A., 1902. - On some Red Sea and Indian Ocean Copepoda. Proc. Trans. Lpool biol. Soc., 16: 397-428.

Scott A., 1909. - The Copepoda of the Siboga Expedition. Part I. Free-swimming, littoral and semi-parasitic Copepoda. Siboga Exped. Monogr., 29 a: 1-323.

Scott T., 1892. - Additions to the fauna of the Firth of Forth. Part IV. Rep. Fishery Bd Scotl., 10 (3): 244-272.

Scott T., 1894 b. - Report on Entomostra from the Gulf of Guinea, collected by John Rattrey, B.Sc.. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., Zool., (2) 6: 1-161.

Scott T., 1894 d. - Additions to the fauna of the Firth of Forth. Rep. Fishery Bd Scotl., 12 (3): 231-271.

Scott T., 1897 f. - The marine fishes and invertebrates of Loch Fyne. Rep. Fishery Bd Scotl., 15 (3): 107-174.

Scott T., 1898 i. - Some additions to the invertebrates fauna of Loch Fyne. Rep. Fishery Bd Scotl., 16 (3): 261-282.

Scott T., 1901 c. - Notes on gatherings of Crustacea, collected for the most part by the Fishery steamer "Garland" and the steam trawler "St. Andrew" of Aberdeen, and examined during the year 1900. Rep. Fishery Bd Scotl., 19 (3): 235-280.

Scott T., 1902. - Notes on gatherings of Crustacea collected by the fishery steamer ''Garland'' and the steam trawlers (Star of Peace'' and ''Star of Hope'', of Aberdeen, during the year 1901). 30th Annual Rep. Fishery Bd Scotl., Scient. Invest. Part III., 8: 445-485.

Scott T., 1902 b. - Notes on gatherings of Crustacea collected by the Fishery Steamer "Garland", and the steam trawlers "Star of Peace" and "Star of Hope", of Aberdeen, during the year 1901. Rep. Fishery Bd Scotl., 20 (3): 477-484.

Scott T., 1902 c. - Observations on the food of fishes. Rep. Fish. Bd Scotl., 1902: 486-538.

Scott T., 1904. - Notes on some rare and interesting marine Crustacea. Rep. Fishery Bd Scotl., 22 (3): 242-261.

Scott T., 1905 d. - On some new and rare Crustacea from the Scottish seas. Rep. Fishery Bd Scotl., 23 (3): 141-153.

Scott T., 1909. - On some new and rare Entomostraca from the Scottish seas. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8) 3: 122-130.

Scott T., 1909 a. - On new and rare Crustacea from Scottish waters. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8) 4: 31-36.

Scott T., 1911. - Copepoda (part.). In: Résumé des observations sur le plankton des mers explorées par le Conseil pendant les années 1902-1908. Bull. Trimestriel Cons. perm. Int. Expl. mer. ICES Journal du Conseil, pp. 106-149.

Scott T., 1912. - The Entomostraca of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, 1902-1904. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb., 48: 521-599.

Scott T., 1914. - Remarks on some Copepoda from the Falkland Islands collected by Mr. Rupert Vallentin, F.L.S. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8) 13: 1-11.

Scott T., 1914 a. - Remarks on some Copepoda from the Falkland Islands collected by Mr. Rupert Vallentin, F.L.S.. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8) 13: 369-379.

Scott T. & Scott A., 1898. - Description of three apparently new copepods from the Clyde. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 1: 185-190.

Scotto di Carlo B., 1967. - Description of the male of Corissa parva Farran, 1936 (pelagic Copepoda). Pubbl. Staz. zool. Napoli, 35: 239-242.

Scotto di Carlo B., 1968. - Quelques considérations sur les Copépodes pélagiques de profondeur du golfe de Naples. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Comm. int. Explor. scient. Mer Méditerr., 19 (3): 499-500.

Scotto di Carlo B. & Ianora A., 1983. - Atlantis II cruise: copepod assemblages in deep Mediterranean waters. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Comm. int. Explor. scient. Mer Méditerr., 28 (9): 149-151.

Scotto di Carlo B., Hure J. & Miralto, (1975) 1976. - Bathypelagic copepods collected off the Island of Ponza (Mediterranean Sea) in June 1973 and June 1974. Pubbl. Staz. zool. Napoli, 39 (2): 176-186.

Scotto di Carlo B., Ianora A., Fresi E. & Hure J., 1984. - Vertical zonation patterns for Mediterranean copepods from the surface to 3000m at a fixed station in the Tyrrhenian Sea. J. Plankton Res., 6 (6): 1031-1056.

Scrope-Howe S. & Jones D.A., 1985. - Biological studies in the vicinity of a shallow-sea tidal mixing front V. Composition, abundance and distribution of zooplankton in the western Irish Sea, April 1980 to Nov. 1981. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B -Biological Sciences, 310 (1146): 501-519.

Sears M. & Clarke G.L., 1940. - Annual fluctuations in the abundance of marine zooplankton. Biol. Bull., Woods Hole, 79: 321.

Séguin G., 1966. - Contribution à l'étude de la biologie du plancton de surface de la baie de Dakar (Sénegal); Étude quantitative, qualitative et observations écologiques au cours d'un cycle annuel. Bull. Inst. fr. Afr. noire, (A) 28: 1-90.

Séguin G., 1966 a. - Sur le zooplancton recueilli par le Coriolis au large des côtes d'Afrique occidentale. Bull. Inst. fr. Afr. noire, (A) 28: 1332-1355.

Séguin G., 1968. - Contribution à l'étude du zooplancton des côtes nord de la Tunisie. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Comm. int. Explor. scient. Mer Méditerr., 19 (3): 487-490.

Séguin G., 1968 a. - Le plancton de la côte nord de la Tunisie (note préliminaire). Pelagos, 9: 73-84.

Séguin G., 1970. - Zooplancton d'Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire). Cycle annuel (1963-1964). Étude qualitative et quantitative. Bull. Inst. fond. Afr. noire, (A) 32 (3): 607-663.

Séguin G., 1973. - Sur la présence, dans les eaux d'Alger (Algérie) de Copépodes considérés comme d'origine Atlantique. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afr. N, 63 (3-4): 25-31.

Séguin G., 1981. - Cycle annuel des copépodes pélagiques en rade de Villefranche-sur-Mer à partir de l'analyse de prélèvements quotidiens (année 1972). (Bilan quantitatif, qualitatif et écologique). Bull. Écol., 12 (1): 29-60.

Séguin G., 1981 a. - Dynamique des Copépodes pélagiques en rade de Villefranche-sur-Mer à partir de prélèvements quotidiens (année 1972). Bilan quantitatif et écologique. Oceanologica Acta, 4 (4): 405-414.

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Last update : 07/06/2021

 Any use of this site for a publication will be mentioned with the following reference :

Razouls C., Desreumaux N., Kouwenberg J. and de Bovée F., 2005-2025. - Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods (morphology, geographical distribution and biological data). Sorbonne University, CNRS. Available at [Accessed January 23, 2025]

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